Palm food payment system. Palm system at school

Ladoshka's new school feeding system is a modern way of paying for children's meals in schools. Now the child does not have to take money with him to school, which he could lose - just put his palm on a special reader so that it reads the individual capillary pattern on his hand, and automatically debits the money from the parents’ bank card. At the same time, parents receive a notification on their mobile phone not only about the money written off, but also about what exactly their child ordered.

There is another way to use the new school meal payment system, which is provided for primary school students. In this case, the teacher enters data on a special screen about the children present and selects payment for collective meals, after which he leads the class to the already set table.

For the card to work correctly, you need to top up your account with at least one children's lunch, and in order not to miss the time when the balance is empty, you will need to regularly check its status. Carrying out these actions is very simple using the methods described below.

How can I top up my child’s account?

You can top up your Ladoshka account by going to the official website of the baby food payment system, palm.children. Next, follow the following algorithm of actions:

You can also pay for school meals through Sberbank ATMs, as well as electronic terminals in your city. To do this, you will also need to enter the appropriate menu item, enter your individual number information and make a payment in the amount of at least 1 children's lunch at school.

Check the balance of the Ladoshka school meal card

In order for a child to continue to eat in the school canteen without having to carry money with him, using the Ladoshka school meal payment system, it is necessary to regularly monitor the cash account in his individual account. This can be done in your personal account on the official website of the system, as well as while replenishing your account at terminals or ATMs, in the Sberbank Online system. Also, the child can independently check how much money is in the account by clicking on the “Mini Statement” button on the reading terminal at school.

To register in your personal account, you just need to complete a few steps.

From September 1, 2016 PJSC Sberbank officially launches an innovative service for school institutions throughout Russia - “Ladoshki”. It was first presented in April and was launched in test mode in several schools in the Russian Federation.

"Palms" is an all-Russian project from the largest bank in the country, within the framework of which special terminals will be gradually installed in schools, through which students will be able to pay for their lunches using the palm of their hand, debiting money from their personal account, which in turn will be controlled and replenished by parents.

The technology works using a biometric scanning system of the venous formation of the inside of the arm, which does not change throughout life.

Main goal of the project– creation of ultra-modern infrastructure that will allow the child to develop better in a high-tech world, and parents to be sure that their child has eaten well.

Vice President of Sberbank Igor Artamonov is confident that the introduction of terminals with a biometric access system in the educational environment contributes to the introduction of innovations at an early age and the teaching of financial literacy to students. For example, a child from an early age learns to save and spend money wisely.

4 key advantages of the Ladoshki project from Sberbank:

    • Calm. Parents will always know whether their child had lunch and what exactly he bought.
    • Protection. Cashless payments in biometric terminals do not require cash.
    • Convenience. The account is linked to a Sberbank bank card, which is easily replenished in the Sberbank Online system, at terminals or ATMs without commission.
  • Reliability. Sberbank PJSC is responsible for all operations.

Some statistics:

    • The Ladoshki service was first introduced in April 2016.
    • Since its launch, 7 billion meals have been paid for through the biometric terminal.
    • In schools participating in the project, 90% of payments for meals go through a scanner.
    • As of September 1, 2016, 38 schools were connected to the system, and 23.5 thousand students and teachers became active users.
  • By the end of the year, Sberbank plans to introduce the system in another 150 schools in Russia.

Sberbank is about to launch biometric payment for school meals. The idea is this: a student comes to the cafeteria and shows his palm to the smart technology. She reads the “drawing” on a child’s hand and converts it into a digital code. And then he debits money for food from his parents’ e-wallet. The idea is, to put it mildly, strange and raises many questions.

Cause trauma for life

At first glance, Sberbank's initiative is laudable. Introduce new technologies into our lives. But only for the first one. And on the second day you begin to think, what if a child (God forbid) is disabled, what should he do? No palm - no afternoon snack? But this is a rare case and borders on black humor. Now let’s imagine that one or another parent forgets to top up the electronic wallet. Well, it happens, I forgot. Moreover, for the older generation, these newfangled innovations still have to be mastered. So, there is no money in the account. The child put his palm to the terminal, and it told him: you, my friend, will be left without lunch today. At Sberbank, I wonder, do they have any idea what reaction a baby might have? This can be a lifelong injury. It’s generally difficult for children, especially from disadvantaged families, now. I want an iPhone like Petya’s. But my father has no money. And then there’s no food.

However, Sberbank apparently has other goals. Sberbank offices also have similar equipment. German Gref, as you know, is generally a big fan of new technologies. For example, the state bank ordered one IT system and implemented it, spending a billion dollars. And after that, Gref informs the whole country that the recently installed system is outdated, and it’s time to install a new one and, probably, spend another gigantic amount on it.

The most delicious market

Has the bank's strategy also manifested itself in paying for school lunches and breakfasts? After all, there is a supplier, and so is the equipment. Why not implement it somewhere else, great, of course, making money on it. And who would you like to “sell”, or rather, implement? Of course, to the state. We have a Ministry of Education, it has a new minister. As they say, a great start to the day. I signed a contract with the Ministry of Education and Science and received the best client for life. Will pay as much as necessary. Will pay on time. The state is large, rich, there is enough money for everyone. And even more so for our own state bank.

But there is one more important nuance. Any parent knows how a child handles things. New shoes and a new briefcase in a month can turn into worthless objects that have lost their shape. Because it’s “cool” to splash through puddles in boots, and, naturally, to play football with a briefcase. But it's great for school suppliers. Because the equipment, thanks to the efforts of the guys, will constantly break down, which means new orders are guaranteed. As they say, “believe good business.” No, of course, you can assign a special security guard to the equipment, allocating a budget for his salary or once again taking money from the parents. And this guard will make sure that children do not get close to the equipment again. The best way to raise a troubled person.

Zombie children

However, they don’t do anything to Russian children. Sometimes it feels like adults are conducting a grand experiment with the goal of raising robots. Schoolchildren's temperatures are taken and their blood is taken to test for drugs. Instead of real study, they are simply trained on Unified State Examination questions. And now they force you to show your palm. One question: did you happen to remember to ask the schoolchildren if they want to show the machine their hands? They, despite all the tricks of the state, understand everything and want to remain independent, whole people. Perhaps those who want to make money from schoolchildren should re-watch the famous Pink Floyd video. There, zombified children obediently walk and fall into a meat grinder. Those who come up with the next innovation for schools should think about the fact that their children also study in these same schools. Oh yes! We have forgotten that there are foreign educational institutions for elite children.

Ladoshka's new school feeding system is a modern way of paying for children's meals in schools. Now the child does not have to take money with him to school, which he could lose - just put his palm on a special reader so that it reads the individual capillary pattern on his hand, and automatically debits the money from the parents’ bank card. At the same time, parents receive a notification on their mobile phone not only about the money written off, but also about what exactly their child ordered.

There is another way to use the new school meal payment system, which is provided for primary school students. In this case, the teacher enters data on a special screen about the children present and selects payment for collective meals, after which he leads the class to the already set table.

For the card to work correctly, you need to top up your account with at least one children's lunch, and in order not to miss the time when the balance is empty, you will need to regularly check its status. Carrying out these actions is very simple using the methods described below.

You can top up your Ladoshka account by going to the official website of the baby food payment system, palm.children. Next, follow the following algorithm of actions:

You can also pay for school meals through Sberbank ATMs, as well as electronic terminals in your city. To do this, you will also need to enter the appropriate menu item, enter your individual number information and make a payment in the amount of at least 1 children's lunch at school.

Check the balance of the Ladoshka school meal card

In order for a child to continue to eat in the school canteen without having to carry money with him, using the Ladoshka school meal payment system, it is necessary to regularly monitor the cash account in his individual account. This can be done in your personal account on the official website of the system, as well as while replenishing your account at terminals or ATMs, in the Sberbank Online system. Also, the child can independently check how much money is in the account by clicking on the “Mini Statement” button on the reading terminal at school.

To register in your personal account of the system, just follow a few steps:

Ladoshka school feeding system

on sites (this site does not allow you to specify the site name

) this topic was also discussed. Here's an excerpt

Where can I see the balance of my child’s personal account?

The balance of a child’s personal account can be viewed in his personal account on the palm.children website, when replenishing his personal account at ATMs, Sberbank payment terminals and the Sberbank Online system. The child can also view the balance of his personal account by clicking on the “Mini Statement” button on the food terminal installed at the school.

How can I top up my child’s personal account?

The Ladoshki service provides many ways to replenish:

By card or cash through ATMs and payment terminals of Sberbank PJSC;

In the Sberbank Online system;

By connecting Sberbank Autopayment

In your personal account on the Ladoshki.deti website, you can “link” a bank card from any bank to your child’s personal account, and the account will be replenished automatically;

If the “linked” card runs out of money, you can top up your account one-time from any other bank card without “linking” it.

How can parents control the payment process?

All transactions for paying for meals and replenishing the child’s personal account are reflected in the parent’s personal account on the Ladoshki.children website. In addition, you can activate the SMS or e-mail notification service and receive information about what your child ate (hot lunch or sweets), how much and what the balance of his personal account is.

Is palm payment technology safe for a child’s health?

This technology is absolutely safe for the child’s health. The technology is based on obtaining a photo image in the infrared range. Infrared illumination is comparable to the operation of a television remote control. The scanner has an expert opinion from the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow" on compliance with uniform sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements.

How do those children who have a 100% benefit pay?

The child will have an electronic wallet, it can be replenished, but for organized meals, for which the child is entitled to a benefit, no money will be debited, and if the child wants to buy something at the buffet, he will be able to do it with a palm, provided there is a positive balance.

Why choose to use biometric data rather than, for example, a card?

In other regions, the first schools launched a project based on plastic cards, but children often began to lose and forget the cards at home. Schoolchildren lost 30% of their cards within the first two months.

Why exactly Palm, and not, for example, a fingerprint?

Palm identification is more reliable than fingerprint or retinal scanning. The pattern of palm veins is unique for each person and does not change throughout life. The vein pattern cannot be lost, faked or stolen.

How to pay for lunch if the terminal does not work (for example, problems with the Internet)?

The equipment retains the last balance that the child had before the Internet was turned off, and he will be able to receive power.

How will hygiene be maintained when paying with your palms?

Before eating, students do not touch the same place. It is necessary to bring your palm to the reader at a distance of several centimeters to scan the capillaries.

Is it possible to cancel the operation if the child left classes due to illness before receiving food in the canteen?

Cancellation of the operation is possible during the day. Cancellation is carried out by the teacher in his personal account or the responsible school employee in the personal account of the school administrator.

Is it possible to set a limit on the use of an electronic wallet so that a child will not be able to pay for lunch for the entire class or excess lunch items?

Yes, parents in their personal account can set a limit on the number of breakfasts and lunches per day, as well as on the total amount including buffet products. For example, parents can replenish an electronic wallet with 1000 rubles and set a limit of 50 rubles per day, this money will be enough for one month, provided that the child pays for one breakfast per day for 20 rubles and buffet products for 30 rubles.

Is it possible to go negative in an electronic wallet?

Is a fee charged to parents when replenishing an electronic wallet from a card not issued by Sberbank?

Dear parents!

Next academic year, our school will install the Ladoshki cashless payment system for meals.

The main goal of this project is to create a convenient infrastructure that will allow parents to rest assured about their child. Thanks to Ladoshka, there is no need to give children cash, since the money is stored in non-cash form on the parent’s personal account. To pay for food, the system identifies the payer by the individual pattern of the veins of the palm, and the amount is automatically debited from the account.

With the help of “Palms”, the municipal administration can control budget funds for schoolchildren’s meals. Food establishments and educational institutions reduce cash turnover, thereby minimizing collection costs and the risk of fraud. In addition, educational institutions can plan the amount of necessary products and adjust the menu.

The convenience of this system, first of all, lies in the ease of use by students and information openness for parents, who receive information about what the child has eaten - a healthy lunch or sweets, when visiting a personal account or from an e-mail.

A special terminal reads biometric indicators and identifies the owner. At the same time, payment is made, the money is debited from a special bank account, about which parents receive a notification in their personal account or by e-mail, so children do not need to carry either cash or plastic cards with them. The student presents the check at the cafeteria and receives the selected dishes. Parents will only have to monitor the account status.

The payment system was provided by Sberbank of Russia, so there will be no problems with replenishment: you can deposit money in all payment terminals or through the bank’s online services. For those who do not have a Sberbank card, it is also possible to top up a child’s account through a personal account on the Ladoshek website. All replenishment methods - no commission!

The “Palms” project was implemented in schools in the Moscow and Voronezh regions, in Ivanovo and Cheboksary. This year, educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan, Troitsk, Tyumen, Yaroslavl, and Novosibirsk region are joining the project.

The Ladoshki project has become a socially significant innovation for the Yaroslavl region. The implementation of the “Palms” project in the city of Yaroslavl began in pilot educational institutions - Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 18”, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 89” and Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 36”.

More information about the Ladoshki cashless payment system for school meals:

on the project website http://palms.children/

by phone 8 800 707 54 14 (free call)
Follow the news - we will keep you updated!

Presentation of the Palm system

Rules of the Ladoshka system

Appendix to the rules of the Ladoshka system

Palm System Question Answer

A new school nutrition system has been introduced at secondary school No. 168.

You can pay for food in the canteen using your palm.

The “Ladoshki” food payment system is a joint project of Sberbank PJSC, secondary school 168 and the Federal Educational Institution “UEK”.

“Ladoshki” is an innovative project for paying for school meals, which involves the introduction of automated non-cash payment technology for meals in educational institutions. It is based on biometric palm scanning technology. To pay, you need to enter the amount and simply move your palm to the touch scanner. It reads the individual capillary pattern of the palm, and a special optical system built into the sensor identifies the payer, after which the amount is automatically debited from his personal account.

You can top up your account through any channel for receiving payments at Sberbank PJSC - in bank branches, through Sberbank self-service devices and using Internet banking, both in cash and using bank cards. It is also possible to pay using a bank card in your personal account on the Ladoshki.deti website. Regardless of the chosen method of replenishing your personal account, no commission is charged for replenishing your personal account.

What makes the Ladoshka system different?

  • lack of material identifiers (key fobs, cards, etc.), which children often simply lose;
  • compliance with hygiene standards (no need to touch the device, biometric scanning of the capillary pattern of the palm occurs without physical contact with the scanner);
  • high speed of the operation (2-3 seconds);
  • convenient replenishment of your personal account (for example, online from a parent’s card)
  • the opportunity for parents to control what and when their child ate in their personal account
  • No commission for replenishing your personal account, regardless of the method of replenishment.

You can see how the Ladoshki system works in our school and in other regions of Russia using the links below:

Now, at the stage of launching our project, many questions undoubtedly arise. You can send all questions to the employee of Sberbank PJSC assigned to our school - Natalya Sergeevna Nuyanzina by email [email protected]

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4 [Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl region]


Dear parents! The school has installed the “Ladoshki” meal payment system.

The main goal of this project is to create a convenient infrastructure that will allow parents to rest assured about their child. Thanks to Ladoshka, there is no need to give children cash, since the money is stored in non-cash form on the parent’s personal account. To pay for food, the system identifies the payer by the individual pattern of the veins of the palm, and the amount is automatically debited from the account.

With the help of “Palms”, the municipal administration can control budget funds for schoolchildren’s meals. Food establishments and educational institutions reduce cash turnover, thereby minimizing collection costs and the risk of fraud. In addition, educational institutions can plan the amount of necessary products and adjust the menu.

The convenience of this system, first of all, lies in the ease of use by students and information openness for parents, who receive information about what the child has eaten - a healthy lunch or sweets, when visiting a personal account or from SMS.

A special terminal reads biometric indicators and identifies the owner. At the same time, payment is made, the money is debited from a special bank account, about which parents receive an SMS notification, so children do not need to carry either cash or plastic cards with them. The student presents the receipt at the distribution counter and receives the selected dishes. Parents will only have to monitor the account status.

The payment system was provided by Sberbank of Russia, so there will be no problems with replenishment: you can deposit money in all payment terminals or through the bank’s online services. For those who do not have a Sberbank card, it is also possible to top up a child’s account through a personal account on the Ladoshek website. All replenishment methods are commission-free!

The “Palms” project was implemented in schools in the Moscow and Voronezh regions, in Ivanovo and Cheboksary, Troitsk, Tyumen, Yaroslavl and the Novosibirsk region.

The Ladoshki project has become a socially significant innovation for the Yaroslavl region. The “Palms” project in the city of Yaroslavl was implemented in the municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 36”, the municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 18” and the municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 89”.​

More details about the project:

on the website http://laposhki.deti/

by phone 8 800 707 54 14 (free call) and +79051353232 (project supervisor from Sberbank)

Consent form

Question answer

Presentation "Palms"

Instructions for registering and working in your parents’ personal account




Memo_top up_Palms_to number 900

Mobile Sberbank Online is the whole bank in the palm of your hand

The rapid development of Internet and communication technologies and the emergence on the market of an entire segment of 5th and 6th generation communication devices has allowed banking products to become much more convenient for use by Sberbank clients.

This could be payment for mobile communication services, Internet television, or simply a transfer to the accounts and cards of other individuals and organizations. Mobile applications, developed and adapted for mobile devices, are identical in ease of use to all services of the Sberbank online website.

How to use the Mobile Sberbank Online application

All operations carried out through Sberbank mobile applications are divided into three main types:

Payment for communication services

The mobile application allows you to pay for the services of all major cellular operators in Russia, as well as the services of Internet providers.

Operations with client accounts

Carrying out transactions between client accounts or transferring funds from a user bank card to card accounts of Sberbank clients.

What is possible

  • transfer funds from client accounts to accounts of other recipients of individuals or organizations;
  • open or close bank deposits. Replenish or withdraw money from deposits if necessary;
  • exercise control over the movement of money on all accounts and cards of the client, as well as provide information on the status of the current balance of credit and debit cards;
  • purchase and sale of currency at the current Sberbank rate

Maintenance and security features

  1. Blocking of a plastic card by the client directly from a mobile phone in case of loss or other emergency circumstances.
  2. Informing the client with a special SMS notification about all receipts or debits from the client’s accounts.
  3. If necessary, you can use direct access to the Sberbank customer support service operator online to carry out the desired operation on user accounts or consultations.
  4. Finding the closest Sberbank ATM to the client using a special navigation function across all service points in Russia

It should be noted that for proper operation of the Sberbank online mobile application, the necessary software application must be installed on the user’s mobile device.

For devices such as iPhone and iPad, you should go to the AppStore service and, following simple instructions, install the Sberbank mobile application on your phone or tablet. For those devices that use the Android platform, simply go to the Android market section and download the “Mobile Sberbank Online” application.

How to top up a transport card through Sberbank online: instructions

Today, Sberbank practices replenishing various cards and wallets through Internet banking. The transport card was no exception. We want to show you what the replenishment process looks like in our article.

PC version

Many people are accustomed to using the Sberbank Online service by logging into their personal account on the official website. Therefore, we will begin to describe the algorithm for replenishing a transport card for personal computer users.

First, you need to log into your profile on the bank’s website by entering your permanent username and password.

In the page that opens, you will find yourself in the main section, where you will see the status of the accounts of your cards and deposits. Choose a card that has enough funds to top up your card balance. Click on the "Transactions" button and then "pay". You will be automatically redirected to the "payments and transfers" menu. Select the “Products and Services” icon. There will be quite a large number of recipient names, so you need to filter the list. To do this, write “transport card” in the search bar and click on the “find” button. Select the type of card you are interested in and go to the next page “filling out details”. Here you need to indicate the card number. Take the plastic and write down the number that is on the back in the empty field. It usually consists of ten digits. Click “Continue”. The next step is to indicate the amount to replenish the electronic card.

The site system sets restrictions on the minimum and maximum payment amounts, so you need to deposit the amount within the limit.

Check all the details again. If everything is correct, then proceed to confirm the operation. You can confirm in two ways:

  1. The first is by a five-digit code received in an SMS message from the bank.
  2. The second is to enter the one-time password that you printed on the self-service device.

Done! This means that the funds have been debited from your account and the transaction is being processed.

Payment via mobile application

“Sberbank online” in your mobile phone will allow you to make a transfer even faster and more convenient. Your phone is always at hand, so if the balance of your transport card unexpectedly approaches zero, top it up through your mobile online bank, no matter where you are. All you need to do for this is Internet connection on your smartphone or access to WI-FI. And, accordingly, the availability of funds in a bank account.

Let's move on to the description: how to do it. When logging into Internet banking on a smartphone, there is no login or ID. The password, consisting of five characters, serves as your access to the system.

From the main menu, go to the “Payments” section on the right.

Since replenishment of electronic cards refers to other payments and does not have a separate section, click on the “Other” item.

In the search bar, enter the name of the transport card. After the desired recipient has left, go to the page for filling in the details. Enter the 10-digit card number and click “done”. Then enter the transfer amount and confirm the operation. On the screen you will see a “completed” system message. This indicates that the funds went to the recipient’s account.

Activation of transfer

After replenishing your electronic card through the online service, remember that the funds must be activated at the terminal in the metro. The fact is that until you do this, the payment will be in a deferred state.

To do this, select the “remote replenishment” section in the information terminal menu and attach the plastic to the reader. When you see the credited amount on the screen, you can assume that the replenishment of the transport card has been completed successfully.

How to top up a transport card through Sberbank Online (from your phone)

Using Internet banking from Sberbank, you can easily top up various cards and wallets. Transport cards are no exception. Now we will look in detail at how to transfer money to a transport card via the Internet.

Topping up a transport card through Sberbank Online

Many holders of Sberbank debit cards have long created their own personal bank account, through which you can easily top up your transport card.
  1. First of all, you need to log into your Sberbank Online personal account by entering your login (identifier) ​​and password.
  2. By accessing the page of your own account, you can monitor the status of your Sberbank card accounts. Click on the card (if there are several cards) from which you want to write off funds in order to transfer them to a transport card. To the right of the card field there is a button “Operations”, when you expand it you need to click “Pay”.
  3. After doing this, the server will automatically redirect you to the “Payments and Transfers” tab. Scroll through it and open the “Products and Services” icon. Since there will be quite a lot of payment recipients there, you need to enter “transport card” in the “Search” line and click on the “Find” button.
  4. Having selected the appropriate type of card, proceed to the fields to fill in the details. Be sure to enter the card number in a special field (copy it from the media, usually it is 9 digits). Click the Continue button.
  5. Indicate the amount you wish to transfer to the transport card. The system sets some restrictions, so be guided by the established limits and enter the amount within the minimum and maximum limits.
  6. Check the details again, and only after that you can safely click on the payment confirmation button.
This confirmation can be done in 2 ways:
  • Based on the code that will be sent to your phone from the bank (5 digits).
  • Specify the password printed on the receipt when using the terminal.
  • The “Completed” mark means that the operation has been successfully completed and your money will soon be credited to the card.
to contents

Replenishment via mobile application

If you have downloaded the Sberbank mobile application to your smartphone, you can top up your transport card via your phone. Since your phone is always with you, you can top up your transport card at any time by saving payments in templates.

Step-by-step instructions for replenishment:

  1. To log into the system, the login and password that you entered on your computer to enter your Personal Account are not valid. Only a five-digit code will provide access to it.
  2. Go to the "Payments" tab located on the right.
  3. Since electronic cards are not highlighted as a separate item, click on the “Rest” button.
  4. In the search field, enter the name of your transport card. As soon as the desired object appears, go to the page to fill out the details.
  5. Enter your transport card number, consisting of 10 digits.
  6. Now fill in the transfer amount field and confirm the payment.
  7. A pop-up window will display a message about the transaction – “Completed”, which confirms that the funds have been debited to the recipient’s account.
to contents

Activation of credited money

If you top up your transport card online, be sure to activate the funds through terminals in the metro. Until such a manipulation is completed, your payment will seem to freeze, that is, it will be in a deferred state. To do this, on the terminal screen, select the “Remote top-up” item and bring the card to the reader. As soon as the credited amount appears on the monitor, click deposit funds. After this, you can be sure that the card has been successfully topped up.

How to top up your child’s account for meals in the canteen through Sberbank Online.

Log in to your Sberbank personal account.

1. Go to the "Transfers and Payments" section

2. In the search bar, enter the name of the organization "San Source" or enter the organization's TIN 0310010270, click the Find button.

3. The company “San Source” will be displayed in the search results, click on the green link “San Source” with the “Food” service.

4. After selecting a service, you will be redirected to the page for filling out the details:

  • Select the service: "Food".
  • Payment from: select an active card.
  • In the personal account line, enter your phone number (which is linked to your child).
  • Click "Continue".

5. Check the entered data (phone number and full name), then enter the amount to be replenished and click “Continue”.

6. Click confirm via SMS, the phone number to which the card is linked, a verification code will be sent from the bank, enter the verification code and move on to the next step.

7. After correct completion of all specified data, your payment status will be “Completed”.

Top up your transport card through Sberbank Online

Transport cards are quite popular among residents of large cities. Having such a product, you don’t have to worry about having money for travel or not worry about not having change for a large bill. But another question arises, how to top up a transport card through Sberbank online in 2018? Sberbank clients are accustomed to the fact that its Internet banking service solves most emerging issues. Will he help in this case? Let's talk about this in more detail.

What is a transport card

A transport card is a payment product similar to an electronic wallet, the funds of which are intended to pay for ground transport, or more precisely, travel on it. Each individual city has its own special product of this type. Transport cards are not universal and may not support the ability to pay for some routes or may not be valid in the transport stores of certain carrier companies. In this regard, such a product is not familiar to everyone.

Examples of transport maps

A transport card acts as an electronic analogue of the once popular travel tickets, upon purchase of which for a certain amount the user had the opportunity to travel on municipal transport for a month. Consider what transport cards are offered by different cities of the country.

  • The hero city of Volgograd offers its residents the Volna transport card as one of the most convenient ways to pay for travel on public transport. The card has four possible tariffs at the user's discretion. However, some of them allow you to pay for the travel of several passengers. There are also special products such as the student card or schoolchild card. The card is refillable, and if necessary, you can top up the Volna transport card through Sberbank Online, which will be the fastest and most convenient way.
  • Kazan also allows its residents to purchase an electronic travel ticket and pay for travel with greater benefits than in cash. At the same time, there are travel cards with a limited number of trips, and there are unlimited ones with the possibility of replenishment if necessary.
  • Samara also has an “Electronic Travel Pass” system and offers residents the opportunity to purchase transport cards and key fobs that can be replenished as funds are spent. It is worth noting that paying for travel this way is more profitable, since the cost is usually 1-2 rubles cheaper.
  • Novosibirsk offers its residents the use of the Electronic Travel Card system, as well as a social and pension card as a special type of product. You can top up your cards in a variety of ways, including through Sberbank online. In addition, it is possible to pay for travel using the Mobile Ticket service; for this you need to connect to an MTS operator. There are also plans to implement the possibility of paying for travel with bank cards with a contactless payment system.

As we can see, almost every city with a developed urban transport system gives citizens the opportunity to purchase electronic transport cards and make cashless fare payments. This implies the relevance of information about whether it is possible to top up an electronic travel card account with a bank card and how to do this through Sberbank online.