Assessment of the economic security of an enterprise. B1.V.OD.7 Theory and methodology of economic security management Introduction and relevance of the study

The basic concept of the general theory of economic security - the term “security” - appeared in ancient times. The first interpretations of the concept of “security” arose in ancient times. The first mention of security was made in the 28th chapter of the Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament of the Bible. Translated from Greek, the term “security” means “to be in control of the situation.” Thus, Aristotle reduced the content of security to the problem of self-preservation. And now a person lives surrounded by various threats, risks and dangers that exist both within the human community and associated with the activities, including economic, of various entities, and outside the human community, for example, natural disasters.

The term “security” began to be used in 1190 and meant the calm state of mind of a person who considers himself protected from any danger. However, this term was used in this meaning until the 17th century. quite rare. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. in almost all countries the dominant view is that the main purpose of the state is the general welfare and security. Since that time, the term “security” has acquired a new interpretation as a situation of calm, the absence of real danger (physical, moral), as well as material, economic, political and conditions; relevant bodies and organizations contributing to the creation of this provision.

The characteristics of the term “security” and the definition of its essence are necessary in order to understand and realize the meaning of the category “economic security”. Security is a state of a subject in which the probability of a change in the qualities inherent in this subject and the parameters of its external environment is small, less than a certain interval. The “desirable” state of a subject is determined by a specific combination of vital parameters. Depending on the change in this combination, the concept of a “desirable” change will also change. Thus, it is equally important for the subject to correctly assess the level of security. The subject's assessment of security may not coincide with its actual level. The depth of this discrepancy depends on the completeness and depth of information about the current situation, on the degree of influence of its changes on the state of security, etc.

In Russia, in the “Regulations on measures to protect state order and public peace” dated August 14, 1881, the term “state security” was used, which was identified with the term “public security”. After a certain period of time, the term “protection of public safety” was legislated.

In the USSR, the term “state security” was legislated in July 1934.

Modern approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “security” appeared relatively recently - in the twentieth century, which is largely due to ongoing wars, revolutions, and the increased danger of man-made and environmental disasters. As a result, the concept of “security” has seen a shift in emphasis from the individual (person) to society, the state, and the global space. This, in turn, has brought the problem of security to one of the first places in the life of any state, and its provision has become a priority of state policy.

After solving the problem of security in society, with its practical implementation, there is a variety of phenomena in the natural, material and, above all, social environment, the properties of which and the relationships between which characterize either an existing threat (possibly a promising one), or positive trends in the development of society in the country. The level of security is the result of certain processes, only a small proportion of which is associated with natural phenomena occurring outside the sphere of organized human activity, that is, the institutional sphere (spontaneous natural processes). Of primary importance are controlled processes in which the subject (i.e., the source of active influences) are government bodies. The object of these managerial influences is a complex of conditions and factors that, to one degree or another, influence the equilibrium state of the system of social relations, that is, the security of society. Over the long period of evolution of the concept of “security,” many of its interpretations and approaches to its formation have emerged. At the same time, the analysis of different approaches allows us to give three interrelated characteristics of the concept of “social security”:

1) consistency of the system of objective laws of the functioning of society;

2) stability and balance of the system of social relations, ensuring the unity and interdependence of interests in society;

3) the stability of the reproduction of motives for positive behavior and productive interaction among different social communities in the system under consideration.

Economic security is one of the most important components of the national security of a state; therefore, it is extremely important for any state to solve the problem of ensuring its economic security.

The concept of “economic security” appeared in world economic science and practice in the twentieth century. It is generally accepted that the term “economic security” was introduced by US President T. Roosevelt in 1934, when he created the Federal Committee on Economic Security in connection with the awareness of the need for state regulation of the economy and the rejection of the classical practice of state non-interference in economic life. Since then, the issue of economic security has not lost its relevance, and during the period of aggravation of the economic situation it was especially acute.

In Russia, problems of economic security have become especially significant in connection with the transition from an administrative planned economic system to a market system. The urgency of the problem of ensuring the economic security of the country and economic entities was determined by serious crisis phenomena in the process of reforming the existing economic system, based on objective laws and principles of management that are different from the market system. New socio-economic and political conditions required qualitatively different approaches to ensuring the effective functioning and development of the national economy, based on the laws of the market, the principles of remuneration and profitability, and criteria of comparative efficiency. The concept of “economic security” has received further development, and ways to ensure it have become one of the problems that attract the closest attention of various specialists in the field of economics, politics, and international relations.

Organizational structures that purposefully and systematically protect national economic security began to form only in the twentieth century. However, theoretical awareness of the significance of the problem of protecting national economic security occurred almost a century before the formation of Roosevelt's Federal Committee.

Let us highlight the theoretical concepts of national economic security - these are all basic economic theories that reveal the essence, content, types of economic security, understanding of its main threats and mechanisms of support, directions of effective economic policy of the national state.

Over the past century and a half, three main approaches of economic theorists have emerged on what should be considered the main threat to national economic security and how to deal with it (Table 1.1):

1) cameralist concept of protecting foreign economic security (from the mid-nineteenth century);

2) Keynesian concept of protection against internal macroeconomic threats (from the second third of the twentieth century);

3) institutional concept of protection from administrative barriers (since the end of the twentieth century).

Table 1.1

Basic concepts of economic security 1

Characteristics of Paradigms Cameralist concept Keynesian concept Institutional concept
Time of origin, founder of the concept 1840s, Friedrich List 1930s, John M. Keynes 1980s, Hernando de Soto
Understanding the main threat to national economic security Competition or other actions of foreign states Market failures - instability of economic growth, unemployment, inflation
“Failures” of the state - administrative barriers, rent-seeking
The goal of the struggle for national economic security Economic independence Economic and social stability "Rule of Law", protection of property rights
Methods of struggle for national economic security Protectionist trade policy State regulation of production, employment and money circulation Reducing registration payment procedures, fighting bureaucracy and corruption


1 This section uses materials from the work of Yu.V. Latova and the Russian shadow economy in the context of national economic security* (TERRA ECONOMICUS 2007. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 16-27).

In order to understand and realize the meaning of the category “economic security”, it is necessary to characterize the term “security” and determine what its essence is. Security is a state of a subject in which the probability of a change in the qualities inherent in this subject and the parameters of its external environment is small, less than a certain interval. The “desirable” state of a subject is determined by a specific combination of vital parameters.

Depending on the change in this combination, the concept of a “desirable” change will also change.

Thus, it is equally important for the subject to correctly assess the level of security. The subject's assessment of security may not coincide with its actual level. The depth of this discrepancy depends on the completeness and depth of information about the current situation, on the degree of influence of its changes on the state of security, etc.

In general, the category of economic security is interpreted differently in the scientific literature. So, for example, according to V. Tambovtsev, “... the economic security of a particular system must be understood as the totality of properties of the state of its production subsystem, which ensures the ability to achieve the goals of the entire system.”

V. A. Savin believes that “economic security” represents a system for protecting the vital interests of Russia. The objects of protection can be: the national economy of the country as a whole, individual regions of the country, individual spheres and sectors of the economy, legal entities and individuals as subjects of economic activity.

According to L.I. Abalkin, “economic security” is a state of the economic system that allows it to develop dynamically, efficiently and solve social problems, and in which the state has the opportunity to develop and implement an independent economic policy.

So, in the general sense of the word, economic security should be understood as the most important qualitative characteristic of an economic system, determining its ability to maintain normal living conditions for the population and a sustainable provision of resources for the development of the national economy.

Ensuring economic security is a guarantee of the country's independence, a condition for stability and effective functioning of society, and achieving success. This is explained by the fact that the economy is one of the vital aspects of the activities of society, the state and the individual, and, therefore, the concept of national security will be an empty word without assessing the viability of the economy, its strength in the face of possible external and internal threats.

Therefore, ensuring economic security is one of the most important national priorities. Frivolity and attempts to downplay the threatening dangers are unacceptable here. The role of science in developing the concept of economic security is very large and responsible. Moreover, we are not just talking about verbal exercises and not about searching for beautiful formulas, various types of classifications of dangers - external and internal, long-term and current. It is fundamentally important to reveal the very essence of the problem, identify real threats, and offer reliable and effective methods for repelling them. Of course, economic security is organically included in the state security system, along with such components as ensuring the country’s reliable defense capability, maintaining social peace in society, and protecting against environmental disasters. Everything here is interconnected, and one direction complements the other: there can be no military security in a weak and inefficient economy, just as there can be neither military security nor an effective economy in a society torn apart by social conflicts. But when considering certain aspects of security, one cannot ignore their economic aspects. Economic security is traditionally considered as a qualitatively important characteristic of an economic system, which determines its ability to maintain normal living conditions of the population, sustainable provision of resources for the development of the national economy, as well as the consistent implementation of national and state interests.

Economic security itself has a complex internal structure, in which three of its most important elements can be distinguished:

1. Economic independence is not absolute because the international division of labor makes national economies interdependent on each other. In these conditions, economic independence means the ability to control national resources, achieving a level of production, efficiency and quality of products that ensures its competitiveness and allows it to participate on equal terms in world trade, cooperation ties and the exchange of scientific and technical achievements.

2. Stability and sustainability of the national economy, which implies the protection of property in all its forms, the creation of reliable conditions and guarantees for entrepreneurial activity, the containment of factors that can destabilize the situation (the fight against criminal structures in the economy, the prevention of serious gaps in the distribution of income that threaten to cause social upheaval etc.).

3. The ability for self-development and progress, which is especially important in the modern, dynamically developing world. Creating a favorable climate for investment and innovation, constant modernization of production, increasing the professional, educational and general cultural level of workers are becoming necessary and mandatory conditions for the sustainability and self-preservation of the national economy.

Elements of economic security can be presented in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - Elements of economic security

Thus, economic security is a set of conditions and factors that ensure the independence of the national economy, its stability and sustainability, the ability for constant renewal and self-improvement. The deepest crisis that has gripped Russian society significantly complicates the solution of problems associated with repelling threats to economic security. To better understand the essence of economic security, it is important to understand its connection with the concepts of “development” and “sustainability”.

Development is one of the components of economic security. After all, if the economy does not develop, then the possibilities of its survival, as well as resistance and adaptability to internal and external threats, are sharply reduced.

Stability and security are the most important characteristics of the economy as a single system. They should not be opposed; each of them characterizes the state of the economy in its own way. The stability of an economy characterizes the strength and reliability of its elements, vertical, horizontal and other connections within the system, and the ability to withstand internal and external “loads.”

Security is the state of an object in the system of its connections from the point of view of the ability of self-survival in conditions of internal and external threats, as well as the action of unpredictable and difficult to predict factors.

For economic security, it is not the indicators themselves that matter, but their threshold values. Threshold values ​​are limit values, non-compliance with the values ​​of which impedes the normal course of development of various elements of reproduction and leads to the formation of negative, destructive trends in the field of economic security. Examples (in relation to internal threats) include the unemployment rate, the income gap between the most and least affluent groups of the population, and inflation rates.

Approaching their maximum permissible value indicates an increase in threats to the socio-economic stability of society, and exceeding the maximum, or threshold, values ​​indicates the entry of society into a zone of instability and social conflicts, that is, a real erosion of economic security. From the point of view of external threats, indicators may include the maximum permissible level of public debt, the maintenance or loss of positions in the world market, the dependence of the national economy and its most important sectors (including the defense industry) on the import of foreign equipment, components or raw materials.

The criterion of economic security is an assessment of the state of the economy from the point of view of the most important processes that reflect the essence of economic security.

The safety criteria include assessments:

1) resource potential and opportunities for its development;

2) the level of efficiency in the use of resources, capital and labor and its correspondence to the level in the most developed and advanced countries, as well as the level at which threats of external and internal nature are minimized;

3) competitiveness of the economy;

4) integrity of the territory and economic space;

5) sovereignty, independence and the ability to resist external threats, social stability and conditions for the prevention and resolution of social conflicts.

A system of indicator indicators that have received quantitative expression allows you to signal in advance about an impending danger and take measures to prevent it. It is important to emphasize that the highest degree of safety is achieved provided that the entire set of indicators is within the permissible limits of its threshold values, and the threshold values ​​of one indicator are achieved without compromising others. For example, reducing the inflation rate to the maximum level should not lead to an increase in the unemployment rate above the permissible limit, or reducing the budget deficit to a threshold value should not lead to a complete freeze of capital investment and a drop in production, etc.

Consequently, we can conclude that beyond the threshold values, the national economy loses the ability for dynamic self-development, competitiveness in external and domestic markets, becomes the object of expansion of foreign and transnational monopolies, is corroded by the ulcers of corruption and crime, and suffers from internal and external theft of national wealth.

Among the indicators of economic security, the following indicators can be distinguished:

Economic growth (dynamics and structure of national production and income, indicators of volumes and rates of industrial production, sectoral structure of the economy and dynamics of individual industries, capital investments, etc.);

Characterizing the natural resource, production, scientific and technical potential of the country;

Characterizing the dynamism and adaptability of the economic mechanism, as well as its dependence on external factors (inflation level, consolidated budget deficit, the effect of foreign economic factors, stability of the national currency, internal and external debt);

Quality of life (GDP per capita, level of income differentiation, provision of major groups of the population with material goods and services, working ability of the population, state of the environment, etc.).

Threshold levels of safety reduction can be characterized by a system of indicators of general economic and socio-economic significance, reflecting, in particular:

The maximum permissible level of reduction in economic activity, production volumes, investment and financing, beyond which the independent economic development of the country on a technically modern, competitive basis, the preservation of the democratic foundations of the social system, the maintenance of defense, scientific and technical, innovation, investment and educational potential are impossible;

The maximum permissible decrease in the level and quality of life of the bulk of the population, beyond whose borders there is a danger of uncontrolled social, labor, interethnic and other conflicts; there is a threat of loss of the most productive part of the national “human capital” and the nation as an organic part of a civilized community;

The maximum permissible level of reducing the costs of maintaining and reproducing natural ecological potential, beyond which there is a danger of irreversible destruction of elements of the natural environment, loss of vital resource sources of economic growth, as well as significant areas of residence, production and recreation, causing irreparable damage to the health of the current and future generations, etc.

The level of economic security is determined by the following factors:

The geopolitical and economic-geographical position of the country and the related placement of productive forces on the territory of the country, access to domestic and foreign strategic resources;

The economic and military-political power of the country and its competitive position in the world economic system in strategically important types of economic activity;

The orientation of the country's institutional system to support sectors of the national economy, on which the level of economic security depends;

Priorities of the state's economic policy in relation to the determinants that ensure competitive advantages of sectors and enterprises of the national economy;

Priorities of the state's economic policy in relation to the socio-economic and environmental spheres, ensuring the achievement of international standards of quality of life for the country's population;

Parameters of sectoral and regional structures of GDP, taking into account the strategic importance of sectors of the national economy and regions of the country to ensure economic security;

The listed factors essentially reflect the range of external and internal threats to economic security. Each threat poses a certain degree of danger to the country, which, in turn, predetermines the priorities for countering these threats. External and internal threats to economic security are presented in Table 1.1. economic security Chelyabinsk

Table 1.1 - External and internal threats to economic security

External threats

Insider threats

1 Threats caused by the geopolitical position of the country (aggression, military-political conflicts, terrorism, etc.)

1 Threats caused by the irrational economic policy of the state in relation to the social sphere, causing high levels of poverty, criminalization and social tension in society

2 Threats caused by the economic expansion of dominant economies and dominant military-political alliances

2 Threats caused by irrational sectoral and regional structure of GDP

3 Threats caused by import intervention in domestic markets of strategically important goods and services

2 3 Threats caused by the imperfection of the institutional environment in relation to the environment and irrational economic policy in relation to externalities arising in the process of economic activity.

In the economic sphere, the threats are complex and are caused by: a reduction in GDP; decrease in investment and innovation activity; decrease in scientific and technical potential; stagnation of the agricultural sector; imbalance of the banking system; growth of external and internal debt; the predominance of fuel, raw materials and energy components in export supplies; predominance in imports of food and consumer goods, including basic necessities and medicines.

Summarizing the above, we can say that economic security is the ability of the economy to ensure the effective satisfaction of social needs at the national and international levels. In other words, economic security is a set of internal and external conditions conducive to the effective dynamic growth of the national economy, its ability to satisfy the needs of society, the state, the individual, to ensure competitiveness in external and internal markets, guaranteeing against various types of threats and losses.

From this we can draw two conclusions: First. The economic security of the country must be ensured, first of all, by the efficiency of the economy itself, that is, along with protective measures carried out by the state, it must protect itself on the basis of high labor productivity, product quality, etc. Second. Ensuring the economic security of the country is not the prerogative of any one government department or service.

It must be supported by the entire system of government bodies, all links and structures of the economy.


The article examines the theoretical aspects of economic security, identifying its concept and essence. Various methods for assessing economic security are presented.

  • Analysis of the composition, dynamics and structure of the household budget

The economic security of the country is one of the most important functional areas, since without sufficient economic support it is impossible to talk about national stability, sustainable development, and self-sufficiency of the economy.

Economic security is a state of the economy in which the protection of national, regional, local and personal socio-economic interests in the face of negative impacts is achieved through the introduction of institutional management standards enshrined in regulatory legal acts.

An effective economic security system will allow the state to respond in a timely manner to internal and external threats.

To determine the level of economic security, different methods are used. In general, they can be presented in the form of 4 groups (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Basic methods of economic security

Also, in addition to the main methods for assessing economic security, there are a number of other methods that are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Economic security methods

Let's take a closer look at each method:

1. Scenario analysis and processing method

The essence of this method lies in organizing the interaction of highly qualified specialists from various fields in the development and conclusion of complex socio-political and socio-economic problems with the introduction of advanced mathematical modeling.

2. Optimization methods

As a rule, these methods are used in the analytical description of the studied processes to synthesize any selected aspect of financial security. This option significantly limits the scope of the criteria, because the actual processes of state formation are characterized by almost all indicators, some of them cannot be quantified in a simple analytical form.

3. Game-theoretic methods

These methods are aimed at considering bilateral and multilateral acute conflict situations and synthesizing the management characteristics of the conflicting parties, taking into account their impact on each other. These methods provide excellent results in cases where real processes have a good chance of being converted into games.

4. Pattern recognition methods

The exact basis of the concept of pattern recognition involves a set of methods of mathematical statistics, probability theory, game theory, data concepts, statistical relationship theory.

5. Methods of the theory of fuzzy systems

These methods are more advanced means of studying complex issues. They make it possible to formalize incorrect, imperfect, often ambiguous knowledge that is used in the arguments of specialists, i.e. translate computer speech to natural language for specialists. Today, this method is one of the few that mathematically works with the semantic content of our words.

6. Methods of multivariate statistical analysis

The essence of this method is the transition from the initial concept, usually highly correlated financial characteristics, to new, previously uncorrelated components or conditions, the number of which is less than limits the entire or extremely probable part of the variability of the initial characteristics. This task is entirely satisfied by the method of component analysis, which belongs to one of the methods of factor analysis.

Each of these methods for assessing economic security has its own pros and cons, which are expressed to varying degrees, depending on the existing material used, computer computing capabilities and the presence of appropriate software. Therefore, the combined use of these methods with the rapid and flexible connection of a specific method depending on the problem is considered more effective.

When assessing the economic security of any state, they mainly use expert assessment methods. This method is intended to describe the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the processes being studied. Logical decision rules are used, which are formed by experts based on their own ideas and knowledge in any problem area. These include, in particular, a point assessment of the level of crisis and ranking of territories according to the degree of threat to economic security, based on an analysis of the results of recognizing actual indicators of economic security using sequential decisions, the adoption of rules obtained after training on the proposed sets of economic security indicators.

There is also the following group of methods for assessing economic security, which is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Methods for assessing economic security

We can also distinguish the following classification of methods for assessing economic security, which is presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Methods for assessing economic security

The economic security of each independent state belonging to an economic union is guaranteed both by its own personal efforts and by collective security made by the supranational bodies of this union. The priority task of each developing state is to overcome the economic crisis, guarantee measured financial development, and then, through all kinds of financial reforms, find its own niche in the economy of developing states. This extremely complex problem can only be resolved in close cooperation with other countries.

It should be noted that there are no generally accepted methods for assessing economic security. The most important element of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of society is the activity of the state to identify and prevent internal and external threats to the security of the economy, especially in the current socio-political situation in Russia. In modern practice, there is a system of various methods that determine the level of economic security. However, the reliability of the methods is determined by the applicability of the assessment results in practice, as well as its universality.


  1. Arkhipov, A.B. Economic security: assessments, problems, methods of ensuring // Questions of Economics. – 2015. – No. 9. – P. 236.
  2. Bostanjyan, V.D. Fundamentals of economic security M.: Alfa, 2016. – P. 287.
  3. Moiseev, N.V. Criteria for economic security // Questions of Economics, 2015. – No. 12. – P. 35–58.

Learning outcomes
UK OS-1.1

Scope of discipline

Place of discipline

Discipline B1.V.OD.7 Theory and methodology of economic security management refers to the mandatory disciplines of the variable part of Block 1 of the master's training plan in the direction of 38.04.02 “Management” program “Economic Security Management”. The discipline is studied in the 1st year in the 1st semester for full-time students.

Mastering the discipline is based on general economic knowledge acquired at the previous stage of education.

The discipline is implemented in conjunction with the study of such disciplines as: B1.B.4 Development of management decisions, B1.B.1 History and methodology of economic science and management.

Table 1

No. Name of topics (sections) Scope of discipline, Academic. hour/Astronomer. hour. Form of ongoing progress monitoring, intermediate certification
Total Contact work between students and teachers by type of training sessions SR
Part-time study 1 semester
Topic 1 Basic provisions of security theory: terms and definitions. National security of Russia. 19/14,25 1/0,75 2/1,5 16/12 D R
Topic 2 19/14,25 1/0,75 2/1,5 16/12 D R T
Topic 3 The role and place of economic security in the national security system The essence, strategic goals and objectives of ensuring economic security 19/14,25 1/0,75 2/1,5 16/12 D R T
Topic 4 Types of economic security of Russia in the context of global development 19/14,25 1/0,75 2/1,5 16/12 D R T
Topic 5 Methodological basis for assessing the level of economic security 20/15 1/0,75 2/1,5 17/12,75 D R T
Topic 6 Threats and threshold values ​​of economic security indicators 20/15 1/0,75 2/1,5 17/12,75 D R T
Topic 7 Organizational structures and legal support for economic security 19/14,25 2/1,5 17/12,75 D R T
Topic 8 Formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring economic security 19/14,25 2/1,5 17/12,75 D R T
Topic 9 Innovative paradigm of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring economic security 17/12,75 17/12,75 D R T
Interim certification Exam
Control 9/6,75
Total: 180/135 6/4,5 16/12 149/111,75

Forms of current control: Discussion (D), abstract (R), test (T).

Topic 2. Russia in the context of globalization

1. Economic macro- and microsystems: essence, characteristics, patterns.

2. Economic interests and goals of the individual and society: problems of coordination and coordination.

3. The role and functions of the state in the functioning of economic systems. Micro and macro aspects of the formation of the economic policy (strategy) of the state.

4. The concept of ensuring economic security in macro- and microsystems. Macro and microeconomic parameters as indicators of economic security.

5. Objects and subjects of security of macro- and microeconomic systems.

6.International, national and regional levels of economic security.

7. Security in system-critical areas.

Sample essay topics

1. Economic macro- and microsystems: essence, characteristics, patterns

2. Mechanisms of imbalance in the economic system that worsen its security, and ways to overcome them.

Approximate list of topics for discussion

1. Economic policy and indicators of economic security of the country and region.

2. Types of economic policies

3. Anti-crisis economic policy

4. System and mechanisms for ensuring economic security of Russia

5. The role of the state in ensuring economic security

6. State strategy for economic security of the Russian Federation.

1 Economic policy of the state and its main links.

2 Social policy in the economic security system.

3 Investments and innovations in the economic security system.

4 Shadow economy as a threat to the economic security of the country.

5 Economic and social situation of regions in the Russian Federation at the present stage.

6 The role of the banking system in the economic security system.

Content test:

Approximate list of topics for discussion

1 Characteristics of the main types of regions of Russia, their main features.

2 Main parameters of economic security of the region

3 Regional conditions for the emergence of crisis situations and their diagnosis.

4 Scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of a regional economic security management system

5 Main types of threats to the economic interests of the region and methods for their diagnosis.

6 Methods and mechanisms for neutralizing threats to economic security

7. Composition of threshold values ​​of economic security indicators at the regional level

8. Systematization of threshold levels of regional differentiation.

9. Features of the formation of a mechanism for ensuring economic security of the regions of the Russian Federation

Sample essay topics

1 Regional aspects of ensuring economic security

2 Regions of Russia - trends in the accumulation of threats to economic security. Main parameters of the region's economic security

3 Depressed regions - the reality of the emergence of socio-economic conflicts and possible

4 Regional conditions for the emergence of crisis situations and their diagnosis and ways to solve them

Approximate list of topics for discussion

1. The organization’s security system, its main components.

2. Object, subject and principles of ensuring the security of the organization.

3. Classification of levels of economic security of enterprises.

4. Criteria and indicators of economic security of an enterprise.

5. Toolkit for operational management of an organization.

6. Industry specialization in determining the level of economic security.

7. Types of threats to economic security characteristic of industrial enterprises.

8. Types of threats to economic security characteristic of enterprises engaged in the construction sector

9. Types of threats to economic security characteristic of transport and communications enterprises.

10. Types of threats to economic security characteristic of wholesale and retail trade enterprises.

11. Types of threats to economic security characteristic of service sector enterprises.

12. Management of the economic security of the enterprise

13. Characteristics of the main regulatory legal acts regulating the economic security of the enterprise

14. Creation and organizational structure of enterprise security services

Project assignment

For your enterprise or organization, characterize threats to economic security and tools for managing them

Content test:

1.The current range of threats to Russia’s economic security does not include:

1. Economic threats;

2. Military-political threats;

3. Social threats;

4. Resource threats.

The correct answer is -4.

2. Based on the types of threats, economic security can be divided into:

1. Objective threats;

2. Subjective threats;

3. External threats;

4. Internal threats;

5. All answers are correct.

The correct answer is -5.

3. Direct threats to economic security do not include:

1. Decline in production;

2. Withdrawal of capital abroad;

3. Deterioration of innovative potential;

4. Rising unemployment.

The correct answer is -3.

4. Internal threats to economic security do not include:

1. Population decline;

2. Criminalization of the economy;

3. Property differentiation of the population;

4. Fuel and raw materials orientation of Russian exports.

The correct answer is -5.

5. External threats to Russia’s economic security do not include:

1. Predominance in the import of consumer goods;

2. Fuel and raw materials orientation of Russian exports;

3. Population decline;

4. Weak government support for exports.

The correct answer is -3.

6. Methods for assessing economic security include:

1. Expert assessment method;

2. Method of analysis and processing of scenarios;

3. Game-theoretic methods;

4. Useful methods;

5. All answers are correct.

The correct answer is -5.

7. Methods for assessing economic security do not include:

1. Pattern recognition method;

2. Methods of the theory of fuzzy systems;

3. Method of multivariate statistical analysis;

4. Method of preventing possible threats.

The correct answer is -4.

Sample essay topics

1. Ways to eliminate internal threats to economic security

2. Ways to eliminate external threats to economic security

Approximate list of topics for discussion

  1. Increasing the reliability and effectiveness of the system for ensuring national interests in the country’s economy
  2. The effectiveness of the activities of government bodies managing the economic security of the country

Sample essay topics

  1. . Goals, objectives, tools and incentives for the formation of international economic security (OIE)
  2. Criminalization of the economy and its impact on the security of the individual, society and state.

Approximate list of topics for discussion

1. The effectiveness of the structure of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the economic security of Russia

2. The place and role of the industrial sector in ensuring economic security

Sample essay topics

1. The place and role of business entities in the economic security system

2. Operating environment of business entities

3. Socio-economic features of the functioning of business entities for the long term

Approximate list of topics for discussion

1. The role of the innovation component in ensuring economic security

2.Development of a model of innovative development of business entities to ensure economic security

Sample essay topics

1. Innovative development of social partnership in the context of ensuring economic security

2. Prospects for the development of the foundations for ensuring economic security in the innovation sector

Grading scales

Typical assessment tools

Questions to prepare for the exam

1. The concept of “economic security”: definition, categories and content.

2. Levels of economic security of the state.

3. The role and place of economic security in the national security system.

4. Basic provisions of the State Strategy for Economic Security of Russia.

5. Objects and subject of economic security.

6. Methods for assessing economic security.

7. Reflection of problems of economic security in programs for socio-economic development of Russia.

8. Economic security system. Economic interests and priorities of Russia.

9. State economic policy and economic security

10. Threats to Russia's economic security.

11. Criteria and indicators (indicators, parameters) of the country’s economic security.

12. Classification of indicators of economic security.

13. Threshold values ​​of some basic indicators of economic security.

14. Main tasks and measures to ensure the economic security of Russia.

15. Main types of threats to the economic interests of the region.

16. Scenarios and main measures to ensure the economic security of the region, carried out by government bodies at the state and regional levels (using the example of the Rostov region).

17. Priorities of state social policy.

18. Demographic security policy.

19. Food security policy.

20. Main directions of ensuring the country’s environmental safety

21. Ensuring economic security in the real sector of the economy. Main problems.

22. Investments in the system of factors ensuring the economic security of Russia.

23. Financial security and its main tools.

24. Tax policy as a factor in ensuring economic security.

25. Assessing the impact of internal and external debt on economic security.

26. The state of the national currency as a factor of economic security.

27. Capital flight: essence, scale and countermeasures.

28. The concept of foreign economic security, its connection with national interests.

29. Threshold values ​​for Russia’s economic security in the foreign economic sphere.

30. Threats to foreign economic security.

31. Functions of customs authorities to ensure economic security.

32. Means and methods of customs authorities to ensure economic security.

33. Globalization and economic security of Russia.

34. State budget, its levels and problems of ensuring its security.

35. Legislative and organizational support for economic security of Russia

As practical tasks in the exam, tools similar to those used during the current control are used.

Grading scale

For the answer when passing the exam, the student is awarded points in accordance with the scale below.

The grade a student receives when passing the exam is cumulative (for full-time study) and takes into account not only the level of the student’s answer in the exam, but also the points earned by him during the semester: to the points received by the student for work in the semester (up to 60 points), points are added for the answer in the exam, and the received points are converted into final grades in accordance with the scale below.

Scale for the formation of the final grade for full-time students

Methodological materials

The exam is conducted orally (aimed at assessing the level of mastery of competence).

The ticket consists of a theoretical question and a situational task.

Oral examinations can be conducted in various forms: in one case, you can ask a question to the student and give him time to prepare an answer, in another, a conversation can be held without giving time to think about the questions, i.e. The interview on the question proposed to the student is carried out without preparation for the answer. But in both cases, a casual conversation should take place on the studied sections of the course or its parts (depending on how the program provides for studying the course - in whole or in parts). It is also the student's responsibility to be aware that in some cases two or more students may be interviewed at the same time. In this case, one student answers the question posed by the teacher, and the others listen to him, and then, if necessary, they complement and correct the mistakes of the answerer. With this form of examination, students must demonstrate both knowledge and ability to debate and defend their point of view, as well as find shortcomings in the answers of their fellow students and be able to correct them. The oral examination is conducted on the basis of tickets; student responses are assessed according to the following system: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”. The exam is taken by teachers who lead the group's practical classes or give lectures on the course.

The exam results are graded “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”.

Methodological materials include questions to prepare for the test and exam.

While studying the discipline, students are offered:

1. As part of lecture classes - take part in lectures;

2. As part of practical classes - take part in discussions, surveys;

3. As part of intermediate testing, solve test tasks that allow you to assess residual knowledge;

4. As part of independent work, prepare reports, abstracts, essays on a given topic.

5. Guidelines for students on mastering the discipline

As part of mastering the discipline B1.V.OD.7 Theory and methodology of economic security management, the following forms of student work are provided: attending lectures, seminars, preparing abstracts, completing a project assignment, participating in discussions, completing test tasks

Discipline B1.V.OD.7 The theory and methodology of economic security management is divided into topics that represent logically completed blocks and are a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities that are subject to control.

Monitoring the mastery of topics includes holding discussions, discussing abstracts, completing project assignments, test assignments, which is provided for by the work program of the discipline.

The course uses classic classroom methods of conducting classes, including mastering the topic in a lecture, performing extracurricular (independent) work, and ends in a seminar lesson.

Conducting classes in the form of lectures is aimed at providing students with theoretical knowledge, developing interest in educational activities and a specific academic discipline, and forming guidelines for independent work on the course. During the training, the following types of lectures are used: introductory, informational and overview, problem-based, lecture-discussion.

During the seminar classes, it is expected to consider the most important, significant, complex issues that present certain difficulties when students independently study the discipline.

Seminar classes include specially prepared reports, speeches on one of the current issues according to the topics included in the range of issues for studying the discipline. The topic for such a presentation is selected by the student from the proposed list of topics. At the seminar, the student demonstrates his knowledge of the subject, corrects information received during lectures and extracurricular activities, forms a certain image in the eyes of the teacher, and acquires oral presentation and discussion skills. Practical classes are aimed at ensuring that, with the help of the teacher, students consolidate the lecture material and gain practical skills in solving educational situations.

Students' extracurricular independent work on the course is organized in the form of homework, which logically continues classroom lessons on the instructions of the teacher with established deadlines. Didactic goals: consolidation, deepening, expansion and systematization of knowledge; formation of skills; independent mastery of new program material; development of independent thinking. Homework of current and advanced nature is provided; self-control.

The final control is carried out in the form of an exam.

Requirements for performing independent work.

1. Independent work must be carried out in accordance with the teacher’s assignment.

2. The results of independent work must have scientific or practical significance, demonstrate the author’s competence in the issues addressed, and demonstrate the ability to use theoretical knowledge when performing practical tasks.

3. Independent work done in written form must be completed independently, formatted in accordance with the requirements and submitted for control to the teacher within the established time frame.

Fulfillment of these requirements is taken into account when assessing the student’s independent work.

Types of independent work: studying lectures, reading required and additional literature, preparing for a survey, writing an essay.

When independently preparing for classes, a student must:

Study theoretical material on this topic (lesson notes);

Complete the tasks proposed by the teacher for the lesson;

Make a list of questions that cause difficulties, ambiguities or doubts, discuss them with the teacher or in class.

Questions for self-preparation for lecture-type classes

Topic 1. Basic provisions of security theory: terms and definitions. National security of Russia.

Determination of the category of danger and safety, security relations and destructive factors in the market economic system. The structure of the concept of “national security”. The conceptual position of the state in the sphere of ensuring national security. National interests and priorities of Russia in the modern world. The versatility of Russia's strategic national interests in the economic sphere.

Topic 2. Russia in the context of globalization

Modern potential of Russia. Assessment of the socio-economic situation in Russia. Imbalances in Russia's status as a geopolitical power. Features of the formation of the Russian market. Factors ensuring Russia's national economic security in the context of globalization. Globalization of corporate entities.

Internet resources.


B1.V.OD.7 Theory and methodology of economic security management

direction of training

04/38/02 Management

Profile: “Economic Security Management”

Qualification: Master

extramural studies

Recruitment year – 2017

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management Kovalenko N.V.

Head of the Department of Management, Ph.D., Associate Professor V.V. Nekrasova

1. List of planned learning outcomes in the discipline, correlated with the planned results of mastering the program.. 5

2. Scope and place of discipline in the structure of EP HE.. 5

4. Materials for ongoing monitoring of students’ progress and a fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification in the discipline. 10

5. Guidelines for students on mastering the discipline.. 19

6. Educational literature and resources of the Internet information and telecommunications network, including a list of educational and methodological support for students’ independent work in discipline 23

6.1 Basic literature. 23

6.2 Additional literature. 23

6.3 Educational and methodological support for independent work. 23

6.4 Regulatory legal documents. 23

6.5 Internet resources. 23

7. Material and technical base, information technology, software and information reference systems.. 23

1. List of planned learning outcomes in the discipline, correlated
with the planned results of mastering the program

1.1 B1.V.OD.7 The theory and methodology of economic security management ensures mastery of the following competencies, taking into account the stage:

Competency code Name of competency Competency development stage code Name of the stage of development of competence
UK OS-1 ability to apply critical analysis and a systematic approach to solving professional problems UK OS-1.1 the ability, based on a critical analysis of the collected information about an object, to present it in the form of structural elements and the relationships between them
PK-7 the ability to generalize and critically evaluate the results of research on current management problems obtained by domestic and foreign researchers; PC-7.1 ability to generalize the results of research on current management problems obtained by domestic and foreign researchers

1.2. As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should have the following skills:

OTF/TF (if there is a professional standard) Competency development stage code Learning outcomes
Conducting economic planning work in any organization UK OS-1.1 At the level of knowledge: the essence and structure of economic security; the essence of government regulation to achieve sustainable development through indicators of economic security; the specifics of using economic security indicators for the implementation of state economic policy at different levels of government.
At the skill level: assess the level of economic security; identify internal and external threats to the country’s national economy, be able to recognize them under the influence of changing geopolitical and geo-economic factors, as well as the Russian business climate; identify the functions of business structures and determine the role of the non-profit sector of the economy in ensuring the system for managing the economic security of the country..
At the skill level: skills in analyzing socially significant factors of economic security of the region; skills to predict trends related to the economic security of social systems.
Development of methodological documents PC-7.1 At the level of knowledge: know: the history of the development of management thought in Russia and abroad; Russian and foreign management concepts;
At the level of skills: assess trends in the development of management thought, analyze the economic interests of subjects of management relations;
At the skill level: skills in applying methods of analysis and synthesis of information; skills in working with scientific and educational literature.

2. Scope and place of the discipline in the structure of EP HE

Scope of discipline

The total labor intensity of the discipline is 5 credit units (180/135 hours)

To study the discipline, 180/135 hours of distance learning are provided. Students are allowed to work in contact with the teacher:

Part-time study – 22/16.5 academic hours (6/4.5 hours – lectures, 16/12 hours – practical classes).

For independent work allocated for students:

Part-time study – 149/111.75 academic hours.

Interim certification is carried out in the form of an exam.

Place of discipline

Discipline B1.V.OD.7 Theory and methodology of economic security management refers to the mandatory disciplines of the variable course


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of economic security 15

1.1 Theoretical concepts of economic security 15

1.2 The essence and content of economic security 38

1.3 National-state interests in the system of economic security relations 67

Chapter 2. Features of a systemic study of economic security 87

2.1 Economic security as a system 87

2.2 Typology of economic security systems 101

2.3 System of indicators and indicators of economic security 119

Chapter 3. Reproduction of economic security as a natural process of its development 139

3.1 Economic security in the system of social reproduction 139

3.2. Features of the Russian model of reproduction of economic security 156

3.3. Factors and conditions for the reproduction of economic security 165

3.4. Mechanism of state regulation of reproduction of economic security 181

Chapter 4. Socio-economic prerequisites for strengthening Russia’s economic security 200

4.1 Analysis of the current state of economic security in Russia.200

4.2 Ensuring sustainable economic growth is the basis of economic security 229

4.3 Improving the quality of life - the goal and means of achieving economic security 241

4.4. Development of the institution of social partnership as a way to strengthen economic security 266

Conclusion 285

List of used literature 296

Introduction to the work

The increasing pace of change in modern society, the increasing role of scientific and technological progress, globalization and informatization lead to a significant complication of social reality and the formation of a new type of human civilization. At the same time, new challenges and dangers are emerging, under the influence of which the relevance of the problem of safety in all spheres of human activity increases many times over. The current state of relations between society and nature, increased conflict in geopolitical, national and other relations, the tension of the demographic situation - these and many other global problems pose a threat to the very existence of man.

The situation that developed at the turn of the century in the world and in our country gave rise to significant dangers to the emerging economic relations in Russia. The transition to new forms of economic management and public administration in the context of an inconsistency of the legal framework, the lack of a scientifically based concept of reforms, a decline in the level and quality of life of people and inertia of thinking have given rise to a number of problems, the aggravation of which brings to the fore the problem of forming a sustainable, economically secure national economy .

Security is a universal category of natural, social, economic and technical systems. The need for security is basic not only for the individual and his family, but also for enterprises, the state, and society as a whole. At the same time, the sphere of safe existence in the transition period of our country has narrowed so much that large-scale and systematic dissatisfaction with this need has a destructive effect on all spheres of human life and the state. The crisis state of the economy, destructive processes in the social sphere and the weakness of institutional structures in modern Russia represent an area of ​​increased risk and do not leave time for reflection and experiment. The economic security of Russia is an urgent issue.

The relevance of the research topic is enhanced by the fact that the modern theory of economic security does not have signs of complexity and cannot yet offer principles, methods and techniques for studying economically secure processes that have interdisciplinary significance. In modern conditions, there is no unity in understanding the nature and essence of economic security, in the development and development of effective means and methods of preventing threats and ensuring the security of the country's national economy. Because of this, the development of fundamental and scientific-applied problems of economic security expresses not only the request of economic theory, but also the need of economic practice.

In the educational aspect, the development of a general theoretical basis for security and its economic component is relevant from the standpoint of the formation of new content of social sciences, the civilizational thinking of young specialists, and their adaptation to the modern geo-economic and geopolitical situation.

Despite the relevance of the problem, the theory of national security in general and economic security in particular is one of the least developed in domestic and foreign scientific literature. An analysis of existing points of view on economic security allows us to assert that today it is premature to talk about the existence of an integral system of views on the role and place of economic security in the general structure of social phenomena, defined at the level of fundamental concepts of modern science. Until now, there is no unity in understanding the essence of economic security, defined at the level of its natural properties, functions, development patterns and causes of occurrence. In the problem field of the phenomenon that interests us, the macro-aspects of economic security, the problems of sources of threats and factors for the development of national economic security remain debatable, and the problem of reproduction of economic security is fundamentally new for economic science, since research in this area has not been carried out to date.

At the same time, there is a certain history of theoretical research into security problems and its economic component. A significant amount of knowledge has been formed in the scientific literature, reflecting certain aspects of the problem under consideration.

A significant contribution to the development of security theory was made by social philosophy, which at all stages of its development, to one degree or another, explored issues related to the sources and trends in the development of society, the search for ways to ensure social stability, analysis of existing and possible threats and dangers (O. Comte, G. Spencer, A. Giddens, F. Knight, P. Sztompka, A. Khlopyev, G. Serebryansky).

Foreign policy and military aspects of security were studied in the works of A. Rogov, E. Primakov, V. Kokoshin, M. Gareev, A. Bogaturov and others.

A number of works place serious emphasis on the environmental component of safety (A. Gore, D. Meadows, I. Rander, V. Danilov-Danilyan, K. Losev, etc.). The authors rightly question the prospects for the survival of human society in the face of impending environmental collapse.

It should also be noted that there is interest in the analyzed problems on the part of psychological science (A. Brushlinsky, V. Lepsky, etc.).

Meanwhile, we have to admit that the problem of national economic security is one of the least developed in economic science, especially in the theoretical and methodological aspect.

The doctrines of various economic schools do not have a detailed and clear definition of economic security. At the same time, the concepts of A. Smith, D. Ricardo, K. Marx, J. Keynes, P. Samuelson, A. Marshall, M. Walras and others contain important theoretical provisions about the interests of business entities and the problems of their harmonization, sources of conflicts and unrest in society, ways and means of reducing the level of destabilization and inertia of the economy, restoring macroeconomic balance.

In modern foreign science, economic security is studied in the context of two independent trends: the theory of disasters (I. Ziman, T. Oliva, E. Laszlo, G. Kolata, I. Casetti, etc.) and the theory of risks (R. Dembo, R. Keske , J. Clark, K. Arrow, etc.). However, there is a small number of works in which the authors directly examine the problem of interest to us (A. Westing, V. Kable, W. Albrecht).

Methodologically significant for the subject of our research are also the provisions of the conflictological paradigm developed in foreign and domestic social science (L. Koser, R. Dahrendorf, J. Burton, T. Parsons, K. Boulding, A. Glukhova, A. Dmitriev, etc. .).

A fundamentally different approach to the study of the essence and specifics of economic security, in our opinion, is possible on the methodological achievements of natural and technical sciences in the field of self-organization (I. Prigogine, G. Haken) and general systems theory (R. Ackoff, L. Bertalanffy, I. Blauberg, J. Klusti). In this aspect, we note the evolution of methodology in economic research, the transition to interdisciplinary and systemic analysis in the works of domestic scientists - N. Moiseev, I. Shurgalina, V. Vasilkova, L. Evstigneeva and others.

It must be emphasized that domestic scientists began to pay attention to issues of ensuring economic security only in the early 90s in the conditions of a radical transformation of the socio-economic foundations of the country's life.

The creation of the Security Council and the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Security” in 1992 can be considered a certain prerequisite for a comprehensive study of the problem under consideration. Subsequently, intensive work by economists began to create a concept of economic security and a strategy for ensuring it. The greatest contribution to the study of problems of economic security was made by L. Abalkin, A. Arkhipov, E. Buchvald, S. Glazyev, A. Illarionov, K. Samsonov, V. Senchagov, V. Tambov-tsev, etc. Taking into account the research carried out, a “State strategy for economic security of the Russian Federation”, approved in April 1996 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and further developed in the “Concept of economic security of the Russian Federation” (2000).

Applied aspects of economic security were considered in the works of L. Ezhkin, B. Milner, M. Portnoy, V. Presnyakov, V. Sokolov, I. Fominsky and others. Problems of technological and industrial safety are studied by G. Zhuravlev, G. Kleiner, V. Shevtsova . Food security is reflected in the works of G. Shmelev, V. Nazarenko, E. Blinov, and economic security in the world of work - in the studies of J. Clark, Yu. Chernov.

Extensive research is carried out by economists in the field of regional economic security (A. Kuklin, O. Romanova, A. Skopin, A. Tatarkin). The foreign economic perspective of the problem is revealed by V. Zagashvili, N. Gusakov, N. Zotova, A. Obolensky and others.

An analysis of the threats to the current state of the country’s national economy, which impede Russia’s entry into the path of sustainable development, is contained in the works of P. Kolodko, Y. Kornai, D. Lvov, D. Sorokin, E. Stroev, E. Yasin and others.

A significant number of authors adhere to a monistic approach and connect problems of economic security with the existence and spread of the shadow economy, corruption and other phenomena of criminalization of society (J. Gordon, F. Covell, L. Kosals, Y. Latov, V. Polterovich, V. Radaev , A. Santos).

These studies are characterized by traditional approaches to the analysis of economic security as an integral part of national security. They are of a distinctly concrete economic nature and do not reveal the possibility of nonlinear dynamics and polyfurcation of development and evolution. A particularly serious drawback, in our opinion, is that in works devoted to various aspects of economic security, the political-economic approach to its problems remains poorly expressed. An analysis of the essence, content, types, principles and patterns of reproduction of economic security is not presented.

The absence of a systematic idea of ​​economic security in economic theory means that the methodological problems of this phenomenon deserve special attention and should be considered as a relatively independent class of problems.

The increased theoretical and practical significance of the problem of economic security, the lack of methodology for a comprehensive study of this socio-economic phenomenon and the debatability of many points determined the choice of topic, the purpose and objectives of the dissertation research.

The purpose of the dissertation is to develop a theoretical concept and methodology for studying economic security, identifying its nature, patterns of reproduction, features of its manifestation in the transforming national economy of Russia and substantiating ways to strengthen it.

The set goal determined the need to solve the following problems:

Identify the main conceptual approaches to the study of economic security;

Reveal the essence of economic security as a political-economic category;

Determine the functional content of economic security;

Justify the place and role of economic security in the system of social reproduction;

Analyze the phases of the reproduction process of economic security;

Formulate the basic patterns of reproductive dynamics of economic security in modern society;

Identify contradictions in the development of economic security and directions for their resolution;

Analyze the qualitative and quantitative certainty of economic security;

Study the conditions and factors for increasing the level of economic security;

Determine the main directions for strengthening the economic security of the national economy;

Show current trends and features of the development of economic security in the transforming Russian economy.

Area of ​​research - 1.1. - political Economy; theoretical problems of economic security.

The subject of the study is the system of economic relations that develop in the process of reproduction of economic security and the specific forms of their manifestation in the transforming national economy of Russia.

The object of the study is the economic security of the national economy of modern Russia.

The methodological and theoretical foundations of the dissertation research were the fundamental concepts presented in classical and modern works of domestic and foreign scientists; program and forecast developments of government and management bodies; legislative and regulatory acts on economic and social issues, materials of scientific and scientific-practical conferences.

The work uses general scientific methods of cognition - dialectical, historical-genetic, system-functional, qualitative and quantitative analysis.

A special role in the methodological support of the work was played by integrated and systematic approaches implemented in the interconnected study of economic, social, and institutional relations; in combination with an analysis of the range of problems being studied at various levels; in providing theoretical and empirical aspects of the phenomena under study.

During the research process, the dissertation used the principles of system analysis, the theory of synergetics, disasters and conflicts, statics and dynamics of a transition economy, transformation and models. This made it possible to expand the research space and proceed from the fact that unevenness, conflict, discreteness, nonlinearity, cyclicity, and the need to overcome riskiness correspond to modern ideas about the general form of organization of matter, including socio-economic.

The empirical basis for proving the conceptual provisions were reference materials of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, legislative acts, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on economic security, periodical articles, and data from news agencies.

The scientific novelty of the work is as follows:

The concept of economic security has been developed, within the framework of which the application of a conflictological theory to its study is justified, laying the foundations of a new research paradigm and allowing us to consider the essence of economic security as a multi-level category, the basis of which is the existential needs of economic entities and the associated contradictions in interests, values, purposes; understand the conflict between economic entities as a phenomenon that weakens the protective mechanisms of the national economy; focus on analyzing the sources of conflicts and eliminating them, rather than on containment or partial resolution;

The essence of economic security as a political-economic category is revealed, determined by the system of economic relations that arise between economic entities regarding the implementation and protection of interests in conditions of uncertainty and riskiness of the environment;

The content of the category of economic security is revealed as a set of forms and methods for coordinating the interests of economic entities, allowing to resolve emerging conflicts or get out of them in the least destructive way for the economy;

The criterion of economic security is defined as maximizing the capabilities of the national economy to satisfy the complex of its socio-economic needs within the framework of a non-equilibrium dynamic balance of conflicting economic interests of economic entities (households, enterprises, organizations, the state);

The content of economic security is revealed as a state of the national economy, characterized by an optimal balance of productivity, efficiency, flexibility and adaptability, which allows it to be self-sufficient, dynamically stable, adequately respond to internal and external challenges, develop and improve;

A model of the economic security system has been developed, including elements, their properties, relationships, goals that make up a single complex and function in accordance with objective laws. The “input” parameters of the economic security system are uncertainty, risk, danger, and the “output” parameters are stability, adaptability, inertia, cumulativeness;

A multidimensional typology of economic security systems has been carried out according to various classification criteria (by types of socio-economic systems, by the degree of dynamism, by the adequacy of the reflection of economic interests, by the degree of predictability);

The concept of “security matrix” was introduced into scientific circulation, the essence of which is defined as a stable, historically established system of socio-economic relations, their organizational and economic forms and institutional environment, ensuring the stability of the national economy, its self-organization and evolution under the influence of internal and external threats; “security potential” is a generalized quantitative and qualitative characteristic of available resources, as well as the mechanisms for their distribution and use in order to achieve dynamic stability, high adaptability and flexibility in a risky environment;

A fundamental model of the place and role of the state in the system of economic security relations has been developed, based on direct and feedback lines; the author's interpretation of the effectiveness of the mechanism of state regulation of the national economy in achieving the necessary and sufficient level of economic security is proposed;

A methodology for calculating the “economic security index” and the amount of macroeconomic damage due to a decrease in the economic security of the national economy is proposed, and the need to use these indicators in the system for assessing the level of economic security is substantiated;

A theoretical justification is given for the place and role of economic security in the system of social reproduction, a hypothesis is put forward about the dual nature of social reproduction, expressed in the contradictory “security-riskiness” relationship, and on the basis of this the mechanism of development of the Russian national economy is clarified;

The content of reproductive dynamics is determined as an irreversible, nonequilibrium, uneven, unstable, positive-negative process of changing states of safety and riskiness;

The essence of the reproduction of economic security is revealed as a system of socio-economic relations regarding the formation, distribution, exchange and consumption of a specific property of the national economy, constituting dynamic stability, flexibility of the economy and its ability to develop in conditions of internal and external threats; the patterns of this process at the present stage of development of human society have been identified;

The specifics of economic security in the Russian national economy at the present stage are determined, the priority importance in this process of the mechanism of state regulation of the economy is shown;

A set of interrelated measures to increase the level of economic security of the country on the basis of ensuring sustainable economic growth, improving the quality of life, increasing the competitiveness of the economy, and the comprehensive development of the institution of social partnership has been proposed and theoretically justified.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the completed dissertation research is a solution to a major theoretical and national economic problem - the reproduction of economic security - and makes a certain contribution to achieving stable economic development. Solving key political and economic problems of the formation, development and improvement of economic security in market conditions and in the specific economic and institutional environment of Russia at the beginning of the 21st century allows us to enrich, deepen and clarify the theory of economic security, and expand its methodological and methodological apparatus.

Theoretical conclusions, methodological approaches and recommendations contained in the dissertation can be used in the practice of government at the federal and regional levels when developing the concept of a long-term strategy for reforming the socio-economic life of society, achieving the necessary and sufficient level of economic security of the country, reducing conflict and social tension in society.

The provisions and conceptual solutions of the dissertation research are applicable in teaching and studying the courses “Economic Theory”, “National Economy”, “World Economy”, “State Regulation of the Economy”, as well as special courses on topical issues of economic theory and economic security in the system of vocational education, advanced training qualifications and retraining of management personnel.

The results of the work at various stages of the research were presented in scientific reports and received a positive assessment at international, all-Russian, regional, interuniversity and university theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, meetings and seminars held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Tallinn (Estonia), Voronezh, Lipetsk, Krasnodar, Orel, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia.

The conclusions and proposals of the dissertation are used in the educational process at Voronezh State University and are included in the new generation textbooks for the courses “Economic Theory” and “National Economics”.

Some results of the study were reflected in scientific reports on research work of the Department of General Economic Theory of Voronezh State University on the topic: “Socio-economic problems of the formation and development of market relations.”

The results of research on the topic of the dissertation were published in 40 scientific works, including an individual monograph and in articles according to the list of periodical scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia (volume 26 pp) and 7 educational and methodological works (9.5 pp .)

Theoretical concepts of economic security

The relevance of the problem of safety in all spheres of human activity today is increasing many times over. The reasons for this are obvious. The current state of relations between society and nature, increased conflict in geopolitical, national and other relations, the tension of the demographic situation - these and many other global problems pose a threat to the very existence of man.

At the turn of the millennium, the world is experiencing a profound transformation that is qualitatively changing the entire way of life of humanity. Fundamental changes in the economy, the social structure of society, the creation of a global information space, scientific and technological progress lead to the formation of a new type of human civilization. At the same time, new challenges and dangers are emerging that force us to reconsider traditional approaches to ensuring security. It is no coincidence that exactly this type of issue dominated the UN Millennium Summit. UN member countries have stated that the main threats of the new century are: resource depletion, acute forms of environmental degradation, abject poverty and striking inequality both within and between countries1. The stereometry of conflicts is also changing. If previously ensuring security meant protecting a territory from external attack, now it includes protecting the population from violence generated within the state. Consequently, the security vector is shifting towards the person, his protection becomes an urgent necessity.

The development of society, including its economic component, in the 21st century will be determined by two fundamental processes: the development of new technologies, primarily information technologies, and the rapid globalization of all social processes based on it. The information society is becoming a reality, globalization is gaining momentum, bringing with it undeniable advantages and progressive trends. At the same time, these processes are ambiguous. They contain a charge of new challenges for the human community and dangers for the development of national economies. These problems are being discussed today at the highest level. Thus, in December 1998, at the 53rd session of the UN General Assembly, the resolution “Advances in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security” was adopted. Scientists and politicians are increasingly warning about a new danger: information wars that have replaced “hot” and “cold” conflicts1.

Assessments of the process of globalization of the world community are different and ambiguous. At the same time, the problems of maintaining the independence of national economies and increasing their adaptive potential inevitably become of particular relevance in these conditions. Among the values ​​that are of particular importance for the new era, experts name: shared responsibility for maintaining international security; managing risks and threats that affect all peoples of the world; developing a mechanism for compensating those countries that benefit less as a result of globalization.2

The promotion of globalization to the center of modern reproductive processes entails profound changes in the entire system of economic concepts and the enrichment of ideas about economic relations, resources and results. Understanding the nature and essence of these processes, developing and mastering effective means and methods for preventing threats, ensuring security in all spheres of human life and, above all, in the economy - these are the issues that need theoretical and methodological generalizations today.

The area of ​​research within which issues of economic security are considered is at the intersection of various scientific disciplines: philosophy, sociology, economics, synergetics, thermodynamics. In this regard, we can talk about the formation of a special integrative branch of scientific knowledge, which can be defined as a theory of safe social development of society. The security of human existence is a systemic phenomenon that includes a wide range of species diversity: from the security of the individual and social group to the security of the state; from economic and social security to military-political and environmental.

At the same time, the basis of the life activity of any society is formed by the totality of economic relations in all their diversity, therefore, the determining factor in the security system is economic security, its level, character, and development trends. Not only social and military security, but also national and state security largely depend on the level of economic security. At the same time, economic security itself is largely dependent on social and political stability in society, the level of legal and information security. Economic security is built into the state security system and its provision is one of the top national priorities, a guarantee of the country's independence, stable and efficient functioning of society and its members.

Taking into account the dialectics of economic security, it is advisable to consider existing theoretical views on this issue in various branches of scientific knowledge. Moreover, ensuring security has been a fundamental need of economic, social, natural and technical systems throughout human history.

Myths and religions in ancient times were ways of spiritual protection of man from a huge and hostile world, full of dangers and secrets. Mythological thinking did not operate with concepts, but with ideas and images that were vague. Ancient Greek philosophy, which represented a significant step forward in the development of scientific knowledge, could not, however, overcome its mythological limitations. The research of the first ancient thinkers was based on the following principles: firstly, all phenomena were assessed from the point of view of their friendliness or hostility towards humans, in the categories “dangerous” - “safe”; secondly, the answer to the eternal question about the source of threats was sought in the action of supernatural forces, their intent and will. This logic of reasoning necessarily led to the conclusion that protection from dangers, challenges, and disasters must be sought in the divine principle, the Universal Spirit.

Economic security as a system

Economic security is a complex phenomenon, the genesis and development of which are determined by the objective need to reproduce human life in conditions of internal and external threats and environmental uncertainty.

The multiplicity of elements, forms and connections of economic security suggests the need to implement a systematic approach in research, especially since the way of thinking and the language of synergetics is now increasingly being mastered by representatives of economic science1.

Economic security as a system is a set of elements, their properties, interconnections and relationships that make up a single complex and function in accordance with certain objective laws that manifest themselves in specific historical conditions. This system has relative isolation, a special structure and connections with the environment, and a specific reproduction mechanism.

It is advisable to study security as a sociosystem using a structural-functional approach. In this case, it appears as a system operating on the basis of the unity of structure, functions and emergence.

Individual elements of economic security represent functionally separate parts in the structure of the system. From the standpoint of system analysis, it is important to describe each element in the entire system.

As noted above, the main elements of the economic security system are the needs, goals and interests of economic entities, determined by property relations.

Economic security is based on the dynamics of economic interests at various levels of community and ways to ensure their interaction. Theoretically, two points are important in this process: first, taking into account the specificity, autonomy of interests, and the plurality of goals of economic entities; secondly, an understanding of the dialectical unity of interests, which predetermines their compatibility (but not coincidence) and inconsistency.

The contradictory nature of the economic interests of various economic entities is objectively determined by limited resources and the impossibility of fully and simultaneously satisfying all needs. In this case, the contradiction gives impetus to the self-development of the system and plays a positive role. However, under certain conditions, a contradiction can develop into a conflict, by which we mean a clash, a confrontation between economic entities, caused by the opposition of their economic interests and goals. This “transformed” form of interaction of economic interests is the main intra-system source of dangers, carrying within itself a charge of destructive threats. In social reality, the current situation is characterized by polarization of society, lack of incentives to work, a decrease in production efficiency and labor productivity, and destructive processes in the social sphere.

The morphological properties of a system significantly depend on the nature of the connections and relationships between its elements. As part of the morphological analysis of economic security, we identify direct, feedback and neutral connections that ensure the functional stability of the system and allow us to study the problem of their adjustment in the direction of increasing the intensity of the input flow (positive feedback) or decreasing it (negative feedback). This is important for developing measures to effectively influence economic security at the micro and macro levels.

The inconsistency of economic interests, as a manifestation of the unity and struggle of opposites, characterizes a positively directed relationship between the elements of the system, as it contributes to its evolution and development. Negatively directed connections in the economic security system are determined by the emergence and escalation of conflict between economic entities over the frustration (dissatisfaction) of their needs and the asymmetry of resource distribution. Thus, the stability of the economic system, its development and the level of economic security are determined by the degree (measure) of harmony (coincidence) and disharmony (inconsistency) of the interests of economic entities.

Characterization of the elemental composition and connections in economic security serves as a prerequisite for identifying the structural properties of the system as a whole: horizontal, hierarchical and mixed.

Economic security acts as an emergent property of the national economy, due to the presence of synergistic connections between various subjects at different levels of the hierarchy.

As noted above, the subjects of economic security are: personality (individual), social groups, collectives, state. The objects of economic security are, respectively, the economic interests of the named subjects. Therefore, economic security expresses economic relations for the implementation and protection of the interests of economic entities in conditions of uncertainty and riskiness.

Subject-object relations of economic security are implemented at several levels of the hierarchy: mega-level - global, worldwide economic security; macro level - economic security of the national economy; meso level - economic security of the region, industry; micro level - economic security of an enterprise, household.

Economic security is a property of an economic system that determines the ability of the economy to self-renewal and self-organization in interaction with the external environment of its functioning.

The external environment for the functioning of the national economy appears in the form of a macro and mega environment. The macroenvironment is represented by various spheres of society: political-legal, sociocultural, demographic, environmental, etc. The national economy is connected with these spheres by diverse relationships that determine its safe (dangerous) development. Dangers and threats emanating from the macroenvironment can significantly reduce the level of economic security and cause destabilization of the situation. Therefore, one of the conditions for strengthening economic security is the harmonization of relationships between all spheres of society, the synchronization of changes occurring in them, since the emergence of asymmetric connections between spheres of the macroenvironment has a negative impact on the national economy.

Economic security in the system of social reproduction

In the previous chapters of our study, we examined the phenomenon of interest to us (economic security) in static terms. This approach is characterized by immutability, identity, and constancy of elements. When studying an economic object statically, we assume that its observed characteristics, both qualitative and quantitative, practically do not change over a certain period of time. Formally, we can say that in static models there is no time. Undoubtedly, such an approach is necessary for the initial analysis of the object under study, since it allows us to reveal the structure, internal and external interactions in a state of rest.

However, as the analysis deepens, a transition to dynamic models in which time is present explicitly is necessary. N. Kondratyev1 pointed out the need to distinguish between patterns - static, dynamic and genetic.

In dynamic models, the researcher is interested in changes over time in quantitative and qualitative variables, and changes in the structure of a system over time are usually called evolution. Description of the dynamics of an object involves the use of the concepts of “process” and “change”. Let us present the classical definition of the process due to P.A. Sorokin: “The process is understood as any type of movement, modification, transformation, alternation or “evolution”, in short, any change in a given object under study over a certain time, be it a change in its place in space or a modification of its quantitative or qualitative characteristics.”

Based on the above definition, we can conclude that the process

associated with changes in the system that occurred during a certain time interval. Dynamic models are reflections of processes and changes occurring in the system under study. In relation to the object of our research, economic security should be considered as a process, but since economic security is inseparable from the national economic organism and is its immanent property, therefore, socio-economic systems and their reproductive dynamics should become the object of dynamic analysis.

Thus, dynamic models of economic security can be recognized as: economic security of market, command-administrative and transition economies. In these “classical” economic systems, over time, changes in quantitative and qualitative characteristics occur under the influence of internal and external forces. P. Sorokin believed that the main causes of social changes are precisely internal reasons. The principle of immanent changes formulated by him states: “After the emergence... of a system, its natural, normal development, forms and phases of the life path are determined mainly by the system itself...”1. External circumstances can slow down internal system processes, they can even destroy it, but they are not able to change the development program embedded in the system. The system self-determines its evolution, which, according to P. Sorokin, is equivalent to free development.

These methodological provisions are extremely important for our research, because they are the basis for our hypothesis about the existence of a “security matrix” inherent in a certain type of socio-economic system and determining its adaptive capabilities in conditions of riskiness and danger.

“Each system,” emphasizes J. Kornai, “has inherent negative properties that can be mitigated, but not eliminated, since their ability to self-reproduce is deeply rooted in the system itself.”

We base the formation of ideas about the dynamic aspect of economic security on the methodological principles of the theory of change. These include2: 1. The principle of polarity - each object or process under study exists in a certain space of its polar properties. 2. The principle of complementarity - polar qualities are interconnected and complement each other. 3. The principle of harmony - between the boundary values ​​of properties there is a region of, in a sense, “good” or “normal” states. 4. The principle of variability (mirror and inversion) - during the process, it is possible to change the order of states and the states themselves. 5. The principle of rhythm - every process is carried out as a sequence of rhythms with certain periods.

Over the past ten years, the question has been actively discussed in Western social science (and primarily in sociology): is the development of mankind becoming safer or bringing about catastrophic changes? Of particular interest to foreign experts are the issues of the production and distribution of hazards produced by society and threatening its own existence. We are talking about threats and dangers of both technogenic and sociogenic nature in the broadest sense of the word. The general incentive for the development of riskology as a special branch of social knowledge was the transition of industrialized countries to a new phase - late industrialism, and in some countries - to post-industrialism.

Analysis of the current state of economic security in Russia

A particularly pressing task for modern Russia is to increase the sustainability and adaptive capabilities of the economy. In this regard, it is necessary to deepen the analysis of economic security not only from the theoretical and methodological side, but also from the position of its manifestation in the Russian economy. Clarifying the features of Russia's economic security is important for analyzing and forecasting various economic and social processes, developing adequate measures to address the diverse threats and challenges of our time.

The process of understanding economic phenomena involves the use of both cognitive and situational analysis. In previous chapters, our efforts were concentrated on the cognitive aspect of understanding such a complex phenomenon as economic security. However, the study will be incomplete if it is not supplemented with applied analysis, for which, in our opinion, it is advisable to use SWOT analysis1.

The essence of this approach comes down to analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the system under study, comparing the results obtained with the threats and opportunities of the external and internal environment. SWOT analysis is widely used in microeconomic and marketing research2, but is still not in demand in macroeconomic analysis. It seems that the time has come to fill this gap.

Realizing that macroeconomic problems cannot be reduced to a set of microeconomic problems, we nevertheless believe that SWOT analysis, with certain assumptions and limitations, can be an effective tool for studying problems of the national economy and economic security.

This method allows you to identify not only current problem areas, dangers and threats associated with the object under study, but also to identify prospects, chances and development trends taking into account environmental factors. Based on the analysis of various combinations of strengths with threats and opportunities, as well as weaknesses with threats and opportunities, the problem field of the object under study is formed. The presence of such information is a necessary condition for determining the goals (directions) of development of the economic system and ways to achieve them.

In relation to the object of our research, the SWOT analysis algorithm can be presented as a sequence of the following stages. Stage I. Identification of sources of risk in the Russian national economy. Stage II. Monitoring of major threats, including qualitative characterization and quantitative assessment of existing and potential hazards. Ranking of identified threats by degree of danger and likelihood of occurrence. Stage III. Identification of factors that counteract threats and ensure self-adjustment of the economy (security-forming factors). Stage IV. Selecting methods to influence threats aimed at neutralizing and reducing the likelihood of possible negative consequences.

Stage. Evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed measures. The basis for calculating the effectiveness of a particular method of influence can be based on two methods. The first involves determining critical parameters (threshold values), beyond which socio-economic processes in society should not go. The second is based on an assessment of economic benefits, which assumes a dialectical relationship between social and economic processes. Increasing social security has a positive impact on the level and quality of life of people, which in turn contributes to economic growth, increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of social reproduction. To the same extent, the statement about the reverse influence of the economy on social processes is also true.

Using some elements of the above methodological approach, we will make an attempt to evaluate the analysis of Russia’s economic security and develop directions for reducing the degree of risk in the identified problem areas.

An analysis of the current economic situation in Russia indicates the presence of a large number of sources of risks both within the national economy and in the external environment.

Sources of risks are processes or phenomena that contribute to the emergence of one or another type of risk (threat, danger) and determine its nature. The economy has a large number of market risks generated by different sources. Therefore, the task of identifying such sources presents significant difficulties for the researcher. In our opinion, to solve this problem, it is advisable to divide all sources of risks into several classification groups and then evaluate them.

First of all, sources of risks must be divided into internal and external. Internal sources are produced endogenously, by the national economy itself, while external sources are exogenous and are the result of the functioning of the external environment.

Chernova Veronika Valerievna