Who spends more during a crisis - men or women? Who spends more: men or women? Poll: who spends more money - men or women.

The most generous foreign guests were fans from the United States and China, according to Visa data. Most foreigners spent in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi.

In the first days of the World Cup in Russia, foreign guests spent in Moscow Visa cards 1.7 billion rubles This is stated in the message of the company received by RBC. Payment system is an official partner of FIFA and a global sponsor of the World Cup.

Among the other cities where foreigners spent the most are St. Petersburg (506 million rubles), Sochi (104 million rubles), Kazan (71 million rubles) and Yekaterinburg (48 million rubles). Visa analyzed the data from June 14 to 18.

The most wasteful foreign guests were tourists from the United States, in second place - China, in third - Mexico. Representatives of the Kingdom of Tonga spent the least.

Most of all foreign tourists in the host cities spent on (in descending order): hotel services, clothing and restaurants and cafes. The average check of foreign holders of Visa cards amounted to 3575 rubles. One in five purchases (17%) across 11 match cities was made using contactless payment methods, including smartphones, bracelets and rings.

The largest average check for foreign Visa cards was recorded in the category "luxury goods" - 23 thousand rubles, followed by the category "hotel services" - 15 thousand rubles. The average check in the category "fashionable clothes" amounted to 8 thousand rubles.

Spending at stadiums

Since Visa is the sponsor of the World Cup, it is possible to pay at the stadiums where the world championship matches are held only with Visa cards or in cash. The payment system analyzed the data on spending at stadiums from 14 to 21 June.

The leader in terms of transaction volume among stadiums was the Luzhniki Arena, where spectators spent 139 million rubles, of which slightly more than half - 71 million rubles. - spent by foreigners, and 68 million rubles. - Russians. Fans spent the least at the stadium in Kaliningrad (16.5 million rubles). The size of the average check at all stadiums amounted to 1682 rubles.

The most "expensive" match in terms of the volume of payments on Visa cards was the match between the national teams of Russia and Saudi Arabia, which took place in Luzhniki on the opening day of the championship on June 14. Tourists from 123 countries of the world visited this game. In second place among the most visited matches by tourists was the game between the national teams of Germany and Mexico. The match took place at Luzhniki on June 17 - it was attended by tourists from 116 countries. The amount that the fans spent on these matches, the company does not disclose.

The largest number of transactions at the stadiums were made by holders of Visa cards issued by banks in the United States, Mexico and China. The share of contactless payments at all stadiums was 54%. Moreover, the owners of Russian Visa cards more often than foreigners preferred this method of payment - 66% versus 34%, respectively.

Most often, fans purchased food and drinks at the stadiums, and souvenirs were in second place. At the same time, in terms of the volume of transactions, Russians spent almost twice as much on food and drinks compared to foreign guests, while in stores with sports merchandise, the number of transactions with Russian and foreign cards is almost equal. The average bill, meanwhile, for foreign Visa cards is one and a half times higher in both categories.

The FIFA World Cup runs from June 14 to July 15. Matches are being played in 11 Russian cities.

Men save, women spend. According to the data of the National Institute of Statistics for 2009, this is exactly the kind of behavior that is observed in Bulgarian families during the crisis. Experts have found that men in Bulgaria have given up their expensive “toys” like televisions, cars, expensive watches, and reduced purchases to a minimum. Saving in times of crisis, however, does not apply to women, experts say. It is well known that women do not know how to save, so they continue to spend money from the family budget. For what? Despite the crisis, they do not deprive themselves of new cosmetics and things. They are tempted by serious discounts in stores where, due to the crisis and reduced consumption, prices for goods are falling significantly. One blouse costs as much as three kilograms of tomatoes. So why not buy it for yourself?
And yet, who spends more from the family budget - women or men? We visited two stores selling cosmetics and household appliances and electronics in order to personally verify the statement of statisticians that women are the ones who squander family budget. The blitz questionnaire, which we conducted in one of the major metropolitan MALLs, gave interesting results.

In your family, who spends more money on personal needs?

“I spend more, but not on cosmetics, but on other things, such as books, entertainment, gatherings with friends,” says Veronika Hristova, a consultant at a cosmetics store. - My husband protests, but sometimes he joins in the fun, so everything is compensated. We reach a consensus on the issue of spending on my personal needs and desires. After 22 years of marriage, it cannot be otherwise, otherwise the “game” can become rough.”

Do men continue to buy expensive equipment in the same way as before the crisis?

“No, they do it less often. Women, on the other hand, buy more goods, but first of all, they buy cheap household appliances and less often IT devices, mainly computers, summarizes Svilen Grigorov, manager of a household appliances and electronics store. “Men are less likely to buy expensive appliances, such as plasma TVs, camcorders or world-famous stereos.”

Gergana Stoimenova, a cashier at the same store, also took part in the questionnaire. To the statistics that women during the crisis spend more money from the family budget on cosmetics and things than men, Gergana categorically stated: “Nothing like that!”

“Everyone buys everything they need. There are men who buy things more expensive than their wives' clothes."

In the laptop sales department, a young family with a stroller is intently reviewing prices. Who spends more in your family?

“My husband definitely spends more money from the family budget,” the young mother says with a smile. “We have been paying more and more money for equipment and repairs lately.”

In the lobby of the MALL, two well-dressed young men are talking animatedly about something. Who "leaks" the family budget during the crisis? we asked them. The answer was quite unexpected.

“Let's be honest - men! They spend more money on their cars, but also on their family, on their children. But at the same time they litter with money and on their whims.

Over the past ten years, according to the National Institute of Statistics, purchasing power Bulgarians has increased significantly. Ten years ago, a Bulgarian could buy only three televisions with his annual income, and today he has enough for seven televisions. There is another example. If ten years ago a Bulgarian's annual income allowed him to purchase 13 suits, today he can be the owner of 23 suits. The data of the National Institute of Statistics show another side of our everyday life. The crisis and cost cuts did not have a noticeable effect on the meal of the Bulgarians. Even vice versa. They indulge themselves more with all sorts of goodies, eat more rationally and with health benefits. This is confirmed by statistics, according to which the consumption of meat, fruits and vegetables has increased and the consumption of bread has decreased.

Translation by Snezhan Nikiforov

Who spends more: men or women? Women often complain that household expenses cost them much more than men. The men respond by saying that they are doing less shopping but their products are more expensive. We decided to put an end to this dispute and figured out who has to spend more. For calculations, we have chosen several categories of expenses - body care, decorative cosmetics, basic clothing and services (see the details of the methodology and the list of goods at the end of the text). We crossed out goods and services that cost the same for men and women, such as toothpaste and brush, mouthwash, gym membership. It is clear that in each case the set of goods is individual. For example, not all women use both foundation and concealer and powder at the same time. But we tried to put together a universal consumer basket that would suit most Russians. So what turned out? Dear women Among the most necessary things for men's personal hygiene included 11 items and products (for example, shaving foam, toilet water, etc.), shorts, socks, a T-shirt, and a haircut among the services. The total cost of the minimum gentleman's set was 6,865 rubles. A woman needs at least 40 items to put herself in order. The list includes cosmetics (varnish, powder, scrub, gel, cream, etc.), underwear, as well as 5 beauty services: manicure, pedicure, epilation, eyelash extensions, hair coloring and haircut. All this costs an average of 20,812 rubles, that is, almost four times more than a man needs. Commodity Discrimination It turned out that manufacturers of goods take advantage of women's weakness for everything that provides them with comfort. For this reason, goods for them are often sold more expensive than for men. For example, a Venus razor with two replaceable cassettes costs 864 rubles, and an analogue for men - Gillette Fusion Proglide costs 799 rubles. Eros Versace toilet water (50 ml) in the series for men costs 4020 rubles, and for the fairer sex - 4800 rubles. Even the men's version of Fa Xtreme shower gel costs 7 rubles cheaper than the regular version - 122 versus 129 rubles. The same goes for services: according to the data Federal Service state statistics, the average cost of a men's haircut in Moscow is 515 rubles, and women's - 700 rubles. This situation is not unique to Russia. In 2015, the New York City Council of Consumer Affairs conducted a survey of 1,000 products from 90 manufacturers. It turned out that products for women cost 7% more, and personal care products 13% more than for men. “From the point of view of consumer behavior, women tend to more actively follow fashion, their appearance, consuming much more goods from the category of cosmetics, clothing, jewelry and others, they are more demanding, they want to have a wide range, choice, they want to see differences in the positioning of goods - in order to satisfy your individual demand,” explains Natalya Kolupaeva, Senior Analyst for Retail and Consumer Sector at Raiffeisenbank. Because of this diversity, goods for women are more expensive, says Mikhail Dymshits, CEO of the consulting company Dymshits and Partners. “For example, women's razors. They look like men's, but if men's one color, then women's - five. At the same time, they are bought less often, and should always be on the shelf. If you made them on credit, then you will have to pay more for it. All these factors - small, varied batches, longer time between production and sale - make women's goods more expensive than men's,” says Dymshits. The exceptions were deodorant, the male version of which is more expensive (168 versus 117 rubles), and, surprisingly, pedicure and manicure. In the same salon, a manicure for men costs 550 rubles, and for women - 390 rubles. Pedicure costs 1450 rubles. - one and a half times more expensive than for women (890 rubles). Since a small number of Russian men do manicures and pedicures, we did not include these services in the calculations. At the same time, “male” products are not more expensive. There is an opinion that women's socks are cheaper. But in reality this is not so. For example, in the store "Your" three pairs of men's socks cost 199 rubles. The same, but women's cost 199 rubles. H&M sells five men's and women's socks for 699 rubles. At Uniqlo, men's socks cost an average of 399 rubles, women's - 299 rubles. Who earns more? Men earn more. According to Promsvyazbank data for August 2016, the average wage coming to plastic card, for men was 37.3 thousand rubles, and for women - 24 thousand rubles. (55% difference). The lag in spending on cards is slightly less: for men, 11.4 thousand rubles. per month, and for women - 8.4 thousand rubles. (35% difference). in the Moscow credit bank 46% of clients are men and 54% are women. Over the past year and a half, the median of average salaries received on the cards of men was 28.1 thousand rubles, and for the fairer sex - 27.4 thousand rubles. At the same time, men spend 7.1 thousand rubles on cards every month, women - 6.7 thousand rubles. “If we turn to the arithmetic mean calculation method, we note that men replenish cards more actively than women. The amount of the average monthly replenishment of cards for men is 1.5-2 times higher than the volume of replenishment for female clients,” the bank’s press service said. However, it is possible that the expenses of a man include expenses for women, and the latter mainly spend money only on themselves. Conclusions: - Men earn and spend more money. - Many consumer goods, cosmetics and products for women are more expensive than for men. - Women spend four times more on personal care than men. - Being a man is cheaper than being a woman.

"Men are from Mars, girls are from Venus", "Act like a woman, think like a man" - all these books are designed to provoke girls and guys into a real battle of the sexes. They compare everything from early childhood to the very pressing questions of who spends more. Do you want to know who won? Read our next revealing material!

After people moved from the cave to structures that remotely resembled houses, everything in their lives turned upside down. Women no longer wanted to put up with the role of housewife and homemaker. They cultivated and cherished some strange feeling in themselves, which later grew into feminist sentiments and, as a result, into a real battle of the sexes.

According to statistics, Russian Federation recognized as the most "feminine" country in the world, where the early mortality of men kills all conceivable and unimaginable records, largely due to the peculiarities of our mentality. But despite this, Russian women are distinguished by a more patriarchal mindset, which is why the battle of the sexes mainly manifests itself exclusively within large metropolitan areas, and by no means in the periphery.

For example, on the territory of Moscow, Vladivostok or St. Petersburg, the battle of the sexes is manifested in who spends more: men or women.

Recently, the fashion clothing market in Russia has been progressing more and more due to the serious interest of domestic fashionistas in seasonal clothing collections. Having read fashion blogs and websites, our men brought 20-25% more than the planned budget to the treasury of large retailers. Moreover, to a greater extent, Russian young people have a weakness for shirts.

Thanks to the Symbol-Marketing analytical agency, it turned out that approximately 55% of men buy clothes once every 3-4 months, 30% - only once per season, the remaining 10% make purchases every month as a standard.

According to Rosmir, according to average statistics, men and women spend about 20% of their salary on clothes, with the exception of inveterate shopaholics who seek to take off everything in order to take possession of this or that thing.

At the same time, our population stubbornly prefers to dress in multi-brand stores (79%), 54% are quite satisfied with small trusted stores, while 22% often visit expensive boutiques.

Let's move on to the female half of our vast country. And here the first thing that catches your eye is the love of women for sales. If men disdain them by definition, then for women it is a pleasant outlet. They are ready to spend 30% of their salary on such an interesting adventure, which consists in finding some interesting little thing if possible. Thus, approximately comparing the spending on clothing for both men and women.

It is a mistake to assume that women spend money on clothes around the clock. They generally spend money very sparingly (45%), going to the store only two or three months, no more, 55% once every three or four months, while 5% every month.

YEREVAN, March 15. News-Armenia. There are different opinions in society regarding the propensity of men and women to save. Some believe that women are by nature spenders, and men are more prudent in matters of finance.

Someone, on the contrary, is sure that women are more stingy, while the representatives of the stronger sex more often than women like to treat themselves to expensive purchases.

Novosti-Armenia agency decided to conduct a survey among its readers to find out their point of view.