We took out the collectors from Alpha Bank. The last warning to Friedman’s “lawless men”? What are the responsibilities of a collection agency?

), the client is obliged to strictly fulfill all its points, first of all, to pay off the loan in accordance with the repayment schedule.

Most borrowers are confident in their financial capabilities, and when entering into an agreement, they plan to repay the debt on time. But various life situations can radically change plans. Therefore, for many Alfa Bank clients it will be useful to know how the collection service works, what the lending conditions are and what the powers of the collectors are.

Alfa Bank and improving credit history

If it is necessary to change the CI, borrowers ask the question of how to correct their credit history at Alfa Bank. It should be noted that it is practically impossible to take out a loan from a bank with overdue payments. The only thing that a financial institution can offer if you have unclosed obligations is a trade loan or a credit card with a small limit.

If the client has all his loans repaid, but there are delays in repayment, the bank can accommodate and provide a small loan. At the same time, the client is presented with inflated demands, which require the provision of a package of documents confirming the applicant’s solvency.

In general, the activities of the lender and the agency are carried out within the framework of the law. There are many reviews about the company's work on the Internet. Clients are not happy that they have to repay debts, but this is one of the conditions of any loan agreement. In most cases, enforcement measures against debtors are legal. But in order not to become a participant in unpleasant proceedings, it is important to carefully study the information about the terms of the loan and adhere to the repayment schedule.

How can clients be deceived at Alfa-Bank?

Users often notice a lack of money on the card; there have been cases of employees extorting money right in the company’s offices. This is not about imposing additional paid services, but about real fraud. Deceived clients expose Alfa-Bank to clean water.

Cardholders have heard of cases where large sums are written off. The head of the bank itself said that no less than 50,000 write-offs with overdraft, however, the money was withdrawn as payment for gasoline debts. The problem concerns those who paid using cards at Gazpromneft gas stations. The funds were frozen in the accounts, but were not written off due to an error by the esquire. After the start of the proceedings, all funds were written off at once, which led to the formation of a negative balance in the account, additional commissions and fines.

Correctly informing clients

In October, the bank became the leader in the Russian Federation in the outflow of funds from deposits. The reason for this was an SMS attack on users. The messages contained calls to withdraw money from the bank, and the text was supported by phrases about the unreliability of the financial institution. The mailing was carried out from the short number of Alfa-Bank, so the deceived investors believed. As it turned out later, the bank administration did not know anything about this and sent a claim to law enforcement agencies. Thousands of depositors lost faith in Alfa-Bank.

Direct extortion

If Alfa-Bank cheated you out of cashback, it’s not so bad. There have been cases where employees of a financial institution asked to withdraw money from a card “transferred by mistake” and hand over the funds personally. Most users managed to save money thanks to their attentiveness, but there are also those who fell for the bait.

“I am a client of Alfa-Bank, and I do not pay a loan, service fees, or interest on a credit card,” an acquaintance of the author once said. Even in this situation, employees of the financial structure will find a way to rob you! Be careful when working with this bank!

What to do if you have nothing to pay?

For borrowers whose circumstances have changed and a debt has arisen with Alfa Bank, a reasonable question arises: what to do and where to start. Experts say that when such situations arise, you should not hide. It is better to contact the bank with a request to go to a meeting and extend the payment terms, provide credit holidays or restructure the debt. In some cases, the bank makes concessions to clients. But it is necessary:

  • Try to resolve the problem before the required payment expires.
  • Provide documents confirming the client's insolvency. Arguments must be substantiated.

If the client does not have a valid reason and is not ready to provide certificates to Alfa Bank, then the debt collection department warns the debtor by phone about the debt incurred and the need to repay it.

How does Alfa Bank's collection service work?

If the bank is unable to resolve the problem with the return of funds, Alfa Bank transfers the debt to SCM. Collection agency SCM LLC is a business partner of the bank. His powers include:

  • Working with borrowers and developing ways to repay debts.
  • Implementation of these methods in order to return issued loans.
  • Tracking all stages of consideration of cases referred to the judiciary.

The agency tries to work within the framework of current legislation and many clients, based on the work of Alfa Bank collectors, note in their reviews that they first call and then conduct a conversation, collecting money during a personal visit to the debtor.

When working with borrowers, collectors use the following methods of influence:

  1. They send a written appeal to the debtors, indicating the amount, term and asking them to repay the debt.
  2. Work with guarantors or pledgors.
  3. In a telephone conversation and during a personal visit, Alfa Bank collectors remind you about debt collection.
  4. If the issue of debt collection is referred to the courts, they represent the interests of the creditor and accompany the legal side at all meetings.
  5. They control the court decision in favor of the creditor.

Many clients, leaving reviews, describe how Alfa Bank collects debts. The stages of influence on the debtor can be roughly represented as follows:

  • The debtor is notified of the delay.
  • They influence psychologically, through calls and visits.
  • They are preparing statements of claim in court.

How are the cases of Alfa Bank debtors transferred to collectors?

Some borrowers turn to Alfa Bank and take out short-term loans to improve their credit history. However, if the money is not paid on time, the client is subject to penalties, and the amount of debt increases, creating a serious financial burden.

It is not profitable for the bank to suffer losses, and it is forced to take measures to return the money. When banking methods do not produce results, Alfa Bank sells debts to collectors. The procedure depends on several factors and takes from 3 to 12 months.

The deadline for transferring cases is affected by:

  1. Borrower's reaction, his desire to make contact with specialists.
  2. Difficulty of the situation and the presence of a valid reason for the person who is late in payment.
  3. Debtor's credit history, frequency of payments on the loan received, period from the date of the last payment.

In its practice, the bank works with collectors in two cooperation options:

  • Concludes an agreement that provides for the agency’s assistance in collecting debts.
  • Alfa Bank sells the debt to an agency with all the documents, which becomes the owner of the debt, collects and “knocks out” it by legal means.

The opinions of clients with late payments differ. Some claim that debt collectors behave politely and comply with legal requirements, while others face threats, rudeness and frequent late-night calls.

How to avoid debt transfer?

The ideal option is to fulfill the terms of the contract so as not to lead to trouble. But if the debts have already been transferred, it is worth:

  1. Listen to the proposals of collectors, who at the first stage try to find a way that is beneficial to both parties.
  2. Try to get a new loan to pay off the debt and close your obligations to the lender.
  3. You can obtain information from the collection department of Alfa Bank. To do this, you need to contact specialists by phone 8 800 222 04 63 .

Where to complain about debt collectors?

If collectors exceed their authority in the process of “knocking out” debts, contact the police. To do this, you need to write an application, a sample of which you can download by completing a short survey.

Many borrowers and credit card holders are faced with late monthly payments, which leads to the appearance of debt and a subsequent increase in its amount.

As a rule, banks accommodate customers halfway, offering installment plans, “credit holidays” and other ways to overcome the current situation. However, in some cases, the debt is transferred to a collection agency.

Reasons for transferring debt from Alfa-Bank to collectors

In most cases, delinquency on a loan or credit card occurs unintentionally. The reason for failure to make a monthly payment may be:

  • dismissal of the borrower from his position;
  • reduction in the salary received by a person;
  • the appearance of a new dependent;
  • deterioration in the health of the payer or the health of his family members;
  • temporary loss of ability to work by the client;
  • the emergence of unexpected financial costs.

If you unintentionally avoid paying your debt and have a good reason for the loan being overdue, contact the nearest Alfa-Bank branch for debt restructuring.

It is important to have with you documentary evidence of the existence of problems (for example, a medical certificate of health, a copy of the work book with a record of dismissal, etc.).

In order to resolve this problem in the future and avoid transferring the debt to a collection agency, it is important to repay the debt on time and no longer be late in payment.

If the client does not have valid reasons for missing the loan payment deadline or deliberately avoids repaying it, he can expect a meeting with Alfa-Bank collectors. The telephone number specified in the agreement concluded with the bank will be used by specialists to notify the debtor of the need to pay the loan.

LLC "SCM" - collectors of Alfa-Bank

Sentinel Credit Management LLC is a collection agency owned by Alfa-Bank JSC. Formally, the directorate for the collection of overdue debts was created by the bank in 2007, although the legal entity SCM itself was registered later - in 2011.

Five years later, the company took first place in the state register of collection agencies.

The main areas of work of SCM:

  • interaction with the creditor regarding ways to pay off the debt;
  • carrying out activities aimed at paying the debtor for the existing loan;
  • support of the collection process at the stage of litigation and/or enforcement proceedings.

SCM from Alfa-Bank complies with the provisions of Russian legislation and ethical standards of behavior, acting within the framework of the law. At the initial stage of receiving existing debt from the borrower, company employees negotiate by phone.

If the client avoids paying the debt, collectors move on to more active actions - personal meetings with field managers.

Regulation of collection agencies

The procedure for debt collectors to work with debtors is established by Federal Law No. 230 of July 3, 2016. Employees of such agencies cannot use physical force against debtor borrowers, threaten them, damage their property, or exert psychological influence on citizens and their family members.

Russian legislation allows the following methods of interaction between collectors and debtors:

  • conducting telephone conversations;
  • exchange of text, voice and other messages;
  • sending letters;
  • organization of personal meetings.

At the same time, communicating with a collector by phone or meeting with a field manager is permissible during the hours established by law: from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends and non-working days.

If an employee of a collection agency violates the rights of a debtor, it is necessary to file a corresponding complaint against a specific collector to his manager.

As a rule, this is enough to stop unlawful actions on the part of an official. If filing a complaint does not help, the complaint is sent to the court, the territorial department of the FSSP or the prosecutor's office.

How to avoid problems with collectors?

If Alfa-Bank transferred your debt to SCM LLC or another collection agency, you should not avoid contact with its representatives. The purpose of the negotiations in this case is to find the best ways to help the debtor and take measures to pay off the existing debt.

If you can repay the loan in whole or in part, inform the agency manager about this. A way to pay off a debt can be refinancing a loan with another bank, borrowing money from close relatives or friends, looking for additional income, selling expensive property, etc.

Negotiating with debt collectors is a way to avoid taking your case to court. If the bailiffs initiate enforcement proceedings, the amount of the existing debt will in any case be forcibly collected from you.

The FSSP has the right to seize the debtor’s property, seize it and put it up for auction for the purpose of selling and paying off the debt with the proceeds.

If your debt was transferred to SCM LLC, contact Alfa-Bank collectors at the phone number listed below:

  • 8-800-222-04-63 (if there is a debt to Alfa-Bank itself);
  • 8-800-222-04-98 (if the creditor is another financial organization).

The numbers of Alfa-Bank collectors can be found on the official website of SCM LLC in the “Debtors” section.

If you receive SMS messages about the need to repay loan debt, but you did not apply for this loan, inform the agency managers about this. This can be done by calling the numbers listed above, contacting the company office, or by filling out an electronic application form on the SCM LLC website.

Alexandra Bank collectors Rating: 1

I took out a loan, closed my business, I can’t find a job, I have nothing to eat! And JSC Alfa Bank, represented by Arifulin Airat Rushanovich, even after repeatedly explaining the situation, calls, threatens, comes to my former place of residence and breaks on the door there, pulling the handles!

He even calls and writes to people I'm not with...
show all

Ksenia Bank collectors Rating: 1

This review is regarding the general work of Alfa Bank JSC, due to the fact that in order to resolve my claim, in addition to the company branch: Moscow, Presnensky Val St., 7/1, where I opened current accounts and issued cards, I wrote a number of statements/complaints to the Bank's Office. My issue is still not resolved. I only received a series of...
show all

Svetlana Bank collectors Rating: 1

Terrible sanctions in case of delay, do not comply with any settlement proposals. Communication with representatives leaves the most terrible impression. In the best traditions of the NKVD.

Lily Bank collectors Rating: No

The worst bank there can be!!! I took out a “100 days without interest” credit card in September 2018 and paid off the loan. In January, I was unable to repay the payment on time, because... I was in another city for work. A bank employee called me once and asked me to make this payment in order to avoid spoiled...
show all

They give loans to everyone, and when there are problems, they start to figure out relatives. We found a grandmother in another city, and she was 80 years old, and began processing. The result is grandma in the hospital. There must be some standards! To whom they gave it, and the demand.

Anna Bank collectors Rating: No

They give a lot of loans to everyone, and when there are problems, they start to figure out the relatives. We found a grandmother in another city, and she was 80 years old, and began processing! The result is grandma in the hospital. There must be some standards!

To whom they gave it, and the demand. There is nothing human - just money. Moral monsters.

Because of 4 rubles of underpayment they call every day, do not contact this bank at all, they are scammers, like all banks.

Anonymously Bank collectors Rating: 1

Disgusting! Because of 4 rubles of underpayment they call every day, do not contact this bank at all, they are scammers, like all banks, but this bank is the worst.

I Bank collectors Rating: 1

Never take out a loan there. Sharashkin's office. Collectors are harassing some person for overdue payments, whom I don’t even know and have no idea who he is. They call from early morning until late evening, from different numbers - 89099705190, 89099743659, 89099724397, etc... All that remains is to contact the prosecutor's office, for now...
show all

Venus Bank collectors Rating: 5

Hello. This is not the first time I am paying off a loan. But the creditor is not me. Please don't bother me. Your man, Egorov Vladimir Alexandrovich. He hasn't worked for 3 months and 18 days. I found out this yesterday. Call and help your clients.

Egorov will get settled and pay the entire amount at once (sorry, just...
show all

Bank division
Credit and cash office "Almetyevsky" Almetyevsk, st. Timiryazeva, 43

Masha Bank collectors Rating: 1

The most disgusting bank, divulges personal data, bailiffs seized credit accounts, and the bank helped them, after the seizure was lifted, the bank does not make contact, demanding to repay the entire amount in one go.

He always threatens to sue, even if you don’t refuse payments, in general, think a million times before contacting...
show all

Oksana Bank collectors Rating: 1

My phone number is receiving calls about my son's debt. My phone number is not listed as a contact number in the bank database. The SCM company with which the bank cooperates calls me and extorts money. All conversations are recorded.

A complaint was filed with the bank, in which they told me that the calls were not confirmed. Bank...
show all

It's a complete mess. I made the payment on time, but the bank employees call and send SMS messages that I am overdue on the loan.

Tatyana Medvedeva Bank collectors Rating: 1

I will never apply for a loan from Alfa Bank again. It's a complete mess. I made the payment on time, but the bank employees call and send SMS messages that I am overdue on the loan.

Commercial institutions present a huge, well-developed system of interaction with clients. One of the main functions of banks is to issue loans. Cash loans issued to millions of users are not always repaid within the prescribed period. There are special agencies that cooperate with commercial institutions to recover financial debts. We will describe below exactly how Alfa Bank's SCM LLC collectors work.

SCM LLC - Alfa-Bank collectors: who are they?

Sentinel Credit Management LLC is an agency whose employees are debt collectors. Alfa Bank's collection service works to collect debts using legal methods through negotiations.

The company's activities are aimed primarily at pre-trial settlement of the issue. The organization developed in 2007, and by 2020 SCM had become the main collection service of the Russian Federation.

Organization of the agency's work includes the following points:

  • consultation with the fine officer regarding loan repayment methods;
  • accompanying the collection procedure at the judicial stage;
  • carrying out actions to pay off debts.

The initial stage of the organization’s work is telephone conversations regarding the payment of overdue payments. Employee events are only legal in nature and are agreed upon by Russian legislation.

Service Responsibilities

The activities of the organization’s specialists are purely peaceful. Physical influence on borrowers is absolutely prohibited. You cannot psychologically influence the client or threaten through close people. Responsibility for breaking the law belongs to the offending employee.

The procedure for the activities of employees is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. Russian legislation has compiled a list of acceptable measures for debt collectors:

  • conducting peaceful telephone conversations;
  • transmission of voice and text messages;
  • written notifications through the post office;
  • holding personal meetings.

The time periods for the claimant's influence are legally agreed upon:

  • from eight in the morning to ten in the evening - weekdays;
  • starting from nine in the morning until nine in the evening - weekends, holidays.

Violation of state-regulated terms of interaction on the part of collection agents will result in a claim to the head of the Sentinel organization. If the complaint does not work, then the debtor has the right to file a claim with the judicial authority, the prosecutor's office.

When is the debt of an Alfa Bank client transferred to collectors?

The unstable economic situation in Russia often leads people to a deterioration in their material well-being. The main circumstances of the occurrence of arrears in payments:

  • job loss;
  • reduction in monthly wages;
  • unexpected cash expenses;
  • resulting disability;
  • illness of the borrower or immediate relatives;
  • new dependent.

The occurrence of such a reason will require a personal visit to a bank office to review the terms of the loan. The payer will need to collect a number of papers confirming the impossibility of repaying cash loans.

The absence of valid circumstances to change the terms of the loan will result in the person being included in the debtors’ collection database. The personal telephone number indicated on the contract form will be a notification item.

How to avoid transferring a case to collectors?

The transfer of the case from the banking institution to the collectors follows after non-payment of debts for several months. You cannot ignore their attempts to communicate; you must listen carefully to the first appeal. The dialogue is structured according to the goal of finding suitable payment terms.

Having found the required repayment amount, you should contact the service staff. Ignoring the bank's requirements will result in judicial review of the case. The loan amount will be forcibly withdrawn by the relevant authorities.

The main effective way to avoid such consequences is to repay the loan consistently according to the terms of the agreement without delay. If you cannot deposit money on time, you must notify bank employees in advance. Our staff will help you consider other methods of repaying the loan until your financial condition improves.

Procedure for the activities of collection services

Updates regarding the operating procedures of collection agencies are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. Agents receive debtor data and have the right to begin interacting with clients. Initially they conduct telephone conversations. Then they meet people in person. You can influence a citizen who has an outstanding debt within a strictly allotted time period.

Stages of exposure

The first stage - telephone warnings and SMS notifications are handled by Alfa Bank. When the consideration of debt obligations is transferred to Sentinel employees, the following steps are followed:

  • informing the debtor about the amount and timing of debt repayment;
  • psychological interaction: private visits, notification to the borrower’s boss, telephone calls;
  • filing a claim with the court, if the previous stages were not successful - the defaulter receives a summons at his place of residence.

The activities of agents include exclusively legal instruments that comply with legal norms. Representatives of SCM acquire the right to demand payment of debt obligations two months from the date of delay.

Pressure methods

Employees are allowed to visit borrowers according to their home address, call them, and notify them in writing. It is prohibited to visit citizens at home from ten in the evening to six in the morning. A transaction made late at night will be considered invalid.

Company representatives are legally savvy and trained to influence citizens. They may charge a larger amount than the established amount.

Reason to complain

Most employees of the institution take advantage of the weak legal knowledge of Russian residents to collect. The largest number of violations relate to threats, blackmail, offensive phrases, and aggressive communication.

Such actions are prohibited in relation to debtors. The conversation with the SCM representative begins with the provision of an official identification card. The dialogue initially includes the introduction of the agent, the position and the purpose of the appeal. The borrower has the right to demand a document certifying the authority of the creditor.

It is prohibited to distribute the client’s personal data. Communication with neighbors, relatives, and colleagues regarding debt obligations is not provided for by state legal acts. Attempts to threaten or extort money violate the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and will result in legal proceedings.

Checking "Black Lists"

The question regarding the general base of defaulters is of interest to many lenders and borrowers. However, only employees of commercial institutions have access to information. These ranks can be replenished by persons who have overdue bank payments for a period of more than 60 days.

When considering the application of such a citizen for lending, the partners of the bank branch enter him into the “Black List”. Willful defaulters risk losing property values. An affirmative court decision against the borrower will entail the seizure of his plastic cards and accounts. The freeze will be carried out by withholding half of the cash balance and repaying the loan balance.

In this article we will analyze the principles of operation of the service for collecting funds from borrowers - Sentinel Credit Management, which is owned by one of the largest banks in Russia - Alfa Bank. For what reasons can a debt be transferred to a collection agency? What to do if you have nothing to pay off your debt? How to avoid negative consequences? These and other questions will be discussed in this article.

Collectors are employees of specialized agencies who have the right to legally collect overdue payments from debtors. The bank transfers the debt to the collection service if the payer ceases to fulfill the loan agreement without good reason.

Alfa Bank owns the collection company Sentinel Credit Management (SCM LLC). She specializes in collecting debts from borrowers. The organization was founded in 2007, and was registered as a legal entity a few years later - in 2011.

The operating principles of the Sentinel agency are as follows:

  1. Negotiating how to pay off debts;
  2. related procedures for collecting issued loans from the debtor;
  3. control over the debt repayment process at the stage of legal proceedings.

At the initial stage, the collector agrees with the debtor on the procedure for paying overdue loans over the phone. If the borrower ignores the requirements and avoids paying the debt, SCM specialists move on to more active measures. These include visits by employees to the debtor’s residence address for a personal meeting.

Important! The actions of SCM agency employees are within the legal framework, completely agreed upon with Russian legislation and comply with all ethical standards.

Reasons for transferring debts from the bank to collectors

  • dismissal of a bank client from his position;
  • reduction of the borrower's salary;
  • the appearance of a dependent in the family;
  • deterioration in the health of the payer or a member of his family;
  • the borrower's loss of ability to work;
  • the occurrence of unexpected cash expenses.

What to do if you have nothing to pay off your debt

If you have a situation that makes it difficult to pay off your debt, you need to contact the nearest Alfa Bank branch to review the terms of the loan. You must have with you:

  • a document confirming the fact of the existing problem (a copy of the work record book with a record of dismissal from work, a medical certificate from the hospital, etc.);
  • application for loan restructuring;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the loan agreement with the bank;
  • document with the amount of the outstanding balance.

If the borrower avoids payments and does not have a valid reason for delaying payment, employees of the collection agency may visit him. We recommend starting a dialogue with the debt collector from the very first call to find the best way to pay off the debt. You may be offered the following options:

  1. borrow the required amount of money from friends or relatives;
  2. find an additional way to earn money;
  3. take out a loan elsewhere;
  4. sell unnecessary valuables and jewelry.

Where to complain about illegal work of collectors

SCM collectors do not have the right to exert psychological pressure on the borrower. Threats, manipulations and any physical influence are absolutely unacceptable.