Payment system ERP. System "Calculation" - Unified Settlement Information Space

The Unified Settlement Information Space or ERIP, as an established system, appeared in 2016 and is gradually gaining popularity among Belarusbank clients.

This technology allows you to speed up the payment process several times. And it doesn’t matter whether you pay for utilities, internet, credit, telephone, etc. The whole process will take a couple of clicks.

It is expected that in the foreseeable future, ERIP will combine all interbank transactions and allow a client of one bank to calmly pay from a branch of a third-party financial institution or where it is most convenient for him.

What is ERIP

The operating principle of the system is based on collecting information about the client’s latest payments for the reporting period.

For example, if you go to the Belarusbank terminal and pay for utilities through the system, then the payment details can be saved directly in the ERIP account. Then, when making a subsequent payment, you will not need to re-enter your account number and other information. All that remains is to select a card and indicate the payment amount.

The prospects for this method of calculation are enormous. Currently, over 50,000 services are provided on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, ranging from payment for utilities to payments for the Internet. At the same time, a little more than 10,000 services are provided under ERIP. Therefore, there is room to grow.

Payment for ERIP in Belarusbank

Belarusbank does not stand still and also provides payment services using this system. You can use it both through online banking and through company information kiosks and ATMs. We will look at an example through your personal account.

  1. We log into Belarusbank Internet banking.
  2. We choose the ERIP system.
  3. If you have not saved any payments before, you will need to create a new transfer template to make the payment. To do this, click “new payment”. If you already have a template, then simply select it and pay for the service in two clicks.
  4. For a new payment, select a locality. In our example, Minsk.
  5. We move on to the service we need. In the example, we looked at paying utility bills.

  6. We indicate the type of service for payment and enter the necessary personal account information and amount.

After depositing funds, a payment template will be saved for you, according to which you can subsequently transfer funds to the previously specified details.

About ERIP in the video

    3. For payment:
    Training; dormitories; tuition fees -- enter contract number.
    Academic debt - enter number grade book.
    Centralized testing - enter series and passport number, then Surname I.O.
    Tuition Refunds - Enter account number(for information call 3-278 -279)
    Other services - select a service code from the list, then enter Surname I.O.

    Other service codes:

    1 Pool
    2 Photocopy
    3 Reference
    4 Duplicate documents
    5 Conference
    6 Using EBSM
    7 Library
    8 Training courses
    9 Pool+sauna
    10 Cultural events
    11 Gym
    12 Aerobics
    13 Work records
    14 Stadium sauna
    15 Stadium. Football field
    16 Training courses
    17 Paid service "Accommodation at Golubeva, 26,
    18 Basketball
    19 Volleyball
    21 Taikwando
    22 Pilates
    23 Greco-Roman wrestling
    24 Comprehensive wellness service
    25 CDO programming language
    28 Candidate's exam
    29 Seminars
    36 Recovery (debt elimination)
    47 English language CDO
    50 IPKIP courses
    51 FSO training
    53 Art therapy
    56 Basics of sexology CDO
    57 Italian language
    58 Spanish
    62 Makeup Courses
    63 Basics of sand therapy
    64 English language CDO
    65 Arabic
    66 Azerbaijan language
    71 Polish language
    72 German
    73 Pilates CDO course
    74 Aerobics
    79 CDO programming language
    80 Olympiad and CT in chemistry
    81 Sign language CDO
    82 DPI
    83 Basketball Center
    85 Water aerobics
    86 Seminars on off-budget IPK IP
    87 IPK sector (courses)
    101 CDO courses 4+
    111 Vocals
    116 Normalization of muscle tone of the central region
    117 C+++ courses
    131 Lithuanian
    132 ISO correction
    149 Rhythmic gymnastics
    151 THAT
    153 Playing musical instruments
    154 Sign language courses
    156 Course Organization of children's parties
    157 Course Creation of electronic manuals
    160 Course Negotiation Technology
    161 Planetarium courses
    162 Fitness Center Courses
    164 Consultation with the Central Distribution Center
    165 RCT
    167 Choral conducting CDO
    168 Preparation for qualifying work
    169 Metaphorical cards of the central educational center
    170 Designing an open lesson of a central educational center
    171 Gestalt therapy CDO
    172 Computer BasicsCDO
    173 Psychology training courses
    175 Graphical techniques of data center
    176 Solving problems in mathematics CDO
    177 IPC (retraining) Fine Arts
    178 Psychology of replacement family center
    179 Basic CDO techniques
    180 Basics of three-dimensional modeling of data center
    181 NLP
    182 IIE training courses
    183 Development of the emotional sphere of the central educational center
    184 Innovation management
    186 Consultation department foreign languages
    187 Correction work plan
    188 Seminar FEO
    190 Robot programming
    192 Seminars in Primary Education
    193 CDO testing
    195 FEO (consultation)
    196 TNF (consultation)
    197 Historical (consultation)
    198 FSPT (consultation)
    199 Natural science (consultation)
    200 IIO (consultation)
    201 Individual entrepreneur (consultation)
    202 Recruitment
    203 Conflictology
    205 FFF (consultation)
    206 FDO (consultation)
    207 Faculty of Philology (consultation)
    208 Caf. Psychology (consultation)
    209 Taikwando
    210 Hypnosis
    211 Origami
    212 Skill development independent. Behaviors
    213 Olympiad and CT in Russian language
    214 Olympiad and CT in chemistry
    215 Olympiad and CT in Biology
    216 Olympiad and CT in the Belarusian language
    217 Olympiad and CT in mathematics
    218 Olympiad and CT in history
    219 Olympiad and CT in Geography
    220 Seminars on off-budget
    221 IPK sector (courses)
    222 Painting studio
    223 IIO seminars
    224 Office Management Courses
    225 Kids club
    226 FDO seminars
    227 Systemic family Arrangements
    228 FSPT seminars
    230 Cutting and sewing course
    231 Text translation
    232 Add. education for foreign citizens
    233 Paid services CRIT
    234 Summer school
    235 Historical seminars
    236 School of Development
    237 Internship (Institute of Psychology)
    238 Physics-mat consultations
    240 Basketball (Chernov)
    241 Modern dance
    242 Transport services
    243 Excursion
    244 Accommodation at Golubeva, FOREIGNERS
    245 Yoga
    246 Paid services of the School of Development
    247 Consultations for FOREIGN citizens
    248 Editing texts
    249 Children's holiday
    250 Material compensation (damage)
    251 Comprehensive assistance to IIEs
    254 University Saturday
    255 Center for Development of Teacher Education
    256 IT camp
    257 training courses "Psychological service"
    258 Psychological service consultations
    259 Grating of educational publications
    260 Anti-plagiarism

    5. Enter the payment amount (if not specified).
    6. Check the information is correct.
    7. Make a payment.

    * - the sequence of operations may differ slightly depending on the payment method (Internet banking, mobile banking, information kiosk, bank terminals, ATM, etc.)

Payment for goods, services or loans via the Internet – common phenomenon in all countries. In Belarus, many people use a special automated system for this. You can pay for almost everything through ERIP, you just need to follow the instructions.

What can you pay through ERIP?

The ERIP (“”) system has been operating since 2008. During this time, the service included more than 50 thousand items in the list of services provided. This means that more than 10 thousand different companies and organizations cooperate with ERIP, accepting payments through the system.

Help: Using the service, Belarusians can pay loans, taxes, fines, goods in online stores, utilities and much more.

How to pay in ERIP using payer number

Thus, all necessary services are linked to the number. And just make the payment. The user only needs to open the so-called cart payments (this can even be done at the cash desk of Belgazprombank, VTB, etc.), view and select the desired service. There is no need to provide any additional details, since this information is already in the system. But if a person does not use the details for more than 100 days, they are deleted.

How to pay for privatization through ERIP

You can even pay for property privatization through the system. The procedure is very simple, you just need to follow the instructions:

  1. First you need to go to the site.
  2. Go to the “Make payment” section.
  3. Then you need to select a region and open the “Real Estate” tab.
  4. There, open the section “Privatization of residential premises”.
  5. Indicate the contract number and amount (usually it is indicated automatically).
  6. Confirm payment.

The contract number can be obtained from the district or city administration.

How to pay utilities

Residents of Belarus can easily pay for electricity, gas or water using the "". To do this you need:

If you need to transfer funds for the owners' association, then instead of the utility provider, you need to select the "Payments through CIT" section. In this case, 11 digits of the personal account are indicated.

How to pay a loan through ERIP

You can also pay for loans online. Since lending in the Republic of Belarus is provided by a large number of banks, they all cooperate with the system. For example, it is very easy to pay for any loan Belgazprombank via ERIP. This also applies to Delay express lending.

So, to pay off a loan or put money on a credit card, you need to:

  1. Go on the website.
  2. Open the “Financial Services” section.
  3. Select the desired bank (Belarusbank, VTB).
  4. Open the “Loan payment” tab.
  5. Indicate the number of the agreement with the financial institution.
  6. Specify the amount.
  7. Confirm the transaction.

You can also pay through the ERIP loan from Belarusbank.

How to pay in installments through ERIP

Installment plans, leasing and other types of lending are paid through "" in almost the same way. The payer only needs to know the payment details (contract number and amount). The transfer can be made using online banking, through an ATM or information kiosk, as well as in cash at the bank’s cash desk. For example, it is very easy to pay installments of VTB Bank through the ERIP system or installments in the 5 Element store.

Other payments

How to pay for ERIP Belarus from Russia

You cannot use ERIP in Russia, since the system only supports Belarusian banks. But residents of Belarus can make purchases in Russian online stores and pay for them through “”. For this, the Yandex. service is used. Cash register". Previously, this required entering bank card details on the store’s website or using payment systems.

Payment nuances

In order for the payment to be completed successfully, you must follow the payment instructions. But sometimes this is not enough, as there are various nuances. First of all, this concerns the commission. The service does not charge additional fees for use, but there are commissions from banks and payment systems.

If the payer is forced to confirm the payment through ERIP using a receipt, then this is illegal. Recipients do not need to present any checks, receipts or other documents. According to Belarusian laws, the recipient can independently verify the payment has been made using the payer’s number.

Rarely, but still many users of the service make erroneous payments. That is, the money goes to the wrong places. There is a simple way out of this situation. This is a cancellation of the transfer on the day of sending. The payer needs to dial 141 and provide the operator with all information about the transaction. If payment has not yet been sent, a refund will be issued. If the transaction is successful, then the money can only be returned from the recipient.

In order to correctly pay for “utilities”, for example, the use of water, you need to indicate the current meter readings. There is no need to calculate anything, since the system will carry out all the necessary calculations on its own. If the payer does not know the meter readings, then there is no need to write anything.

Another interesting payment method is using a service code. This code can be obtained from the operator by calling 141, or on the website. Transferring money is very simple. You just need to indicate the code of the selected service and the system itself will indicate all the necessary details.

The advantage of using the service is the security of payments made. The transaction is carried out in such a way that the card or virtual wallet data remains unknown to the recipient. Only the minimum information is used.

Payment through this electronic system is very simple. Convenience also lies in the fact that you can transfer money not only on the Internet. The user can select a bank cash desk or terminal to send the required amount to the recipient in a few minutes. There are no problems with financial institutions or payment systems either, since almost all organizations in the Republic of Belarus work with

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Ten years have passed since the launch of a unified automated settlement system. The initiator was the Belarusian National Bank, and the initial goal was to simplify payment for the services of utilities and communication providers. The expansion of the partner network makes EIP payments popular and rational. ERIP participants receive benefits after connecting and reduce the time it takes to complete payments by following the established instructions.

About the system

Wages and pensions, fees and money for work performed began to settle in accounts in financial institutions. A citizen acquires taxpayer status and reports annually to the tax authorities.

Banknotes are losing their appeal given the benefits of debit cards. The funds of the family budget are protected, discounts and bonuses are attached to the plastic.

Electronic payment of monthly receipts saves a lot of money. ERIP reduces the number of intermediaries, and all that remains is to conclude an agreement with the National Bank. Ordinary citizens and companies have managed to appreciate the convenience of automation.

An organization without an IT infrastructure will be able to resort to the help of aggregators that provide outsourcing services for interaction with ERIP. After identification, residents make payments in their personal account and using their smartphone after installing the application. You can contact the office of a financial institution and use numerous self-service devices to pay for services, taxes, fines and goods selected in online stores.

How to connect?

Connection to ERIP occurs independently or with the help of specialized services. An application is sent via the Internet to the intermediary portal (express payments, my home, easypay, assist).

Information for the questionnaire is sent, and a set of documentation is prepared. The verification will allow you to send the papers to the regional office and conclude an agreement.

The service provider will be included in the ERIP tree, and all that remains is to make a trial random payment. Signing the paper about readiness will lead to working mode.

The first payment legalizes the payer number. The code combination in ERIP will save information about transactions and will always be present on the receipt.

Documentation package

The documentation package contains standard papers (aggregator regulations, affiliation agreement, questionnaire, act) and photocopies. They will prove that they have passed state registration and have a license for the type of activity. Documentation for the responsible employee with the right to sign is presented separately.

Application Form

When filling out the form, try to fill in the empty fields correctly. Enter the full name of the company along with information about services and products. The postal, email and legal address is indicated.

Contact persons with telephone numbers and email addresses are indicated. You will need to immediately think of a login and code combination to get into your account. The service staff will provide answers if you have any questions.


The desire to become a participant in the ERIP will allow you to divide your preparation into stages. The applicant will need:

  • select a service and send a request;
  • get answers and fill out a special form;
  • collect a package of documentation with the involvement of an intermediary;
  • prepare your own account in accordance with the requirements;
  • provide technical configuration of the module and control system;
  • conduct an audit and sign an agreement;
  • wait until the end of the check to register with ERIP.

The test payment should convince that the requirements are met. The regular mode speaks of automation of the process and the beginning of a successful partnership.


The exact timing depends on the level of preparedness and the chosen service. The time period is within one to two weeks.


There is no connection fee. The rate is included for monthly service and varies from 0.8 to 1 percent. The minimum starts from 0.3 percent of 75 thousand rubles. ERIP takes 2 percent of the payment.

How to pay through the system?

The first payment will require the most effort. The current instructions recommend:

  • choose a convenient payment method - online in your account, cash register or self-service device;
  • clarify information about the company that acted as the recipient of funds;
  • make a payment and do not forget about the check with a unique payer code;
  • When making further payments on your account, find the Settlement section of the system;
  • choose the right company or service;
  • rewrite the code designation and amount;
  • Confirm using the code sent via SMS.

Entering information will lead to subsequent payment of the payment to a single personal account. The fields in ERIP will be filled in automatically.

What does the service include?

Acceleration of payments led to the connection of over 11,000 organizations, private firms and individual entrepreneurs. The list of services in ERIP is extensive and includes 52 thousand items.

The payment affects mobile communications and traffic inspector fines, utility receipts and taxes, kindergarten and loan obligations, bills for purchased products and tickets, including transport fares and lotteries. Cash, debit and electronic money are accepted.

How to pay for privatization?

The privatization of property has not been left behind. Follow the proven sequence:

  • specifying the code designation and login leads to access to the account;
  • the “Make payment” tab will lead to the selection of the region and property location;
  • in the privatization section, the contract numbering is rewritten;
  • The amount is indicated and confirmed.

Repayment of utilities

Monthly receipts for the consumption of water, gas, electricity and heat lead to similar actions. After entering the office:

  • find the tab for payment of services and point of residence;
  • in the utility payments section, select a service provider;
  • copy down the personal account (10 digits) and personal information, not forgetting to indicate the period and meter readings.

The final check will allow payment to be processed once payment has been confirmed. When transferring to an owners' association, they indicate 11 digits of the account instead of ten.

Loan payment

The country's financial institutions have been cooperating with ERIP for a long time. The end of the reporting period indicates the speedy repayment of debt. The borrower will be able to log into his account:

  • select the financial services section and the lending bank;
  • In the loan payments tab, enter the number of the concluded agreement;
  • indicate the payment amount taking into account the method of repayment.

The annuity option involves paying back equal parts, while the differentiated option constantly changes the size. All that remains is to confirm the payment.

Pay in installments

Types of loans include leasing and installment financing. The known transaction is repeated with the contract number and amount entered. Funds are deposited in the office and office, using information kiosks and self-service devices.

Other payments

Educational services have not been forgotten. Entering your place of residence will allow you to select the section of education and your kindergarten. The indicated service is related to replenishing the child’s account, paying for a club and lunches, or charity.

ERIP will help you deposit money for obtaining a document and passport. The selected region will lead to the sections of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Citizenship and Migration. The category and type of service is determined, the identification number and amount are recorded.

View completed transaction

It is easy to look at the history of the payment. The assigned number is entered on the account and a section of the latest paid transactions using ERIP opens. All details will be saved in the form.

You can pay for your purchase using international bank cards VISA (all types), MasterCard (including Maestro), issued by any bank in the world, as well as cards of the system BELKART And American Express. We recommend that you contact your bank in advance to make sure that your card can be used for online payments. About the payment procedure using BELKART cards.

To make a purchase using a card, you do not need to register in the Assist system. There is no additional commission charged to the buyer.
When choosing to pay for an order using a bank card, payment processing (including entering the bank card number) is carried out LLC Electronic Payment Company ASSIST using software and hardware complex ASSIST electronic payment systems, which has passed international certification.

In a system that ensures payment security, the secure TLS protocol is used for transferring confidential information from the client to the server and further processing in the processing center. This means that the payer’s confidential data (card details, registration data, etc.) are not sent to the online store, their processing is completely protected, and no one can obtain the client’s personal and banking data. In addition, when processing payments by bank cards, secure technology is used 3D-Secure, which is required by the international payment systems VISA and MasterCard.

The payment procedure is as follows:

  1. The buyer selects goods in the online store, creating an individual order-basket
  2. When placing an order, the Buyer selects the payment method by plastic card
  3. After clicking on the "Order Confirmation" button, the system will direct you to the website of the electronic payment provider Assist, which ensures payment security. The authorization server establishes a connection with the Buyer via the secure TLS protocol (as evidenced by the green padlock on the left, next to the server address in the address entry line in the browser), and receives from the Buyer the parameters of his bank card (card number, card expiration date, holder name cards in the transcription as indicated on the bank card, as well as the CVC2* or CVV2* number indicated on the back of the card).

    * The CVV2/CVC2 code is a three-digit control number that is printed on the back of the bank card. This number is usually printed in the upper right corner of the special signature strip. Entering the number is necessary to ensure that the card is being used by the real owner.

  4. After successfully entering the card details and payment, the client returns to the page of our online store. We are starting to complete the order.

Bank card data entry page on the ASSIST server.

The online payment transaction by bank card is completely confidential and secure. Your personal data and card details are entered not on the page of our website, but on the authorization page of the payment system, and our website does not have access to this information. Data from you is transmitted to the ASSIST servers using the TLS secure data transfer protocol, and secure Internet payment technologies Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode are also used.

  • There are not enough funds on the card to pay for the order
  • the bank that issued the Buyer’s card has banned online payments
  • The timeout for entering bank card data has expired
  • the entered data was not confirmed by you on the payment page, data format error, etc.
  • contact the bank that issued your card for clarification
  • if the Bank cannot resolve the problem, try again to pay using a card issued by another Bank.