Wimm-Bill-Dann. Growth strategy Who is featured on the wimm bill dann logo

Established in 1992, Wimm-Bill-Dann joined the PepsiCo Group in 2011. The acquisition of Wimm-Bill-Dann enabled PepsiCo to become the largest beverage and food company in Russia and one of the largest raw milk processors.

PepsiCo continues to successfully develop its dairy and baby food business in Russia and the CIS thanks to consistently high quality products, a wide range of products, popular brands and established distribution throughout the country.


The history of the Wimm-Bill-Dann company dates back to 1992, when Sergey Plastinin and Mikhail Dubinin rented a production line at the Lianozovsky Dairy Plant and began producing packaged juices under the Wimm-Bill-Dann trademark. In just three years, LMK, the largest dairy plant in Eastern Europe, will become the first own production asset of a young domestic company.

In 1993, Wimm-Bill-Dann launched the production of yoghurts. At that time, this type of dairy product was little known and was just beginning to gain popularity among consumers.

In 1994, Wimm-Bill-Dann launched the first domestic brand of packaged juices, J 7, on the market. Today, J 7 is the leader in the premium segment of the Russian juice market.

In 1996, the company expanded its brand portfolio and launched traditional dairy products Domik v derevnya. Today, natural dairy products "House in the Village" are trusted by thousands of families across the country, and the brand itself is one of the leaders in the dairy products market. Domik v derevne products are annually awarded the Product of the Year award, and in 2011 the brand was awarded medals and the Grand Prix of the All-Russian tasting competition Milk Success. The brand occupies the first lines in the status ratings, was awarded the “100 Best Goods of Russia” award, included in the list of the most valuable Russian brands in the Interbrand catalog, and according to the Forbes magazine rating, it is included in the TOP-10 of the largest Russian brands.

1998 is a landmark year in the history of the company. This year, Wimm-Bill-Dann is starting an active regional expansion, acquiring enterprises in Vladivostok, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod and the Krasnodar Territory. The basis of the successful business of Wimm-Bill-Dann is a stake on innovation: the company was one of the first in Russia to launch mass production of food products in cardboard aseptic packaging, which made it possible to bring product distribution to a qualitatively new level, ensuring its safety for a long time. The successful location of production facilities, their modernization and the high professional level of employees, the consistently high quality of products laid the foundation for the company's success in the market and made Wimm-Bill-Dann one of the leaders in the domestic food industry.

In 1998, Wimm-Bill-Dann introduces two new products to the market - Chudo yogurt and Chudo Yagoda fruit drink. Berry fruit drink "Miracle Yagoda", prepared according to traditional Russian recipes from forest and garden berries, became the first packaged fruit drink in Russia.

In the same year, Wimm-Bill-Dann brought Chudo yogurt to the market. At first, they had only a few flavors and were packaged in small plastic cups. Today, the Miracle brand is the leader of the domestic market of yoghurts and desserts and has 95 different types of products.

The year 1999 was marked for the company by innovations in the dairy segment. Wimm-Bill-Dann launches Bio Max bio-kefir, which has become the first specialized brand of fortified dairy products in Russia.

In 2000, a brand of dairy products, Vesyoliy Molochnik, enters the market. In the same year, Wimm-Bill-Dann acquires production facilities in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.

In 2001, Wimm-Bill-Dann entered the baby food market by launching products under the Agusha trademark, the first domestic brand of baby food. For more than four years in a row, Agusha has been the leader in the baby food market in Russia.

In 2002, Wimm-Bill-Dann became the first domestic food company to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The initial public offering brought the company $200 million.

In 2003, Wimm-Bill-Dann acquires the Essentuki Mineral Water Plant and starts producing Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 under its own brand. In the same year, in the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory, the production of Lamber cheese, the first domestic yellow cheese, successfully competing with imported products in the category of yellow cheeses, was launched. At the same time, production of functional milk drink Imunele begins in Moscow. Subsequently, the product line of this brand included Imunele for Men and Imunele for Kids.

In 2007, the company launches juices, fruit, vegetable and meat purees "Agusha" on the market. And the very next year, baby powdered milk formulas. To date, under the brand name "Agusha" 108 varieties of products are produced.

In February 2011, Wimm-Bill-Dann, the largest producer of juices and dairy products in Russia, joins the PepsiCo family. With the acquisition of Wimm-Bill-Dann, PepsiCo became Russia's largest food and beverage company.

The calculations of Wimm-Bill-Dann Drinks LLC are based in part on the data contained in the Nielsen retail audit reports for the juice category for the period from July 2013 to June 2014 in cities of the Russian Federation with a population of more than 10 thousand people, in relation to the market, valid for August 21, 2014.

The Chudo brand is in first place in terms of volume in the yoghurts and desserts macro segment for June-July 2010 - April-May 2014. The calculations of Wimm-Bill-Dann LLC are based in part on data contained in Nielsen's reports on the audit of retail trade in macrosegment of yogurts and desserts (macrosegment determined by the client) for the period June-July 2010 - April-May 2014 in cities of the Russian Federation with a population of more than 10 thousand people, valid as of August 13, 2014.

Many people still believe that Wimm-Bill-Dann is a Western company. This is due to the unusual name. When in the early 90s Sergei Plastinin and Mikhail Dubinin named their company that way, they bet on the fact that at that time people trusted Western goods more than domestic ones. Their calculation was justified.

Having launched the all-Russian Wimm-Bill-Dann juicer and telling the world how good it is to have a house in the country, Sergey Plastinin created a brand named after his daughter and intends to dictate the fashion of young people

How it all began?

It is said that in business it is very rare that an enterprise is led by partners who are equally associated with the company in terms of popularity. It really is. Just look at brands such as Euroset or Microsoft. And in general, from well-known companies where both leaders are equally famous, only Google comes to mind with mathematical geniuses Sergey Brin and Larry Page. The situation with the Wimm-Bill-Dann company is more like a typical one, since its path is inextricably linked with one of the founders - Sergey Plastinin.

Sergei grew up in the village of Shipitsin, Arkhangelsk Region, in a family of teachers. After he graduated from the eight-year school, he went to finish his studies in Leningrad, to a boarding school, where physics and mathematics were the main subjects. Worthy for a young man, I must say! After school, Plastinin decided to continue his specialized education, and entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology. Unfortunately, from the first year he was taken into the army, so he failed to connect his life with science. However, the service was not in vain for Sergei, because during this time he managed to learn English quite well. Knowing which helped him a lot in life.

After the army, Plastinin ended up in another country. In a country where the boom in trade began. It was impossible to miss the opportunity, and therefore the young man decided not to continue technical training, but to go into business. Sergey began his career as a simple reseller. Has grown to a wholesaler that specializes in furniture and some household items. Trading was easy for Plastinin. Even then it was clear that he mastered this art and was quite well versed in marketing on an intuitive level.

It was 1992. A time when confusion still reigned in the country, but in all this chaos, many people managed to find new opportunities and use them. Some are honest, some are not at all. Sergey belongs to the first. In 1992 he had a daughter.

On the way home, the wholesaler of furniture and household chemicals went around the shops in search of juice: he had just had a daughter, and the nursing mother needed vitamins. On the half-empty shelves there was only a dry concentrate. Sergey diluted the powder with water and realized that he had attacked a gold mine - the drink turned out to be six times cheaper than the finished juice. The next day, together with their partner Mikhail Dubinin, they decided to start producing such juices. This was in 1992.

The businessmen took a $50,000 loan from Sberbank, rented a line at the Lianozovsky dairy plant, bought packaging from Tetra Pak, and raw materials from a German company. And by the end of the year, the first package of Wimm-Bill-Dann juice was released.

The name was born while playing. Intuition suggested that it was better for him to be foreign: the imported product aroused more confidence among Soviet citizens. Playing with the words "Wimbledon - Wim-bil-don", Plastinin and Dubinin settled on the combination familiar to all of us - Wimm-Bill-Dann. “The name should sound unusual. Even if it is not clear, the main thing is to be catchy, ”says Sergey Plastinin, a forty-year-old Russian billionaire from the Forbes list, today.

In addition, the founders turned to their friend, designer Andrey Sechin, to draw the company's logo. He drew a rather funny creature, which, according to him, is a copy of his then dog. Today, the Wimm-Bill-Dann logo is one of the most famous among Russian brands.

The first serious product of the company was J7 juice, the packaging design of which was developed by the same Andrey Sechin. The main thing that Plastinin and Dubinin immediately realized was that in order to be successful, they would have to actively advertise their product. And so they did. At the same time, J7 was one of the main sponsors of the popular White Parrot program. So, Yuri Nikulin also advertised it. Perhaps you even remember. Needless to say, in the early 90s it was such a popular program that the juice became known throughout the country. "White Parrot" did its job.

Already in 1993, the expansion of the company began. Well-known entrepreneurs of that time, Gavriil Yushvaev and David Yakobishvili, invested in it. Both received a share in the company, and Wimm-Bill-Dann received funds to expand their business, which were so needed at that time.

Rapid development

Wimm-Bill-Dann is actively expanding its product range. New juices appeared, but not only. So, the company opens up a completely new direction - dairy products.

In 1996, WBD's most successful product appeared on the market - Domik v derevne milk. This name was literally imposed on the founders of Wimm-Bill-Dann by the same Andrey Sechin. It never occurred to any of them that milk could be called that. What house? What grandmother? Yes, and a survey in focus groups showed that potential consumers are categorically against the "House in the Village". The company almost abandoned this name, but still avoided a fatal mistake. “I think it’s wrong to ask people if they like the name,” explains Plastinin. “Our task is not to come up with a name or logo to please the consumer, but to make sure that he buys our product.”

Of course, not all products were made by brands. In 1997, the company conceived a drink called DJ. But the brand didn't catch on. The mistake was that each of the divisions was engaged in its own part of the project. The advertising department promoted the name and image with the youth in mind, the designer decided that this was an elite product, and the technologist developed a recipe for the mass consumer. As a result, the youth involved in the advertising campaign bought the product and were disappointed with both the form and the content. And the advertising campaign generally scared away the elite public.

Then the company decided to hire a special person who lives the life of the brand and knows everything about it. And they came up with a position for him - "Marochnik". “So we hired our first brand managers, not even suspecting that these specialists have long existed in the world. In general, the bicycle was invented, ”recalls Plastinin.

The geographical presence of the company also expanded. Soon the products of Plastinin and Dubinin could be bought throughout Russia. Soon the development of the company reached the point that it was divided into three areas, which were responsible for juices, dairy products and mineral water.

In the late 1990s, Russians learned that Wimm-Bill-Dann was a Russian brand. And they took it quite calmly.

Plastinin's company survived the August crisis of 1998 relatively calmly. By that time, domestic products were again in vogue in the country, and WBD successfully declared its Russian origin.

However, resting on its laurels, the company almost lost its most iconic brand. By the beginning of 2001, J7 was already a veteran product, and against the backdrop of new juices, its packaging was clearly losing. And the consumer has become more sophisticated. And the company arranged the work with distributors incorrectly - they were not encouraged for the fact that they sold a lot, but for the fact that they bought a lot from WBD. As a result, sales dropped markedly. “Competitors did not doze off, they changed formats, and J7 was no longer perceived as a leading product. We started to do the same after, but the one who catches up always lags behind at first, - Plastinin shares his experience. “But now we know that restyling is necessary every two or three years, otherwise the consumer gets bored.” Participation in the global TV project "The Last Hero" then helped to correct the situation.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Wimm-Bill-Dann occupied a third of the Russian juice market and the same share in the dairy market. Development requires resources, primarily financial. The company took a bold step: it placed its shares on a Western stock exchange. Preparations for the IPO were led by Sergei Plastinin, who in 2001 took over the operational management of WBD. He beautifully “packaged” the company and successfully sold it in 2002 - through the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), investors bought up a quarter of Wimm-Bill-Dann shares. Demonstrating unprecedented openness, the company published in the prospectus information about the criminal past of Gavriil Yushvaev. Investors were not embarrassed - on the contrary, they appreciated such sincerity. Global dairy producer Danone acquired a 4% stake in WBD during an IPO.

The funds raised on the stock exchange ($200 million) were used to expand the business - building new facilities and modernizing existing ones. WBD continued its expansion, covering strategically important regions. In addition, it was necessary to optimize the portfolio of brands. The assortment of Wimm-Bill-Dann consisted of 1,100 dairy products and 170 types of juice. And many brands have already competed with each other.

The competition did not affect relations between partners - the shareholders were never seen in scandalous showdowns or quarrels. “The key word is mutual understanding,” says Plastinin. “We don’t even have documented agreements. True, we used to spend all evenings and weekends together, but now we don’t meet so often - everyone has their own affairs.

Some problems affected the company a few years ago, when there was a slight decrease in its profits. Fortunately, the situation was corrected. Tony Meyer, who had worked for Coca-Cola for many years, was hired as CEO. He managed to raise the company's performance, and make Wimm-Bill-Dann rush to growth again.

Today, the company owns 36 production enterprises engaged in the production of dairy products, juices and mineral water. Wimm-Bill-Dann has sales centers in 25 Russian cities. Of course, they are also present in other CIS countries. In addition, the company has a whole line of popular brands, which includes J7", "100% Gold Premium", "Lubimiy Sad", "House in the Village", "Merry Milkman", "Agusha", etc. Listing, ultimately, simply does not make sense, since there are more than 1000 of them.

Today, Wimm-Bill-Dann can boast of many things, but Sergey Plastinin, one of the founders of the company, speaks best of all: “Wimm-Bill-Dann has repeatedly made breakthroughs: the release of the first juice package, the creation of the first domestic brands, the acquisition of regional enterprises, the start of industrial production of berry juice, the start of production of juice and dairy products. In 2002, our company was the first Russian food company to list its securities (Level 3 ADRs) on the New York Stock Exchange. And today in Russia there are not many companies with such a level of openness and transparency as we have. »

Impressive achievement, isn't it? But Sergei Plastinin is not limited to only one Wimm-Bill-Dann. He has another rather interesting project, which is actively written about by all domestic and foreign business magazines. We are talking about a network of clothing stores "Kira Plastinina", launched with the help of the entrepreneur's daughter. The thing is that at one point, Sergei Plastinin noted that his daughter draws well, and even designs clothes. Of course, like any loving father, he decided to immediately attach his child by launching the Kira Plastinina company. Kira designs youth clothing, which is in great demand among the target audience. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she offers her own sporty-casual style, which is quite comfortable and original.

Still, Mr. Plastinin's intuition never let him down. Making your daughter the face of a new brand is a risky move, but it turned out to be more than successful. Young people willingly buy clothes under the Kira Plastinina brand - they are impressed that the models are being developed by a talented girl of the same age. The prestige of the project was added by Paris Hilton, who visited the show of Kira Plastinina at the autumn Fashion Week-2007. This appearance of a well-known party girl to the Russian people was generously paid for: as the newspapers wrote, the socialite received $ 2 million for a visit to Moscow. However, it was worth it. The Moscow adventures of the glamorous blonde were vigorously discussed by the world press, which paved the way for the American market: in May, Kira flew to New York to open her boutique on Broadway. Up to a dozen stores will appear in the US by the end of the year.

What's next? By 2010, Plastinin intends to become a leading national player in the clothing market. And Kira after school is going to enter the famous designer St. Martins College London. Quite possibly, over time, the founder of Wimm-Bill-Dann will be treated like this: “Are you really Kira Plastinina’s dad?”

Plastinin has already invested $35 million in the brand. And this is just the beginning. Kira's stores are already operating throughout Russia, and are present even in New York. Of course, the publicity stunt with the arrival of socialite Paris Hilton to the show of Kira, for which the daughter from the clan of legendary hotel owners is known, received several million dollars, also became loud. And Plastinin - the attention of the world community.

Today, Sergey is betting heavily on the work of his daughter, and hopes to become one of the leaders in the Russian clothing market in the coming years. Well, why not? Given that the product is really in good demand.


is a beverage and food company in Russia and one of the largest raw milk processors.

Source: http://wbd.ru/

History of Wimm Bill Dann

The history of the Wimm-Bill-Dann company dates back to 1992, when Sergey Plastinin and Mikhail Dubinin rented a production line and began producing packaged juices under the Wimm-Bill-Dann trademark. In just three years, LMK, the largest dairy plant in Eastern Europe, will become the first own production asset of a young domestic company.

In 1993, Wimm-Bill-Dann launched the production of yoghurts. At that time, this type of dairy product was little known and was just beginning to gain popularity among consumers.

In 1994, Wimm-Bill-Dann launched the first domestic brand of packaged juices, J7, on the market. Today, J7 is the leader in the premium segment of the Russian juice market.1

In 1996, the company expanded its brand portfolio and launched traditional dairy products Domik v derevnya. Today, natural dairy products "House in the Village" are trusted by thousands of families across the country, and the brand itself is one of the leaders in the dairy products market. Domik v derevne products are annually awarded the Product of the Year award, and in 2011 the brand was awarded medals and the Grand Prix of the All-Russian tasting competition Milk Success. The brand occupies the first lines in the status ratings, was awarded the “100 Best Goods of Russia” award, included in the list of the most valuable Russian brands in the Interbrand catalog, and according to the Forbes2 magazine rating, it is included in the TOP-10 of the largest Russian brands.

1998 is a landmark year in the history of the company. This year, Wimm-Bill-Dann is starting an active regional expansion, acquiring enterprises in Vladivostok, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod and the Krasnodar Territory. The basis of the successful business of Wimm-Bill-Dann is a stake on innovation: the company was one of the first in Russia to launch mass production of food products in cardboard aseptic packaging, which made it possible to bring product distribution to a qualitatively new level, ensuring its safety for a long time. The successful location of production facilities, their modernization and the high professional level of employees, the consistently high quality of products laid the foundation for the company's success in the market and made Wimm-Bill-Dann one of the leaders in the domestic food industry.

In 1998, Wimm-Bill-Dann introduces two new products to the market - Chudo yogurt and Chudo Yagoda fruit drink. Berry fruit drink "Miracle Yagoda", prepared according to traditional Russian recipes from forest and garden berries, became the first packaged fruit drink in Russia.

In the same year, Wimm-Bill-Dann brought Chudo yogurt to the market. At first, they had only a few flavors and were packaged in small plastic cups. Today, the Chudo brand is the leader of the domestic market of yoghurts and desserts3 and includes 95 different types of products.

The year 1999 was marked for the company by innovations in the dairy segment. Wimm-Bill-Dann launches Bio Max bio-kefir, which has become the first specialized brand of fortified dairy products in Russia.

The expansion of geography and increase in production volumes leads to the fact that the company begins to feel a shortage of high-quality raw milk. This situation is pushing Wimm-Bill-Dann to create a comprehensive system of measures to support domestic milk producers. In 1999, the company launched the Milk Rivers program, which included commodity loans, leasing of production equipment and, in fact, became the first domestic business program to support the agro-industrial complex.

In the same year, the company launches Lyubimiy Sad juices and nectars, which are now produced under the Lyubimiy brand. To date, the company, which includes Wimm-Bill-Dann, has three of the most successful brands in the domestic juice market: J7 is in first place, in second is Orchard, and in third is Lyubimy. 4

In 2000, a brand of dairy products, Vesyoliy Molochnik, enters the market. In the same year, Wimm-Bill-Dann acquires production facilities in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.

In 2001, Wimm-Bill-Dann entered the baby food market by launching products under the Agusha trademark, the first domestic brand of baby food. For more than four years in a row, Agusha has been the leader in the baby food market in Russia.5

In 2002, Wimm-Bill-Dann became the first domestic food company to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The initial public offering brought the company $200 million.

In 2003, Wimm-Bill-Dann acquires the Essentuki Plant and begins to produce Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 under its own brand. In the same year, in the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory, the production of Lamber cheese, the first domestic yellow cheese, successfully competing with imported products in the category of yellow cheeses, was launched. At the same time, production of the functional milk drink Imunele begins in Moscow. Subsequently, the product line of this brand included Imunele for Men and Imunele for Kids.

In 2007, the company launches juices, fruit, vegetable and meat purees "Agusha" on the market. And the very next year, baby powdered milk formulas. To date, under the brand name "Agusha" 108 varieties of products are produced.

In February 2011, Wimm-Bill-Dann, the largest producer of juices and dairy products in Russia, joins the PepsiCo family. With the acquisition of Wimm-Bill-Dann, PepsiCo became Russia's largest food and beverage company.

Wimm Bill Dann Brands

  • Juices and nectars "Lubimiy"
  • Dairy products "Frugurt"
  • Dairy products "House in the village"
  • Dairy products "Imunele"
  • Baby food "Agusha"
  • Dairy products "Mazhitel"
  • Mineral water "Essentuki"
  • Cheese "Lamber"
  • Dairy products "Miracle"
  • Mineral water "Springs of Russia"
  • Juices and nectars "100% Gold"
  • Baby food "Zdrivery"
  • Juices and nectars "J7"
  • Dairy products "BIO MAX"
  • Dairy products "Merry Milkman"
  • Dairy products "Kuban Burenka"
  • Fruit drinks "Miracle Berry"
  • Cheese "Granfort"
  • Dairy products "Quaker"


Wimm-Bill-Dann is the market leader in dairy products and baby food in Russia and one of the leading players in the soft drinks market in Russia and the CIS countries. Wimm-Bill-Dann owns more than 35 processing plants in Russia, Ukraine and Central Asia. In total, more than 18 thousand people work at these enterprises and in WBD trade branches.

The most recognizable brands of the company are: "House in the Village", "Miracle", "Merry Milkman", "33 Cows", "Bio-Max", "Imunele", "Mazhitel", "Lamber" and others (Fig. 2). Wimm-Bill-Dann owns the most famous Russian juice brand - J7. No less popular are the brands "Lubimiy Sad", "Miracle Berry", "Essentuki" and "Rodniki Rossii". The Agusha brand is the most recognizable baby food brand in Russia.

Wimm-Bill-Dann controls about 33% of the dairy products market in monetary terms, occupying a leading position in this market. The name of the company comes from "Wimbledon". And the animal on the Wimm-Bill-Dann logo is a non-existent animal, "created" by designers on the order of the company.

JSC "Wimm-Bill-Dann" - was founded in 1992. At that time, no one in the country poured juice into bags. There were practically no imported juices in modern packaging on sale either. In stores I came across, and quite rarely, domestic goods in three-liter glass jars with dusty tin lids. Therefore, the appearance in Moscow of the first juices in bright multi-colored packages with the "foreign" inscription "Wimm-Bill-Dann" became a notable event. Juices were poured on a technological line of the Lianozovsky Dairy Plant rented especially for this purpose. It was not rented by foreigners at all, but by a newly created Russian company consisting of five people. The "foreign" name was chosen because the domestic product at that time did not enjoy the confidence of consumers.

In 1993 Wimm-Bill-Dann for the first time in Russia started the production of yoghurts. Now it's hard to believe, but at that time the domestic consumer did not even know the word. With the advent of a new product, a new topic for discussion appeared on the pages of newspapers: is “yogurt” sweet kefir or warm ice cream?

Now the Wimm-Bill-Dann group of companies includes 37 manufacturing enterprises. WBD's strategy is to produce dairy products in the region where they are consumed, supplying the Russian market with the best dairy products at affordable prices.

Each plant, each enterprise of the company is unique, but they are united by one thing - the high quality of products.

Wimm-Bill-Dann supports such principles of cooperation as striving for genuine partnerships, fair competition in determining the opportunity to be a supplier or buyer, and the progressive development of partners.

Wimm-Bill-Dann seeks to create partnerships primarily between companies as organizations, regardless of the change of leaders or ordinary employees of companies.

To implement the principles listed above, Wimm-Bill-Dann is taking active steps to strengthen healthy business relationships both within Wimm-Bill-Dann and in relationships with counterparties.

Among the internal measures that Wimm-Bill-Dann implements are the creation of a transparent decision-making system and the process of interaction with counterparties, establishing cost control, training and development of personnel, applying the best global practices in the field of procurement, and much more.

To improve interaction with contractors, Wimm-Bill-Dann is implementing its own supplier evaluation and classification system. According to the results of regular assessment, counterparties are assigned a certain rank (level), which will be taken into account in the future when choosing a supplier, when developing a strategy for interacting with suppliers, and also when making decisions on developing relations with suppliers.

One of the most important reasons for the successful business of Wimm-Bill-Dann was the cooperation with the transnational corporation Tetra Pak, the world leader in the production of equipment and materials for aseptic packaging of liquid food products. Nearly half a century ago, Tetra Pak developed the now famous rectangular beverage carton pack, which has gained wide popularity among consumers around the world due to its reliability and convenience. The partnership between Wimm-Bill-Dann and Tetra Pak can without exaggeration be called strategic and aimed at long-term mutually beneficial cooperation.

The Wimm-Bill-Dann Group maintains partnership relations with such well-known companies as SIG Combibloc, GEA Finnah, Senaplast, APV. The installation of TVA filling machines, GEA Finnah lines, Mariani (Italy) sterile air production systems and washing systems at Wimm-Bill-Dann enterprises makes it possible to improve the quality and consumer properties of products, provide products with convenient packaging for the buyer, and optimize production processes.

The cooperation between Wimm-Bill-Dann and the transnational company Cargill, the world's largest supplier of juice concentrates, deserves special mention. In cooperation with Cargill, we managed to create a series of J7 juices, which is the company's "visiting card" and the best-selling juice brand in Russia.

Now Wimm-Bill-Dann's attention is shifting to the segment of high-margin dairy products and baby food, which has a high growth potential. The main risk for the company is a sharp rise in prices for raw materials (in particular, for milk).

The Kostroma representative office of Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC has an organizational structure of a linear-functional type. The structure successfully combines linear (production) divisions that perform the entire volume of core production activities with departments and services that implement specific management functions throughout the organization (planning, finance, accounting, marketing, personnel). The transfer of current management to the heads of line departments and the functional division of the management activities of the organization as a whole allow top management to focus on solving the strategic problems of the enterprise's development, to ensure its most rational interaction with the external environment.

The volume of marketable output in 2011 compared to 2010 increased by 55,062 thousand rubles. (200093 - 145031), including by increasing the average annual number of workers by 17404 thousand rubles, the number of days worked by one worker per year by 20948 thousand rubles, and by increasing the average working day by 2351 thousand rubles.

Also, according to Wimm-Bill-Dann data, the growth rate of profit from sales of products is higher than the growth rate of production costs by 1.8%. Analyzing the profitability of sales, we can say that the growth rate of balance sheet profit is higher than the growth rate of marketable products by 1.2%, and if we consider the profitability of production, it can be seen that the growth rate of balance sheet profit is higher than the growth rate of the average annual value of fixed assets.

An analysis of the change in the profit of Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC showed that there was an increase in balance sheet profit for 2011 by 14.2 million or 149%, due to profit from product sales, which is almost 100% of balance sheet profit.

Profit from sales in 2011 is more than profit in 2010 by 13.4 million rubles. due to an increase in sales by 7.4 million rubles. and the average selling price of products for 26 million rubles.

Obviously, for the effective operation of the company, appropriate personnel are needed, which must be selected and trained.

The average headcount increased in 2011 compared to 2010 by 3 people and amounted to 70 people. This indicates an increase in labor productivity, as the volume of production has increased.

The high professional level of staff training allows us to solve the most complex tasks, the main thing is that the staff is sufficiently motivated. The main motivation for effective work is its payment.

Born on the basis of the Lianozovsky MK workshop in 1992, the joint-stock company has become part of PepsiCo since 2011. Today, Wimm-Bill-Dann is known throughout the Russian Federation as the largest manufacturer of quality products. Owns nineteen brands. Distributes its products through retailers and convenience stores.

  • mineral water;
  • beverages;
  • fruit drinks;
  • juices and nectars
  • milk, dairy products;
  • baby food,
  • cheeses.

Distribution channels: hyper- and supermarkets, convenience stores of the "At Home" format.

Wimm-Bill-Dann is constantly expanding its product line, offering new useful products to consumers.

Member of charitable projects to support motherhood and childhood. Provides baby food to dairy kitchens. Arranges promotions for consumers in order to develop brand loyalty.

He acts as a partner in various charitable events, cooperates with the Foodbank Rus fund, Operation Smile, Hope around the World, etc. Helps disabled children, and also invests in social projects aimed at improving living conditions.

Company video

Benefits, Features, Facts

Wimm-Bill-Dann is one of the most famous productions on the market. Started in 1992, the company is constantly developing, creating high quality products. In 2011, Wimm-Bill-Dann becomes a member of the PepsiCo group of companies, which allowed the latter to become one of the most promising beverage producers, as well as a raw milk processor.

Development started in 1992. Then a line was equipped for production at the dairy plant. The production of packaged juices has begun. Even then the brand was Wimm-Bill-Dann. In subsequent years, there is a successful development. In 1998, she launched the well-known Chudo yogurt on the market, which was immediately loved by both children and adults. 1999 was the year of the release of "Bio Max" - another popular product. Further, the company launches "Milk Rivers", and a little later - creates the brand "Merry Milkman". At the same time, production is expanded due to additional equipment purchased in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. In 2001, the company began producing food for children. The well-known Agusha brand is also a product of Wimm-Bill-Dann. Step by step, the manufacturer conquers new heights. Fruit, baby and vegetable mixes hit the market in 2007 and immediately become very popular. At the moment, the total number of existing products manufactured by Wimm-Bill-Dann exceeds 108 units. In 2011, the company managed to become one of the most powerful, and is not going to stop there, developing and constantly improving.

In the general account, 19 brands successfully operate within the company, among them the well-known Agusha, Imunele, Chudo detki, Tonus, Merry Milkman, Lamber. You can meet them in almost every store, and they are easy to recognize thanks to the bright, stylish and innovative packaging that perfectly preserves the taste and quality of the product. As for the price category, it is available for every average resident of the country. At the same time, the price-quality ratio is excellent. Thus, Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods LLC is a reliable company whose work consists of advantages. Known, sought after. There are still many important moments ahead of her, the embodiment of new, bold ideas. Consumers can only wait for the release of products that will certainly become recognized favorites.



Launch of yogurt production


Production of dairy products "House in the village"


Entering the baby food market


Part of the PepsiCo group

Sells products in bulk

Soft drinks

Since 1998, Wimm-Bill-Dann has been actively acquiring dairy enterprises in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries, creating a single production network. Today, one of the main competitive advantages of the company is that Wimm-Bill-Dann is not a regional or Moscow, but a nationwide Russian manufacturer. WBD's strategy is to produce dairy products in the region where they are consumed. Inexpensive milk, which is processed locally, and good environmental conditions help the company supply the best dairy products to the Russian market at reasonable prices.