Folk signs in money matters: when to lend and borrow. Signs about debts When you can not borrow money signs

In order to increase your capital and not be left penniless, you need to understand that money is not just pieces of paper that have material value. Coins and banknotes are a kind of energy source, and it depends only on you whether you will be a carrier, recipient or supplier in this energy exchange system. The magic of banknotes is based on the fact that the income and expenditure of finances should occur naturally. However, there are times when you have to borrow or lend. By remembering simple rules and knowing when you can and when you can’t lend money, you can not only avoid bankruptcy, but also improve your business. financial situation.

It is better to always give and give money (banknotes) not in expanded form, but in rolled one. If the bill is simply folded in half, even slightly, that's enough

Do not be afraid to lend money, by giving something, you are launching a multiplication program. Everything given is always returned in a larger volume, this, first of all, concerns money. The second question is whether you are sure that the debt will be returned. Before you borrow, consider whether you can part with this amount if you do not get it back. But even if you decide to help someone by providing temporary financial support, remember that there are situations in which it is better to delicately refuse the borrower.

1. You can not borrow a person to pay off a previous loan. Thus, you can attract monetary troubles and, as the people say, “take the debt upon yourself”;

2. You can not borrow for a funeral, you risk bringing trouble to your family. If you want to help the relatives of the deceased, it is better to do it free of charge;

Try to borrow money in the largest denominations you have. Thus, you give away less money (if you count by the number of bills)!

4. Do not lend at Baptism, the Annunciation and during Great Lent. On other church holidays, try not to borrow money either. There is an opinion among the people that the banknotes given out these days will go away forever;

5. After dusk, you can neither give nor borrow. After sunset, you can not even take out the garbage from the house, this can lead to ruin and poverty. Also, you can’t give anything from home on Sunday;

6. To avoid spending the coming year in debt, avoid borrowing on New Year's Eve.

Calendar for loan and repayment

Monday also not the most suitable day for the lender, you run the risk of thoughtlessly spending the returned loan.

Lending to Tuesday day and afternoon - to be always in debt. Decided to repay a loan or lend - do it early in the morning.

IN Wednesday it is better to refrain from any cash transactions. If perishing and repay the debt, then in the first half of the day.

The most favorable for monetary manipulations is Thursday. On this day of the week, banknotes are endowed with special energy. Quick returns, avoiding problems and increasing funds are provided to all participants in the transaction.

Set a condition for the person to return the money to you in banknotes of no less denomination than you gave him. You can - the same, you can - larger, but you can not - smaller bills! Otherwise - to poverty: both the one who lent, and the one who borrowed

IN Friday it is worth refraining from repaying the debt, especially if you could not repay its term. You run the risk of "running into" the resentment of the borrower. Borrow on this day you need only people in whom you are confident. Knowing which day is best to carry out a transaction with material values, you will save yourself from financial problems.

Saturday can be called an auspicious day for a refund. For this purpose, the daytime is best suited.

Folk omens say that money given in Sunday most likely they won't come back.

"Science" return

If lately you have to often borrow in order to have money, learn how to repay debts correctly. When planning to make a settlement with a creditor, pay attention to the phase of the moon. You should not repay a loan on a waning moon, but it is better to borrow on a growing one. If you still had to make a deal and give money away, then reading the prayer “Our Father” will help drive away failure. It is best to give in small denominations, in loans to give only large ones. During a monetary transaction, the lender should immediately warn that the return must be made in large bills, in order to avoid further problems. It is worth remembering that when exchanging banknotes, there is an exchange of energy. That is why all monetary manipulations should be carried out with people with whom communication does not cause you discomfort.

The bill must be folded so that its ends are facing the person who gives it. And if you give money in expanded form, this means that you, as it were, part with it with all your heart, so to speak ...

There are cases when, contrary to all signs, you have to make a monetary transaction. At such moments, you need to know how to behave so as not to attract trouble. For example, is it possible to count money in the evening and what to do if you are forced to give money in the evening or at night. Just put them on the floor, banknotes not taken from your hands will not bring lack of money to your home. It is better to avoid counting funds altogether.

Attention!!! Passing banknotes from hand to hand is not recommended at all. Even when paying for a purchase in a store, put money on the counter.

The most money day of the year, for counting finances, is Clean Thursday. The procedure should be performed by the oldest member of the family. On this day, the usual manipulation of banknotes can easily be equated with a magical ritual. Close all windows and doors in the apartment. Money does not like drafts and animals in the room during this procedure. Count the bills three times a day so that they come three times more.

And here is what you need to say when you doubt the borrower, but you cannot refuse help: “Not at a loss, but at a profit, I’ll give it now, then I’ll get it twice. So be it!” When giving alms, put coins in a hat or on the ground. It is better to give alms with the left hand.

If you do not want the debtor to turn to you again and again, asking for money all the time, then try to give a little more money than he asks. And then be sure to ask him for change

Probably, each of us noticed for ourselves that with today's rhythm of life, there is not always time to find and choose a nice gift for a person dear to you. A person is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, the house is work, everyone has their own troubles and problems, it happens that you even forget what day it is, the number, that one of your friends or relatives will soon have a birthday or a wedding, or some other that's a holiday. And precisely, when there is no time or energy to look for “the very thing” for a joyful event (be it a birthday, a wedding), then there is nothing left but to think: “Maybe give money?”

All for and against Why can't you give money on holidays?

In the 19th century, in no case did they give banknotes. This is a kind of "bauvais ton". Everything flows, everything changes. Mores and customs have changed, and now, in Soviet times, “rustling presents” began to be given in an ordinary white envelope. Of course, money is a unique gift and it is necessary to think about how to present it. Today, this useful gift is necessary and can be presented somehow in an original and unusual way.
There are certain rules for donating banknotes. In order for this gift to be worthy of attention, it is advisable to follow the recommendations below:

  • You can not spread and brag about how much money you gave.
  • The amount you donate must be significant.
  • It is ugly to give banknotes "just like that" without proper registration.

You can show your imagination and come up with an unusual design method: for example, a hand-made postcard, a beautiful envelope, knit or sew a wallet. For people with a good sense of humor, you can roll money into a jar.
If you have finally decided to donate money, then we advise you to familiarize yourself with the signs associated with them.

Signs. All about why you can't lend in the evening?

It is believed that mornings are wiser than evenings, therefore any business begins in the morning and also with money, so that they are kept in the house - in no case do not give, in the evening do not borrow and do not borrow! After all, if you gave money in the evening, then luck and prosperity will go away along with the debt.

Credit cards in our time are not a tribute to fashion, but a common occurrence, so when you withdraw money from them and plan to give them as a present, be sure to bring them into the house. You don’t need to spend right away, give it to someone, let them stay in your house for a while.

Money loves and appreciates a good attitude towards them. Store carefully and take good care of your money. It is unacceptable to give dirty, torn or rumpled banknotes. By this you will show a disrespectful attitude, both to yourself and to the one to whom you will give.

Have you heard the saying: "A penny saves a ruble"? So, we advise you to buy a clay pot and put small coins in it, sprinkling them with grains of wheat. Coins will gradually increase your wealth. Don't forget to put more coins in there. By the way, such a clay pot can be presented to a loved one by putting money there! All people are very different and for some money will be the best gift, for someone you, with the help of a cash gift, will help to fulfill or at least bring a dream closer (a trip to the sea, TV, spinning or a car).
The most important thing is not a gift, but attention.

Give money, while not forgetting warm and sincere words, wishes, and for a woman - a gorgeous bouquet of flowers!

Reading 7 min. Views 2k. Published on 21.04.2018

Sometimes you have to lend someone money or borrow money for yourself. Not all people believe in signs, but when it comes to money, caution does not hurt. If you carefully study all the rules and follow them, financial well-being will only increase.

How to lend money the right way

before borrowing cash, you need to understand when you can do it, and when not. It is important to understand which people should not be lent, and what conditions must be observed.

When can you not borrow money?

Not every date or time of day is suitable for this. To avoid problems, you need to know when you can not lend money. Signs:

  1. In the evening, at dusk. Positive money energy gets confused and lost in the dark. If it doesn’t work out during the daytime, then you need to light a lamp, lantern or candle and put cash on the ground. The borrower must pick them up.
  2. During the period of the waning moon, only the one to whom it was lent will have favorable consequences with this money. For your own well-being, you should wait for the growing moon.
  3. You can not do this during church holidays- Easter, Christmas, Epiphany, Annunciation and others.
  4. Any month on the 13th. February 13th is considered especially unfortunate.

It is worth remembering on which day you can not lend money:

  • on Sunday - most likely they will not be given back;
  • on Monday - money will stop flowing, will be delayed for a short time;
  • Tuesday - debts will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Despite the fact that Thursday and Friday are auspicious days, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are excluded, since these are holidays.

Convenient time for this procedure

If you are often asked to lend money, you need to know when you can lend money. Signs:

  1. In the daytime, preferably in sunlight.
  2. It is best to do this in the morning, before lunch, in the morning.
  3. And you need to lend, and you need to take it back to the growing moon. This contributes to the growth of funds.

Who can lend money and who can't

Not every person can be loaned, otherwise the giver may have financial difficulties:

  1. If you lend money to a poor or unlucky person, then when he returns, he will transfer his negative energy of poverty and failure.
  2. You can get poorer and be left completely without money if you lend money to those who don’t keep it for a long time.
  3. Don't lend money to friends and family. This can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings.
  4. But if you lend to a wealthy person, then the positive energy of his luck and wealth will be transferred to the one who borrowed.
  5. Don't lend to someone you've ever borrowed from. This will lead to quarrels with this person. Losses are also possible.
  6. There is no need to share with those to whom they themselves now owe, and it doesn’t matter what - a service, for example. This person will consider that he can not repay the debt as much as he wants, because he helped first.

Sometimes it is difficult not to help a loved one or a person in great need, but do not forget about yourself.

Other conditions for borrowing money

In order not to receive the negative energy of another person and not to give him your positive energy, cash is not passed from hand to hand. You need to put banknotes anywhere: a chair, a bed, a table, but at least on the ground. You can not use the dining table for this. It is desirable that the surface be made of wood, then it will absorb all the negativity. If they return the debt, but there is nothing wooden nearby, immediately upon arrival home, you need to find such a surface and leave money on it for an hour.

You cannot give amounts that contain the numbers 2 and 0 (for example, 200, 2000). Bills must be folded at least twice and kept with the ends towards you. Otherwise, it turns out that money is given openly, with a soul - that is, forever. They must be given with the right hand and taken with the left. A person thinks logically with the left hemisphere of the brain, and it is also responsible for the actions of the right hand. Therefore, it is necessary to borrow money meaningfully, but you can take it with emotions.

It is recommended to lend in the largest denominations. It turns out, as if you are giving away less money (if you count the number of bills). If the debtor tries to return cash in denominations of a smaller value, you need to explain that this is a bad omen. Let him exchange and return the debt in the same denominations that he took, or larger ones.

You should not regret the money that has gone: it is believed that they return at the moment when a person does not expect it at all. You can not look at a person, especially in his eyes, when you give money. In this case, this situation will always repeat itself. It is necessary to borrow money more often, because more is always returned back.

When you lend, you need to say the phrase aloud so that the borrower hears:

“Money is a pity, but it is necessary, but for a good deed and good people. Help and return not by the deadline, but by the time".

It is necessary not only to say these words, but to feel that money is not a pity, mentally wish good luck. It is better to borrow money than to borrow. The energy of wealth is attracted to someone who shows the ability to have money and not spend it in vain.

How to make the debtor no longer ask for money

A few simple steps will help get rid of an annoying person:

  • give money a little more than he asks, and ask for change;
  • if there is nothing to give change, he must exchange your other banknote in any way - for example, buy chewing gum or pay for bus fare;
  • this bill must be kept until the person repays the debt;
  • after the full return of the borrowed funds, it is necessary to give him his own banknote.

After this procedure, this person will no longer want to borrow from someone who has completed all the points.

How to repay debts

You won’t have to think for a long time on which day of the week it is better to repay a debt with money: the rules are almost the same as when borrowing your own funds . Therefore, favorable days for the return of funds are Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. But on Friday you can not give money.

In order to always have money, you need to repay debts early in the morning. You have to give with gratitude. You can add a little more than occupied. At the time of repayment of the debt, you need to say:

“Let you always have, but they multiply with me.”

Speak out loud so that the debtor can hear.

If you do not return the money by the right moment or completely forget about the debt, this in each case takes away part of the financial well-being. No wonder they say that other people's money does not bring happiness. You should not borrow money from people you don't like, otherwise all the negative energy will remain in the house. It is best to repay debts in the smallest denominations.

You need to borrow money only when it is urgently needed: for the simplest food or to pay for housing. Borrowed funds will bring only trouble if you buy, for example, sweets or a piece of clothing. Excess borrowed money closes and blocks financial energy. A person who has not yet risen to a certain level will not earn a large amount of money. And those that are borrowed will only worsen the situation.

The main rule that will allow you to multiply own funds: you need to share knowledge about money with other people and not be afraid to lend. And then the positive monetary energy will return doubly. But don't lend money if you don't feel like it or don't have enough.

The lunar money calendar shows the most favorable days and hours for various financial transactions and decisions. If you want your wealth to constantly grow and multiply, follow the recommendations of the money calendar. It will help you choose a good day for buying, selling, borrowing, crediting and other money matters.

When you can and when you can not borrow and lend

According to the lunar monetary calendar, it is impossible to borrow on the waxing moon. It is believed that as the moon grows, so will your debts. Astrologers do not recommend lending money for the waning moon. If you give money these days, you may not get it back.

Also in the issue of loans according to the lunar calendar of money, the days of the week play a special role. Don't lend on Monday, a day ruled by the Moon. On Tuesday, and especially in the evening, you can not borrow money. The remaining days of the week are neutral in terms of loans.

When is the best time to shop

If you want the purchased items to serve you faithfully for a long time, and the purchases themselves are profitable for you, then you should know about the lucky days according to the monetary lunar calendar.

  • The most favorable period of time for shopping is the time of the waning moon. At this time, the monetary energy is in full balance with the lunar energy - the Moon is waning, money is also decreasing.
  • If you decide to start saving money and want to invest it somewhere, then the money calendar recommends doing it on the growing moon, so that as the moon grows, monetary energy intensifies.
  • The most unfavorable days for any monetary transactions are the full moon and the new moon. The reason is the unstable emotional background, which is most manifested in people on these lunar days.

08.10.2014 09:08

Shopping is an integral part of life, but not every day is favorable for spending. In the lunar calendar...

Would you like to have a wallet that would attract money to you? If you believe the money horoscope, then this is quite possible, ...

To improve financial condition and save capital, you should realize that banknotes are not just pieces of paper that have been given material value. They are a special source of energy. Certain superstitions have formed among the people regarding how to properly lend money and receive it back. Taking them into account, you will not only save the state, but also direct financial flows to yourself.

Practice has shown that money problems need to be approached competently. Over the centuries, the Russian people have a lot of beliefs related to loans and the return of funds.

Is it possible to lend money in the evening

It turns out that not every date or time period is suitable for transferring money for temporary use. In the evening, with the onset of twilight, the positive energy of finance wanders and is lost in the darkness.

Both signs and supporters of esoteric teachings agree that it is undesirable to borrow any amounts in the evening. This is fraught with material difficulties for both the borrower and the lender.

If it is not possible to give money to the recipient in the light of day, then you should use a lantern or a candle, spreading the bills on a table or bench.

Wrong time

As mentioned earlier, in order to avoid financial difficulties, it is forbidden to borrow when it is night outside.

If you decide to lend when the moon is in its waning phase, then positive results with banknotes await only the borrower. For your own good, you need to wait until the moon begins to rise.

In order not to put your wallet at risk, do not borrow on the 13th. The most dangerous date is considered to be February 13th.

Convenient time

If you have to constantly borrow, it would be useful to know the time intervals when this is allowed to be done without risking your own wallet:

  • in the light of day, until the sun has gone below the horizon;
  • it is better to give money in the morning - before 12 noon.

Financial transactions should be carried out when the moon is in a growing phase. This contributes to the growth of material resources.

Who to give and who to refuse

Not all people can lend money, otherwise you risk financial difficulties:

  1. If borrowed by a loser or a person experiencing material problems, then when the money is returned, he will “share” his negative energy of poverty and bad luck.
  2. You can lose your livelihood if you lend to people whose finances are quickly spent.
  3. If you do not set yourself the goal of making enemies, then you cannot lend to friends and relatives.
  4. You do not need to borrow from people from whom you yourself have previously borrowed. Such actions can result in quarrels and financial losses.
  5. If you lend to a wealthy person, then the positive energy of success and prosperity will be transferred to the borrower.
  6. No need to render financial assistance or services to people you owe. The borrower will find it acceptable not to repay the money within the predetermined time frame, since he bailed out first.

Sometimes it is difficult to refuse a friend or a person in trouble, but one should not forget about personal material well-being.

What day of the week to borrow

The most favorable time for financial transactions is Thursday, since this day is ruled by Jupiter, symbolizing the business sphere and business. Astrologers advise to engage in activities aimed at increasing income.

Which hand

Banknotes and coins should be taken with the left palm. The heart is located on this side, which means that you will take the money with good intentions. You need to repay a debt with your right hand.

Other lending conditions

So that you are not affected by the negative energy of a stranger, and you do not transfer your positive energy to him, banknotes are not exchanged from hand to hand. To make a cash transfer, place the money on the table or simply spread the money on the ground. But it is forbidden to put banknotes on the table for eating.

In order for the negative energy to leave the money, it is advisable to use a wooden surface for transmission.

If there was nothing made of wood nearby when you returned the funds, leave the banknotes on your desk upon arrival. Within an hour, negative energy will leave the money.

Refrain from borrowing an amount that includes the numbers 2 and 0, for example, 200 or 2000 rubles. Before lending money, fold the bill at least twice, its ends should be directed towards you during the transfer. Otherwise, it turns out that the funds are transferred openly, from a pure heart, that is, forever.

Borrowing money should be in large denominations. If they try to repay you with small bills, explain to the person that this is a bad omen. In the store you can always exchange money of the desired denomination. Another way out of the situation is to withdraw funds by transferring to a bank card.

No need to be upset about the money gone: it has been noticed that they always return when a person least counts on it. When borrowing funds, do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor at the time of the transfer. You should lend money more often, because usually a large amount is returned back.

Calendar for loan and repayment

To avoid risks during a financial transaction, you need to study when it is possible to lend money. The notes say the following:

  • Refrain from financial transactions on Monday. Otherwise, bills will no longer be found in the wallet, and when they appear, they will not linger.
  • Can't lend on Tuesdays- you run the risk of being in the role of an eternal debtor. If there is a need to repay a debt or borrow money, do it early in the morning.
  • Do not engage in financial transactions on Wednesday. It is only safe to give and take debt before lunchtime.
  • The most successful day of the week for dealing with finances is Thursday. Cash is charged with a special energy. The deal will be beneficial for both the giver and the person who borrows.
  • Avoid borrowing finances on Friday. The risk of a quarrel with the borrower is not excluded. You can only lend money on this day of the week to a person whose reliability you are convinced. But there is an opposite opinion on this matter: Friday is a safe day for the borrower.
  • In accordance with the sign, Saturday is considered a good day of the week for giving funds. It is best to make money transactions during the daytime.
  • Sunday- there is a risk that they will forget to return the material to you.

Superstitions that relate to how to properly lend money do not apply only to the borrower. When returning borrowed funds, you must adhere to the same recommendations. Then the positive energy of money will not leave the home.

It is difficult to find a person who would not borrow money from comrades or would not help friends in this way. It will not be superfluous for anyone to get acquainted with the signs that relate to monetary debt. If you believe the esotericists, following simple rules will help improve your financial situation, avoid unexpected expenses and get out of the debt hole.