What is a recreational complex? Scientific electronic library

The wealth, diversity and attractiveness of recreational resources, significant natural-climatic, historical and socio-cultural assets determine in the future the rapid growth of the tourism and recreational business and its transformation into one of the basic branches of specialization of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the Southern Federal District. Although the current contribution of the tourism industry to the district’s economy does not exceed 1.2 percent, the tourism and recreational complex has significant growth potential, the full development of which is hampered by a number of system-wide problems.

The current state of road and utility networks, the underdevelopment of the communications and information technology systems, energy shortages in most regions, and frequent interruptions in water supply during peak load periods determine infrastructural restrictions on the sustainable growth of the tourist and recreational complex of the Southern Federal District. At the same time, the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is implementing a number of large-scale investment projects for infrastructure development.

The catalyst for the ongoing processes is the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi, as well as the creation of a network of special economic zones of a tourist and recreational type (in particular, in the territories of the Apsheronsky district of the Krasnodar Territory and the Maikop region of the Republic of Adygea). In addition, in the Southern Federal District the tourism and recreational infrastructure itself is insufficiently developed, and therefore the regions of the district are unattractive for tourists. The most significant limitations for the sustainable growth of the tourist and recreational complex are the shortage of quality accommodation facilities that meet international standards and the underdevelopment of the entertainment sector. The quality of service leaves much to be desired. A significant limitation to the sustainable growth of the tourist and recreational complex of the Southern Federal District is low marketing activity, as well as the lack of a built-in distribution system.

The leading regions of tourist and recreational activity in the district, as a rule, specialize exclusively in beach holidays. In addition, Russian tourists are traditionally considered to be the main target group of consumers of the offered tourism services. Taken together, these factors indicate a high structural instability of the tourism and recreational complex, labor productivity in which lags behind the average industry indicators in Russia by a significant margin. An even larger gap is recorded when compared with developed countries. This is largely due to the low costs of tourists vacationing in the Southern Federal District.

There are also growing imbalances in the tourism and recreational sector of the economy of the Southern Federal District, which include:

an increase in spatial asymmetry in the development of tourism between individual territories and regions (in particular, about 50 percent of all hotel rooms and more than 65 percent of rooms in sanatorium and resort organizations are concentrated in the Krasnodar Territory);

a worsening structural imbalance between types of tourism and recreational business (in terms of the degree and priorities of their development), as well as between tourism and other types of economic activity. Providing employment for 2.2 - 2.5 percent of the district's population, the tourist and recreational complex offers wages at a level significantly inferior to other sectors of the economy, which, coupled with the lack of stable working conditions, leads to an outflow of highly qualified personnel to other sectors of the district's economy, to other subjects of the Russian Federation and abroad;

segmental imbalance of the presence in tourist and recreational complexes of large businesses, on the one hand, and medium and small businesses, on the other. In the service sector, which is most attractive for small and medium-sized businesses, large companies are often dominant, and where high capitalization is required (sea, river cruises, etc.), on the contrary, potential, resources, and fleet are dispersed between a significant number of small and average owners.

Taken together, the listed problems determine the low competitiveness of the tourist and recreational complex and the products and services it produces on the world market, leveling out the objective competitive advantages inherent in the Southern Federal District. At the same time, the crisis in the personnel training system for regional tourist and recreational complexes is worsening. The growing imbalance between the demand and supply of labor is recorded both territorially and professionally. There is also an incomplete correspondence of the content of education and training technologies to the needs of the tourist segments of regional labor markets.

At present, the potential of cross-border interaction in the field of tourism of the regions of the Southern Federal District with adjacent countries is not being fully realized. For example, the possibilities of connecting the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin to Mediterranean cruise routes, as well as the development of the Caspian cruise line (in the Caspian countries - Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan) are practically not used.

To fully utilize the objective competitive advantages of the tourist and recreational complex of the Southern Federal District, it is necessary to concentrate organizational, intellectual and material resources on the following priority strategic areas:

development of the institutional environment and institutional infrastructure, including mechanisms for stimulating and coordinating interests, which involves improving the regulatory framework, tax system, credit policy, as well as interdepartmental and interregional coordination of the tourism business;

updating the infrastructure and ensuring its efficient utilization after the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games are held in Sochi, that is, in the period after 2014;

training of highly qualified personnel;

diversification of the tourism business, including the development of new exclusive routes and tourism products under world-recognizable brands (for example, the territory of historical reconstruction “Sarai-Batu - the capital of the Golden Horde”, the territory of ecological and cultural tourism “Fish Period Park” and the zone of medical and health tourism on the territory of Lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan region, etc.), as well as targeted personal tours aimed at highly profitable segments of the potential market of Western Europe, China, etc.;

organizing the promotion of regional tourism products and travel services to domestic and international markets;

development of interregional and international cooperation in the field of marine tourism and recreation;

creation of tourist and recreational clusters, since attractive tourist areas of various categories are found everywhere in the district.

After the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 are held in Sochi, the Southern Federal District will inherit a significant number of sports facilities and structures, which will ensure its compliance with world standards of mountain climatic resorts. After 2014, in Sochi, along with ski sports and tourist complexes owned by various investors, federal centers for training athletes in both summer and winter sports will be created.

The Southern Federal District also has significant resources for the development of balneology. Currently this resource is underutilized. The created hotel fund in combination with natural areas can provide an opportunity for year-round treatment and will serve as one of the factors in leveling the seasonal fluctuations in the flow of tourists.

In order to ensure the sustainable growth of the tourist and recreational complex in the Southern Federal District, it is necessary to ensure the active development of at least 5 tourism clusters:

beach tourism (Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Azov region, Caspian Sea);

mountain tourism (Krasnaya Polyana, Lagonaki);

health tourism (Goryachiy Klyuch, Lake Elton);

ecological tourism (Volga River delta, Maykop);

cultural and educational tourism (Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Tuapse, Sochi, Maykop, Elista and other ethnographic zones in the Republic of Kalmykia, etc.).

In addition, significant prospects for sustainable development of tourism in the Rostov region are opening up with the creation of 2 tourist and recreational clusters: “Splash” and “Donskoy”.

As law enforcement practice shows, many provisions of regulatory legal acts regulating the development of tourism infrastructure are currently not being fully implemented in the Southern Federal District. At the same time, at the regional level, it is necessary to further improve the regulatory legal framework governing issues of international and cross-border cooperation in the field of tourism and recreation, as well as stimulating the development of public-private partnerships, cluster policy, etc.

The task of paramount importance in modern conditions is the development of a system of measures to attract investors to the development of the tourist and recreational complex of the Southern Federal District, which involves developing a list of priority comprehensive investment projects that have a significant multiplier effect, linking them with national, industry and corporate strategies, programs and plans , as well as unification into strategic directions, aggregated to the level of competence of federal executive authorities (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, etc.).

To ensure the implementation of promising directions for the development of tourism and recreation, as well as priority integrated tourism and recreational projects in the Southern Federal District, it is necessary to develop specific mechanisms and schemes for attracting additional investments through the intensification of interregional and international cooperation, the use of resources of state, federal and regional target programs, action which can be extended to the tourist and recreational complex of the district, as well as expanding the capabilities of those federal and regional target programs within the framework of which activities and projects for the development of tourism and recreation in the Southern Federal District are already being implemented, including the Program for the construction of Olympic facilities and development of the city of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort, federal target program “South of Russia (2008 - 2013)”, regional target program “Development of the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Adygea” for 2007 - 2011, etc. In addition to funds from the federal budget and budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation it is advisable to actively use various mechanisms of public-private partnership (concessions, rent or leasing, contracts for service, management, construction, investment and risk service contracts, etc.), involving the use of the potential of state development institutions, various financial and non-financial institutions, as well as foreign investment.

The implementation of the proposed measures in the indicated priority areas will make it possible to achieve the following socially significant final results by 2020 (relative to 2009): tourism services will increase by 3.5 times and amount to 15.9 billion rubles in the prices of the corresponding year, hotel services will increase by 2.9 times and amount to 50.3 billion rubles in prices of the corresponding year. At the same time, compared to 2009, the number of jobs should increase by 4.5 times. The average salary in the industry (taking into account the growth of labor productivity by 6.5 - 7.5 times) will increase by 8 times by 2020 and will amount to about 30 thousand rubles per month. The utilization of tourism infrastructure will on average exceed 67 percent, and the share of worn-out fixed assets will decrease to 4.5 - 5 percent. The contribution of the tourism industry to the economy of the Southern Federal District may exceed 5 percent.

The category “recreational and tourist complex” is considered in relation to the regional management system. The complexity of this category is due to the inclusion of two components - tourism and territory. The work reveals the basic concepts, characteristics, types and reasons for the emergence of recreational and tourist complexes.

Tourism today is one of the most profitable types of business in the world after the export of oil and cars. In this regard, the task of effective management of the tourism and recreational sector in Russia is currently becoming one of the priorities, including for its regions. This is especially true for territories traditionally specializing in tourism. The state is interested in the development of such territories due to their uniqueness in performing the functions of health improvement and recreation for the population.

The tourism management system includes a subject and an object of management. The ambiguity and versatility of the concept of a tourism management object predetermine the complexity of its management.

Management theory in its classical form offers a fairly clear definition of the object of management - “the thing towards which cognitive or other activity is directed).

The object of management is the recreational and tourist complex of the region (subject of the Russian Federation), which consists of two subsystems - “region” and “tourism”. Their complexity and ambiguity, the phenomena occurring and associated with them, relationships and processes determine the complexity and inconsistency of the object being studied.

The term “region” has more than 100 interpretations. The official definition of this term is contained in the Basic Provisions of Regional Policy in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1996. In them, a region is understood as a part of the territory of the Russian Federation that has common natural, socio-economic, national-cultural and other conditions.

Well-known specialist in the field of regional economics N.N. Nekrasov considers the region as “a large territory of the country with more or less homogeneous natural conditions, and, mainly, a characteristic direction for the development of productive forces based on a combination of a complex of natural resources with the corresponding existing and promising social infrastructure).

In the definition of V.S. Bilchak and V.F. Zakharov emphasizes the importance of the factor of controllability of regional development: “A region is a socio-economic spatial integrity, characterized by the structure of production of all forms of ownership, concentration of population, jobs, spiritual life of a person per unit of space and time, which has local governing bodies of its territory ( region, territory, republic)".

Recently, an increasing number of specialists in the field of regional science and especially the immediate leaders of territories, regions, and republics agree on one thing: subjects of the Federation must be considered regions in Russia.

Based on the above definitions, we can identify the main features of the regions:

1) unity and integrity of the region;
2) community and unity of the economy; complexity of the economy;
3) the presence of a certain contingent of the population with an appropriate level of education, qualifications and traditionally established production skills;
4) entering the market and using available resources, such as labor, land and capital;
5) specialization;
6) controllability, that is, the presence of political and administrative governing bodies.

The formation of the economic category “recreational-tourist complex) (RTC) is based on both theoretical studies of the tourism sector and historical experience in the formation of sanatorium-resort and tourist-excursion services in Russia and its regions, as well as other countries.

Tourism today is a multifaceted concept. A phenomenon, process, industry, system, complex - all these characteristics can be correlated with the term “tourism”. The relationships between tourism and various fields of activity are also extensive - politics, economics, ecology, medicine, culture, social sphere, etc.

The question of how to view the tourism sector remains controversial to this day. Some researchers identify it as a separate industry, others as a group of industries.

Considering tourism as a group of industries, it is necessary to decide which industries to include in it. There are two options:

1) include industries directly serving tourists;
2) include service industries and material production industries focused on the tourism market.

Some researchers argue that the tourism industry as such does not exist, since there is no production and no special product. The key point here is that only a small part of enterprises specializes in the production of goods and services exclusively for tourists, while most of them satisfy the needs of local residents, and, therefore, we can only talk about tourism specialization of the national or regional economy.

The closest and most necessary for us within the framework of the problem under study is the point of view of a number of researchers, considering the category “gourism” as a recreational and tourist complex (RTC); in earlier works one can find the concept of “territorial-recreational complex) (TRC), since in our The country's pre-reform period was characterized by the predominance of recreational services in the overall structure of tourism. RTK seems to be the most optimal category for the following reasons:

1. Based on the modern understanding of the meaning, functions and role of tourism, its influence on various areas of activity, one cannot limit oneself to one industry.
2. The RTK has two principles - the territory and the recreational and tourist complex itself that it contains. Today, in conditions of free competition within the framework of the modern marketing concept of production, it is important to see the key to the successful development of tourism not in the effective work of an individual enterprise or industry, but in the joint work, policy and strategy of all participants in the creation and sale of a tourism product. A specific state, region or area is the primary tourism product as such. The image and associations that a given territory evokes in a tourist determines his choice, and not the individual goods and services of those enterprises that are located there. But the creation of this image and associations depends, perhaps, on all participants in the RTK.
3. The basis of the RTK is the technological unity of enterprises and institutions serving vacationers with a full production cycle (reception, accommodation, transportation, provision of all types of services, etc.). “The use of the concept “complex) in the synthetic category” recreational and tourist complex,” writes E.L. Krotova. , - is due to the fact that recreational and tourism technology itself is complex, and technologies for the production of certain types of tourism services as part of a recreational and tourism product have, along with the general features inherent in service sector technologies in general, specific features..., which implies the formation not of an industry, but of an intersectoral recreational and tourist complex...”
4. Considering tourism as a group of industries, we see only individual enterprises of individual industries, summing up their work and the production results that they have. If we combine them into a single complex, we will be able to assess the role of each element in the overall effect of tourism, see and analyze the relationships between individual participants, assess the degree of influence and interpenetration of some enterprises and industries into others.
5. The RTC is based on a combination of market and government regulatory mechanisms. When we talk about an industry or a group of industries, we mean, first of all, independently operating market entities - enterprises and institutions operating in market conditions. Government regulation is not included in the industry category; it stands above it. In the RTC, the state acts as a subsystem, a separate participant, subject, which ensures a closer link between the interests of the entire territory and the interests of individual participants in the RTC.
6. The feasibility of considering enterprises operating in tourism in the RTK. Joint planning for the development of enterprises, their location and investment, building a common strategy, policy and tactics provides a certain economic effect by saving capital investments and funds for promoting a single tourism product of the territory.

As a result of the past reforms, the entire tourism and recreational system was restructured; well-established work patterns and connections between enterprises, organizations, and institutions were lost. In this regard, it is important to realize that the post-reform period is not something completely new and built from the zero cycle, it is, as a rule, predominantly the former, replaced. The results of the reforms appear in the form of the previous “schemes for the allocation of productive forces” being placed in fundamentally new conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to build and develop tourism in the region without taking into account the previous tourism system existing in the given territory.

Researchers give various definitions of RTC.

Kotlyarov E.A. in his work introduces the concept of “territorial-recreational complex” (TRK): The territorial-recreational complex is part of the general economic complex of territories at different levels and is a combination of recreational institutions and related infrastructure enterprises, united by close production and economic ties, as well as the joint use of geographical position, natural and economic resources of the territory occupied by the complex.

Malysheva G.M. adopted this concept as a basis, partially modifying it: The territorial-recreational complex represents new forms of cooperation of recreational and related industries, a combination of recreational institutions and related infrastructure enterprises, united by close production and economic ties, as well as the joint use of geographical location, natural and economic resources territory occupied by the complex.

Both concepts emphasize the association and combination of enterprises and organizations on two grounds - territorial (geographical location, common natural, economic, political and social conditions) and sectoral (provision of recreational, tourist and related services).

It seems to us that such an approach limits the view of the RTK and narrows it only to the merger of enterprises on the basis of common production and organizational connections between them, as well as the territory of their location. In fact, RTC is a complex open system that is in constant development. However, enterprises will feel the need for the RTC and recognize themselves as part of it not because of connections with other enterprises; connections are just a consequence, and the reason is the common goals of the participants in the RTC. The main goal of RTK, in our opinion, is to provide a high-quality, unique and competitive tourism product aimed at the spiritual and physical restoration and improvement of a person. In addition, any organization needs to have a management entity, whose main function should be to coordinate the activities of the entire RTC. This may be an advisory body, a council, an association or a government agency, but in any case such a body must exist. And finally, both of these concepts ignore such a participant in the RTC as the state. The state pursues a certain policy, regulation of tourism in this territory, it may be minimal, but it exists. Based on the above, we present our definition of RTK.

RTK is part of the general economic complex of the region (territory), which is a combination of tourism, recreational and related enterprises and organizations, the activities of which are coordinated by government and (or) other structures and are aimed at creating, promoting and selling a unique tourism product, taking into account the optimal use of tourism recreational potential of the territory.

Each real RTK has its own history of formation, stages of development, structure, internal organization, specialization in certain types of tourism and recreation, its own advantages and disadvantages.

In the process of tourist and recreational development of the territory, the creation of an RTC is inevitable and objectively necessary, because RTK acts as a higher stage in the organization of recreational and tourism management. The development and formation of the RTK consists of a transition from the “focal) creation of tourist and recreational facilities to their comprehensive and targeted construction.

As a rule, there are two groups of prerequisites for the formation of RTK - natural and socio-economic.

Natural ones most often underlie the formation of RTC. In most cases, they determine the tourist and recreational specialization of the complex. For example, the presence of mineral springs and medicinal mud leads to the creation of balneological resorts (Druskininkai - in Lithuania, Kislovodsk - in the North Caucasus, Naftalan - in Azerbaijan, etc.), a picturesque combination of mountains, comfortable gentle slopes, forests - to the organization of tourist complexes , ski centers (Elbrus region - in the Central Caucasus region, Bakuriani - in Georgia).

Today, based on the experience of Russian regions and other countries, two main ways of forming the RTK are possible. The first path is based on the previous layout of recreational and tourist facilities. Regions with a historically established tourist and recreational economy are following this path (the Black Sea coast, the Baltic states, Crimea, the North Caucasus, etc.). The primary task for such regions is the restoration, reconstruction and development of pre-existing facilities. The second path involves the new development of areas that were not previously distinguished by the concentration of tourist and recreational facilities in them.

Researchers have identified three main options for the emergence of new RTCs:

1. Local natural resources (Balaton (Hungary), Elbrus region, etc.) act as the main stimulator for the development of shopping and entertainment centers.
2. The RTK is formed on the basis of large urban agglomerations with highly developed economies (Baku - Absheron Peninsula, Moscow region, recreational areas near Kiev, etc.). Residents of large cities show demand for recreation, and this influences the formation of the recreation sector. As a rule, these are regions with a favorable economic and geographical position, a developed transport network and production facilities capable of serving tourist and recreational facilities.
3. RTCs are developed based on the influence of social, national, historical, architectural, archaeological, national and other factors (Suzdal, Vladimir - the cities of the Golden Ring in the Center of Russia, Mtskheta in Georgia, Venice in Italy, etc.).

The following stages of RTC formation are distinguished:

1) simple agglomeration of enterprises of various recreational and tourism industries (sanatorium, tourist center, camp);
2) specialization of the territory;
3) formation of the territorial structure of the recreational and tourist complex.

Depending on the main profile of recreational and tourist complexes, researchers give the following types:

1) sanatorium-resort includes specialized sanatorium-medical institutions (sanatoriums, hospitals, hotels (with special room equipment), dietary food establishments). The personnel of such a medical center must be staffed by doctors, paramedical personnel, massage therapists and other specialists of the relevant medical profile. Medical equipment and special transport are required;
2) tourist and recreational includes holiday homes, tourist hotels, bases, camps, shelters, motels, campsites, tourist and sports equipment rentals, ski lifts, horse rentals, schools for skiers, climbers, horse riding, swimming. Personnel of such a RTK: instructors of tourism, mountaineering, skiing, guides, alpine equipment porters, etc.;
3) hunting and fishing is focused on the use of the following accommodation facilities for vacationers: shelters, houses of hunters and fishermen, as well as such service facilities as boat stations, equipment rental, smokehouses, etc. Personnel: huntsmen, guides, cutters of fish and other hunting trophies. Special transport is required - snowmobiles, horses, carts, along with vehicles, helicopters;
4) combined combines the features of several others. Due to its complex nature, RTK has a complex production structure.

Each type of RTK has its own characteristics. In addition to those already mentioned (functional purpose, stages of development, level of specialization), these are the type of recreational facilities, staffing, technological service processes, features of production assets, seasonality, length of stay, etc.

Problems and disputes were caused by how to classify and which enterprises and organizations should be classified as RTK. In our opinion, the most detailed classification presented in the work of G. M. Malysheva is of interest.

Organizations, enterprises and institutions that are part of the RTK are divided into 3 large groups, each of which can in turn also be divided into groups:

1. Enterprises of the tourism and recreational economic industry, which include:

A) specialized recreational service enterprises (hotels and other accommodation enterprises, transport, tour operator and travel agency enterprises);
b) enterprises engaged in the protection and use of natural resources (forestry, water management, nature reserves, sanctuaries, national parks, parks, protected landscapes, zoos, etc.);
c) institutions related to the preservation and use of cultural and historical resources (museums, religious institutions), folklore and other concert groups and individual performers, folk craft enterprises.

2. Enterprises in public service industries:

A) providing food services (restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, fast food establishments, etc.);
b) trade;
c) consumer services (repair of clothes, shoes, sports equipment, cleaning, laundry, rental, etc.);
d) cultural institutions (cinemas, exhibition galleries, concert halls, theaters);
e) enterprises and facilities for sports and recreational purposes (stadiums, swimming pools, gyms, etc.);
f) transport enterprises transporting passengers;
g) financial and insurance organizations providing services to the population;
h) communications companies;
i) local souvenir production.

3. Enterprises of other sectors of social reproduction:

A) construction;
b) agriculture;
c) the sphere of education (training);
d) printing and publishing;
e) textile;
f) food;
g) oil refineries.

This classification is quite broad and, at first glance, covers enterprises that are not always associated with tourism and recreational services. However, for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the region’s RTK, it is necessary to take into account all industries involved in serving tourists.

For a more complete consideration of the RTK of the region, it is necessary to consider such an important component as recreational and tourism resources.

An analysis of the functioning of the recreational and tourism sector in various countries and regions showed that its successful development is determined, first of all, by the resource component. The basis of the region’s tourist and recreational resources are the peculiarities of the geographical location, natural conditions, the material and technical base of tourism, the saturation of historical and cultural attractions, the degree of territorial accessibility of the main zones and centers of tourism in terms of transport communications, etc.

Tourist and recreational resources are natural, natural-technical, socio-economic and cultural-historical objects and their elements that can be used, given the existing technical and material capabilities and socio-political conditions, for organizing the tourism and recreational economy.

T.A. Irisova gives the following definition of recreational resources: Recreational resources are natural and anthropogenic geosystems, bodies and natural phenomena, artifacts that have comfortable properties and use value for recreational activities and can be used to organize recreation and health improvement for a certain contingent of people at a fixed time with the help existing technology and available material capabilities.

Tourist and recreational resources from the standpoint of the formation of the RTK can be divided into three groups:

1) resources functionally necessary for specific types of recreation or their groups (medicinal mineral waters and mud, climatic, landscape, biological, objects of material culture, cognitive and aesthetic value, etc.);
2) resources that influence the process of recreation and its effectiveness (medical-geographical, sanitary-hygienic, natural hazards, ruggedness and steepness of the terrain, the passage of forests, etc.);
3) resources that influence the possibility of recreational and tourist construction and functioning of infrastructure (availability of sources of water supply, heat supply, engineering-geological and soil-plant conditions, landscaping of the territory, etc.).

Among tourist and recreational resources, natural ones are the most significant in the planning, creation and further development of the RTK. Their problems receive considerable attention in scientific works. Currently, comprehensive studies of natural tourism and recreational resources, their assessment and classification are being carried out, data on the natural resources of tourism and recreational purposes in individual regions are being systematized and generalized for the purpose of their further economic assessment and determining priority directions for their further development.

Speaking about recreational and tourism resources, many researchers combine this concept into recreational and tourism potential (RTP). As A.A. writes in his work. Tatarinov, “RTP represents the total ability of the region’s available material, labor, natural and other resources to ensure maximum satisfaction of recreational and tourist needs.”

The possibility of effective development of any type of resource is based on a qualified analysis of the potential, a fairly accurate determination of the place of a given resource in the appropriate market, a reasonable selection of adequate (that is, appropriate) ways and forms of its development for a given resource, and on ensuring coordinated actions of all participants in the process of development and development of a given resource .

The above fully applies to tourist and recreational resources. The need to develop recreational and tourist complexes stems from the complex nature of these resources. The problem of integrated development and optimal use of tourism and recreational resources or RTR is the task of RTC management.

It should be noted that the optimization of tourism in the region should be based on the primary development of types and forms of tourism that allow for the maximum and comprehensive use of available resources.

Differences in economic, natural-geographical, socio-demographic, political and other conditions of the regions of Russia exclude a unified approach to reforms in the field of tourism and dictate the implementation of a flexible regional policy, taking into account the characteristics of each region.

RTC is not only a territorial concept, but no less an economic and managerial one. It is important to note the dependence of the functioning of the RTK not only on the internal components of the region, but also on factors that are not formally within the competence of the region. These include the policy of the federal center in the field of tourism, global trends and development factors, natural disasters, etc.

As for the factors of the region itself, the RTK is formed on the basis of available resources, creating its own structure based on the goals and specialization of the region. An important role in the formation of the RTK is played by the local population: their attitudes, lifestyle, professional composition, readiness to receive tourists. Ultimately, it is part of the tourism product as the main subject of providing services to tourists. The presence of a goal and its implementation through the policy and structure of the RTC implies the presence of management of the system of functioning and development of the RTC. The specialization of a region in a particular tourism profile is determined, first of all, by the resources of the region itself and directly affects the setting of goals and objectives of the RTK.

So, the recreational and tourist complex of the region is a complex multifunctional system, which is determined both by the internal characteristics and attitudes of the region, and by external development factors that do not depend on the given territory. The main purpose of the existence and development of the regional RTK is the formation and sale of tourism products aimed at the spiritual and physical restoration and improvement of a person.

The main participants of the RTK are not only enterprises and industries that directly serve tourists, but also a number of related and related industries, as well as government agencies.

The basis of the RTK is its resources or recreational and tourism potential, which determines the specialization of the RTK and its opportunities for development.

Literature and sources

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2. Druzhinin A.G., Ionov A.Ch. Conceptual foundations of regionalization of the economy. - Rostov n/d: Publishing house SKNTsVSh, 2001. - 65 p.
3. Kalinovskaya N.A., Chernov V.A. Tourism and the economy of the region: Monograph. - Khabarovsk: Publishing house DVGUPS, 2001. - 144 p.
4. Kotlyarov E.A. Geography of recreation and tourism, formation and development of territorial and recreational complexes. - M.: Mysl, 1978.
5. Krotova E.L. Recreational and tourist complex of the region: theory and practice of reform. - Ekaterinburg: URO RAS, 2001.
6. Leksin V.N. Shvetsov A. All-Russian reforms and territorial development. Art. Reform and integrity of the state. Problems of territorial differentiation and disintegration // REJ. - 2000. - No. 1.
7. Malysheva G.M. Allocation of tourist resources and strategy for managing their development: Lecture. - M.: Publishing house Ros. econ. acad., 1995. - 40 p.
8. Tourism management: Tourism and industry systems: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001. - 272 p.
9. Nekrasov N.N. Regional economy. - M., 1978.
10. Sphere of tourism: Stages of development, economics and management: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Press service, 1998. - 468 p.
11. Tatarinov A.A. Methodology of statistical assessment and analysis of the development of recreational and tourist regions: Diss. Dan. - Moscow, 1998.
12. Personnel management of the Civil Service. - M.: RAGS, 1997. - 84 p.

The category of "recreation and tourist complex" in respect of the regional control system is considered. Complexity of the given category is caused by inclusion in it two constituents -the tourism and the territory. Basic concepts, characteristics, types and the reasons of occurrence of recreation and tourist complexes are disclosed.

graduate work

1. The essence of the concept of a recreational complex

recreational peninsula crimea tourist

The development of tourism is one of the industries whose development characterizes the economy of the post-industrial type. Tourism allows you to solve a wide range of important socio-economic problems: increasing employment, improving the quality of life of the population, etc. In addition, in the modern world, tourism is one of the most profitable types of business in the world. Therefore, the tourism and recreational sector is becoming one of the priority areas.

The development of resources of any kind, including tourist and recreational ones, is the most important priority of the regional economy. Tourism and recreational activities are carried out through the use of all types of tourist and recreational resources. One of the forms of organizing tourist and recreational activities is a tourist and recreational complex.

A tourist and recreational complex is a purposefully formed set of enterprises (tourist and suppliers of services and goods) operating to meet the needs of tourists, concentrated in a limited territory, which has certain tourist and recreational resources and is provided with tourist and supporting infrastructure. The structure of the tourist and recreational complex is complex, since it represents the integration of tourism industry enterprises, suppliers of tourism services and products, that is, objects of the production and non-production sphere of the territory.

A feature of the structure of the tourism and recreational complex is the high dependence of the efficiency of integration of tourism industry objects (service providers and tourism industry enterprises) and the resource base, infrastructure of the territory and factors for the development of tourism and recreational activities.

Tourist resources are characterized by the fact that they are static, that is, they cannot be transported from one place to another in order to be used for the production of a tourism product. In addition, “linking” to the territory is important from the point of view of regional tourism, since regional resources reflect the state of a specific territory of the region and are most often limited; and the ability of a region to satisfy the needs of tourists is determined precisely by the composition and state of resources and factors for the development of tourism in a given region.

To form a tourist complex, infrastructure is needed. Tourism infrastructure is understood as a complex of structures, engineering and communication networks, incl. telecommunications communications, roads, related tourism industry enterprises (processing, household, energy), ensuring normal access of tourists to tourist resources and their proper use for tourism purposes, as well as ensuring the livelihoods of tourism industry enterprises. The infrastructure of the tourist complex is a subsystem that ensures the provision of services that facilitate the use and implementation of tourist motives, the achievement of the purpose of the trip by the consumer, taking into account the latter’s requirements for the composition and quality of these services.

The entire tourism infrastructure can be divided into supporting and tourism infrastructure. The definition proposed above allows us to highlight the elements of the supporting infrastructure of the tourist complex:

Transport infrastructure;

Engineering networks (electricity, water supply, etc.);

Communication means and systems;

Buildings and constructions.

In addition to the supporting infrastructure, tourism infrastructure is also distinguished, which includes suppliers of tourism services and goods and the production of goods and services indirectly related to the tourism industry:

Transport services;

Hotel services;

Catering industry;

Sphere of entertainment and recreation;

Sports and fitness service;

Excursion services;

Domestic services sector;

Production of souvenirs and handicrafts;

Financial services;

Production of tourism and sports products;


The link that unites the above elements of the tourist and recreational complex are enterprises of the tourism industry: tour operators, travel agents and excursion bureaus, which carry out the formation, promotion and sale of the tourism product created on the territory of the tourist and recreational complex.

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Lecture 15

Many people have always sought to relax in the lap of nature, in communication with wildlife. At the same time, resting places could be located far from home, i.e. rest was associated with travel. The more the so-called developed. “technical civilization”, the more man transformed the Earth, the more widespread and deeper this desire became. Before our eyes, a new form of environmental management has emerged - recreation.

N.F. Reimers, in his dictionary-reference book “Nature Management” (1990), provides several definitions related to this relatively new form.

Recreation- restoration of health and work opportunities by relaxing outside the home - in the lap of nature or during tourist trips associated with visiting places of interest, incl. national parks, architectural and natural monuments, museums, etc. Recreational nature management in Russia consists of two main branches: recreation itself, also called stationary, and tourism, route recreation.

Tourism is a set of relationships and phenomena that arise as a result of traveling and staying outside one’s permanent place of residence, if the stay does not turn into a long stay or temporary occupation for the sake of earning money. Tourism can be sports, with elements of various sports (cycling, kayaking, etc.) and excursion. A division of tourism into domestic and - extremely important, developing - international has also been adopted.

Tourism, like any sector of environmental management, requires the provision of specific resources, in this case, recreational ones. They are understood as part of the natural and cultural resources that provide recreation as a means of restoring and maintaining health and ability to work. Natural recreational resources according to the assessment of the 80s. were estimated at a fairly large amount for Russia - 65-85 billion rubles, which amounted to 2% of the country's national wealth. Modern estimates of the economic potential of the industry are unknown.

Experts divide all recreational areas into three types, depending on the availability and structure of free time for vacationers:

Territories for daily recreation (city parks, forest parks);

Territories for weekly recreation, which can be divided into stationary (dacha villages) and route (green zones, suburban areas);

Territories for vacation or holiday recreation, also divided into stationary (rest homes, sanatoriums, children's holiday camps and adjacent areas) and routes (national and natural parks, tourist centers and routes assigned to them, and some others).

Recreation in Russia belonged to developing industries, covering increasingly wider sections of the population, but in the early 90s, due to a sharp deterioration in the economic and criminal situation in the country, there was a sharp decline. According to the State Report, in 1993 in Russia there were 34 tourist complexes, 79 tourist hotels, about 200 tourist centers, more than 200 tourist shelters, several hundred holiday homes, recreation centers, and boarding houses. They provided recreation for 6-7 million people (4-5% of the population). It was expected that another 2-3 million tourists would relax on their own. 8-10 million recreational residents is an extremely low figure for such a large country as Russia, rich in recreational resources. In the United States, over 300 million people pass through the national park system every year, which well characterizes the economic and recreational opportunities of the country.

The influence of recreation on wildlife depends on the number of vacationers in a given area, i.e. recreational load, and from its natural features. The main forms of impact of recreation are: trampling of territory, littering, pollution of water bodies, scaring away wild animals (disturbance factor) and their direct extermination.

As noted by the most famous recreation specialist, associate professor of Moscow State University V.P. Chizhova ( V.P. Chizhova. Recreational load in recreation areas. M., 1977), trampling of territory is observed in suburban green areas, along the banks of large reservoirs, at resorts and holiday homes and in their environs, on well-worn tourist trails and tourist stops. The soil becomes compacted and dried out, its structure is disrupted, air and moisture capacity decreases, soil is washed away and erosion (on sloping areas), and weathering (of sandy soils). This greatly affects the state of phytocenoses. Forest plant species are gradually giving way to forest-meadow, meadow and even weed species; the roots of the trees are exposed, their root system is weakened, the trees become sick, are affected by insect pests and eventually die. The ability of trees to self-renewal is weakened. The undergrowth and undergrowth are thinned out and killed. Coniferous species - spruce and pine - are the first to suffer from trampling. Under relatively favorable conditions, they are replaced by aspen, birch, willow, alder, and in extreme cases, compacted soil devoid of vegetation remains. The biodiversity of the territory suffers, the number of plant species and animals associated with them and this type of landscape decreases.

Trampling is often aggravated by littering, which is typical for muddy hiking trails. On some Kamchatka routes, up to 25 thousand cans are thrown away per season. During the season, about 60 tons of liquid waste are generated, polluting the territory or ending up in water bodies. Pollution of water bodies is an independent and painful problem. Oil products, exhaust from boat engines and other man-made dirt get into the water. Eutrophication of water bodies and their “blooming” may occur, followed by oxygen deficiency and depletion of aquatic flora and fauna.

In places where there is a constant concentration of vacationers, wild animals are scared away, and the so-called “disturbance factor” appears when animals that are not specifically persecuted are forced to migrate due to noise and other inconveniences associated with the presence of people in their possessions. The reproduction process of animals and birds is disrupted.

The collection of flowers, including those listed in the Red Books (the ban is usually not controlled, and violation of it is not punished), causes selection of the vegetation cover, the replacement of some plant species with others. This phenomenon is especially common in the vicinity of large cities. Often tourists, simply visitors to forests, are the cause of destructive forest fires that cover vast areas in dry years. They entail the death and flight of animals, erosion processes, and swamping of the territory.

Even skiing and sledding in the vicinity of cities, when the concentration of vacationers reaches thousands of people, can cause damage to nature. The snow cover becomes compacted, its structure and thermal insulating properties change, and the ground under the snow freezes. As a result, in the spring, when the snow cover melts, erosion occurs and some plant species disappear.

In the same way, seemingly harmless amateur fishing can become a source of big trouble. There are cases of overfishing in isolated water bodies and depletion of fish resources. At the Ivankovskoye Reservoir, on the border of the Moscow and Tver regions, up to 300 thousand ice fishing enthusiasts gather in winter. Their waste gets into the water near Utah. It is also heavily contaminated by food supplements that fishermen put out.

As stated by V.P. Chizhov, in the process of degradation of some recreational territories, convergence is observed, i.e. convergence of various initial biogeocenoses in the composition of flora and fauna. Indigenous cenoses are gradually replaced by derivatives of the same type. They become noticeably lighter, and the grass cover takes on a meadow-like character. The number and abundance of plant species in such cenoses decreases. There are regional characteristics of landscape vulnerability. The landscapes of the subzone of coniferous broad-leaved forests in the south of the Far East are characterized by the highest stability. The north and south of the forest zone and the forest-steppe have medium and low stability of landscapes; the Far North (tundra and forest-tundra) and the south of Russia (steppes and semi-deserts) have extremely low stability. These circumstances must be taken into account when planning recreation.

The problem of recreation in specially protected natural areas deserves independent consideration. The nature reserve business of our country has developed in such a way that reserves on whose territory recreation is now prohibited have acquired predominant importance (only the construction of limited routes for ecological tourism is allowed). This ban is generally justified, because mass visits to nature reserves by tourists caused significant damage to protected objects, but it should not be applied automatically, without analyzing the local situation and possible damage. In our opinion, some of the “non-absolute” reserves can be opened for organized and strictly controlled tourism (with a ban on visiting particularly valuable natural sites).

National parks, which could, following the example of North America, absorb the main recreational flows, began to be created in Russia relatively recently. In addition, the existing parks have a weak material and technical base and are not able to regulate and direct the flow of recreationists, without which, in essence, their purpose remains unfulfilled. Large investments are needed in the system of national and natural parks, strengthening their protection, and strengthening the legal basis for activities. We must also remember that an increase in the influx of tourists to parks will entail new problems associated with excess anthropogenic pressure, as happened in the USA.

Special problems are created by modern dacha construction, which in our country lacks a reasonable ecological basis. According to Moscow scientist N.A. Sobolev, in the country, starting from the second half of the 80s, garden plots began to be created at a rapid pace. From 1985 to 1990 the number of collective gardens increased from 4.7 million to 8-10 million, and the area under them - from 302 thousand hectares to 576 thousand hectares.

In most cases, so-called “low-productive” lands were allocated for them - bushy and swampy meadows, slopes of ravines and gullies, various wastelands, unforested forest lands, etc. In ecological terms, this meant replacing natural ecosystems with artificial ones, with all the ensuing consequences. The last habitats in densely populated areas of many species of mammals, birds, amphibians, and insects were destroyed. The food supply for wild animals has deteriorated. Elements of biodiversity were destroyed. The influence of a garden and dacha settlement on vegetation extends to a distance of up to 1 km from it, and the effect of the disturbance factor extends to 2 km and beyond. The hydrological regime is deteriorating, the remaining reservoirs are being polluted, bright, eye-catching flowers are being selected, the number of cats and dogs is increasing, some of which are abandoned for the winter. The abundance of light sources increases the light impact on the entomofauna and impoverishes it.

It should be recognized that government policy in the field of dacha construction does not meet the minimum environmental criteria and continues to cause increasing damage to wildlife.

Environmental optimization of recreation requires the development of an appropriate state program and the implementation of a set of measures of an organizational, economic, legal, and environmental nature. It is necessary to carry out zoning of the territory in the regions and identify areas where recreational development, incl. and country house, would cause minimal damage to nature. The organization of recreation in the system of national and regional natural parks requires special attention.

The classification of types of territorial and recreational complexes can be based on 2 characteristics:

Depending on the functional purpose, level of specialization and preferential development of certain recreational industries, various types of territorial and recreational complexes are distinguished in the national economy.

Types of territorial and recreational complexes:


Tourist and recreational.

Sanatorium, tourism and health improvement.

Hunting and fishing.

Tourism, recreation, hunting and fishing.


Sanatorium-resort complexes according to their functional characteristics, they are intended for sanatorium-resort treatment and include specialized sanatorium-therapeutic single-disciplinary and multidisciplinary institutions.

Tourist and health complexes intended for various types of tourism and recreation. The main enterprises of these complexes are holiday homes, tourist hotels, holiday towns, bases, camps, motels.

Sanatorium-tourist-health complexes According to their functional purpose, they serve both for sanatorium-resort treatment and for tourist and health services. Such combined complexes include groups of interconnected medical, health and tourism institutions.

Hunting and fishing complexes According to their functional purpose, they serve to organize sport hunting and fishing; their main institutions are shelters for fishermen and “wintering quarters” for hunters, and boat stations.

Tourist, recreational, hunting and fishing complexes intended for various types of tourism and recreation, hunting and fishing, i.e. here a type of recreational activity corresponding to the name is cultivated.

The general type of territorial-recreational complex includes all of the listed types of recreational activities and corresponding service institutions.

Despite the importance of the socio-economic components of resources, favorable natural conditions occupy the main place for the formation and development of the recreational complex. They are one of the main material prerequisites for recreation.

The presence of these conditions leads to the emergence of recreational complexes in new, previously economically undeveloped areas of the country. Indicative in this sense are the economic development of individual mountainous regions of the Caucasus, the coast of Lake Sevan, recreational areas of Transcarpathia, the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, and the coastal areas of Lake Balaton in Hungary, which, thanks to important health resort and balneological factors, have received intensive development.

Involving previously untouched favorable combinations of natural resources in recreational use can become not only the initial basis for the economic development of new territories, but also significantly influence the specialization of long-established territories.

The recreational system is very demanding environmental conditions, since it is the main component of recreational resources.

Along with the original, unique nature, historical, cultural and architectural monuments are of great interest for recreation.

As recreational resources, it is advisable to consider the ethnographic characteristics of the population, which has the original spiritual culture of the peoples inhabiting it.


To organize recreation for workers and their families, enterprises build recreation centers. In addition to their main purpose, recreation centers serve as a venue for social, cultural, sports and recreational events. Much attention is paid to the construction of holiday camps for young people, including those coming from abroad. The main purpose of youth camps is to organize active recreation, combining physical education, sports, tourism, educational and entertainment forms of recreation.

Active forms of recreation, including excursion tourism, which allows you to get acquainted with the cultural and historical monuments of the country, are becoming increasingly important in organizing the health of the population. In this regard, special attention is paid to the development of a network of tourist and excursion routes and the construction of tourist institutions. To organize the recreation of tourists along the route, their service, accommodation and food, tourist hotels and tourist centers are built. Tourist hotels, like general hotels, are divided into 5 categories according to the level of comfort and are located on tourist routes of all types (except for specialized road and water routes; see Chapter 26).

Tourist bases allow tourists to self-service. When placing parents with children in tourist centers, a group of children's sleeping quarters and the organization of children's playgrounds on the territory are provided.

For short-term recreation of tourists, tourist shelters are built along tourist routes of all types.

A network of motels and campsites is being created for motor tourists.

The motel provides recreation for motor tourists with a high level of hotel service and a full range of vehicle maintenance.

A camping establishment is most often a seasonal operation, providing the organization of recreation for motor tourists with a simplified range of all types of services (beds in lightweight houses or tents, meals on a self-service basis).


Sanatoriums, holiday homes, resort hotels and other recreational facilities must be located in strict accordance with master plans and detailed planning projects for resorts, recreation and tourism areas. This determines the functional zoning of the territory with the allocation of resort and recreational, residential, medical, utility and forest park zones.

The architectural and planning organization of resort and recreational areas is regulated by the regulatory requirements of the “Instructions for the planning and development of resorts and recreation areas.” For the construction of resort and health facilities and their complexes, picturesque forests, coastal areas of water areas, valleys and mountain slopes, and areas with unique landscape characteristics are allocated.

For various types of institutions that are part of resorts, recreation and tourism areas, areas are allocated, the area of ​​which depends on the type of institution (or complex) and their capacity. The area of ​​the site of sanatoriums with a capacity of 500 or 1000 beds is calculated, in accordance with standard indicators, 150 and 125 m2 per 1 bed. For a complex of sanatoriums for 2-5 thousand places, the value of this indicator is taken to be 120 m2 per 1 place. In holiday homes with a capacity of 500 and 1000 beds, the calculated figure is 130 and 120 m2 per bed, respectively (for resort hotels it is 75 m2 per bed).

Sites of sanatoriums, recreation and tourism establishments should be organically included in the overall system of green spaces of the resort with areas of preserved natural landscape; Green areas of plots must make up at least 50% of their area. The area of ​​public green spaces in resort and recreational areas is accepted to be at least 100 m2 per vacationer.

In accordance with the specific purpose of each recreation institution, there is a need to form one or another special zone within it, determined by its direct function: for example, a therapeutic beach zone in sanatoriums at climatological seaside resorts, a pioneer zone in pioneer camps, etc. A more complex zoning system is provided for in complexes of resort and recreational institutions, which in their structure differ in single-profile (including institutions of a homogeneous composition) and multi-profile, or multifunctional.

The complexes include dormitory buildings, dining rooms, centers for medical, resort, entertainment and other types of services. For the rational placement of these objects, it is advisable to carry out functional zoning of the territory of the complexes with the allocation of zones: dormitory buildings and dining rooms, medical, cultural and entertainment, administrative, commercial institutions, the complex’s park and sports facilities. In the area of ​​dormitories, as a rule, there are areas for morning exercises, quiet sports games, and at resorts there are also separate climate-therapeutic structures and devices. The blocking of sleeping quarters with the main catering establishments (canteens, restaurants) is more typical for northern regions, while in southern conditions, along with this technique, the isolated placement of such buildings can also be used.

The treatment zone is organized in sanatorium/sanatorium hotel complexes in multifunctional complexes, which are a combination of these institutions. At the same time, the zone usually includes water and mud baths, a resort clinic, and healing pools. The location of the area of ​​medical institutions should take into account the convenience of communication with the area of ​​dormitory buildings. For water and mud baths, a special area with a utility yard is allocated, where devices for the regeneration of therapeutic mud and containers for storing mineral water are created.

The zone of cultural and entertainment institutions is located at a considerable distance from the zone of dormitory buildings, most often in the most visited park part of the complex. It usually includes a kursaal, a summer cinema, and a dance floor.

The sports area includes areas for noisy games (basketball, volleyball, etc.). Its composition is determined by the type of complex.

The administrative and reception area is in most cases located at the entrance to the complex. It includes administrative premises and premises of the reception block. Depending on the capacity and type of complex, trade and consumer service enterprises (post office, savings bank, service department, repair shops, consumer services plant, retail premises, etc.) can be separated into an independent zone or attached to an administrative one.

The economic zone and staff residential camp are, as a rule, located outside the resort and recreational areas, in special territories allocated in the master plans of resorts and recreation areas. Sanatorium-protective gaps should be created between resort and health institutions, residential and commercial buildings, the size of which is established taking into account the provision of optimal conditions for patients being treated and vacationers.

The territory of the complex should be a landscaped park in which buildings and structures are located. It is advisable to organize the territory in such a way that the compact placement of the building would make it possible to create large areas of greenery for quiet recreation.

Of great importance is the separation of transport and pedestrian traffic with maximum restriction of transport access to the territory of resorts and recreation areas. If necessary, for the convenience of serving vacationers, the movement of small-sized vehicles can be organized.


The conditions for organizing recreation and treatment in the buildings of resort and health institutions and their complexes determine the functional necessity and presence in them of the following groups of premises: reception and lobby; sleeping; catering establishments; cultural, sports and recreational services; therapeutic (for sanatoriums); administrative and reception; household.

The reception and lobby group of sanatorium premises in its composition and interconnections is very close to a similar group in hotels. However, its area per bed is assumed to be 0.47 m2 instead of 0.74 m2 in hotels. The reduction in the area of ​​this group in sanatoriums is “explained in the operational features of sanatoriums, where the lobbies have less functional load and check-in is carried out at a certain time, and the process of check-in is simpler than the process of getting a hotel room. At the lobby group in sanatoriums there is an office for the doctor on duty.

The group of sleeping rooms, being the main one, makes up about half the volume of buildings in sanatoriums. The standard area of ​​a bedroom in sanatoriums is established: per person - 9 m2; for two - 12 m2. Due to the need to organize treatment in sleeping rooms (wards), sanatoriums should provide special medical premises: a doctor’s office and treatment rooms.

Each living room should have a loggia or balcony, which allows for a longer stay for residents of the sanatorium in the natural environment, in the fresh air. In addition, there will be galleries and balconies for common use, as well as verandas for climate therapy. Often a flat roof is used for this purpose.

In dormitory buildings of sanatoriums above two floors, an elevator must be provided. The height of the floor of the dormitory building of the sanatorium is assumed to be increased, equal to 3.3 m.

The orientation of bedrooms in sanatoriums must strictly comply with the requirements of the regulations. The optimal orientation is considered to be south and southeast. Western and southwestern orientation creates overheating in the summer months, and does not provide sufficient insolation in the winter. The range of favorable orientation generally depends on the latitude of the area.

Group of catering enterprises. The dining room is one of the most important functional units of a sanatorium, rest home and boarding house. Each vacationer is assigned a permanent place in the dining room with waiter service. The area of ​​the dining room is determined at the rate of 1.4-1.5 m2 per person.

In establishments where vacationers are served by waiters, it is assumed that all 100% of vacationers will be seated in the dining halls at the same time (the capacity of each hall should not exceed 250 seats). This system is called “single-shift” planting. In recreational facilities, as well as at tourist centers that allow self-service, the capacity of dining rooms is calculated at 50% of the number of vacationers (the so-called two-shift seating).

All public catering establishments typical for recreational institutions, tourism and sanatoriums should be designed in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the DBN chapter on the design of public catering establishments.

Tourist, resort hotels and motels are characterized by a developed composition of public catering establishments, which is determined for each institution depending on its category.

The need for organizing entertainment, calm and dynamic games, and spectacular events is inherent in the very function of recreation. This determines the need to place a special group of cultural and mass service premises in sanatoriums, recreation and tourism institutions.

The specific composition of this group of premises is determined depending on the type of institution and its capacity, as well as the location of this institution. So, for example, the location of a resort hotel in a large center that has a developed open network of public services with cinemas, stages, etc., eliminates the functional need to organize an auditorium, etc. premises in the hotel. Therefore, at tourist bases and year-round boarding houses, projects planned for construction in recreation areas and resorts, it is envisaged to reduce the standard for the total area allocated for the organization of cultural and mass service premises.

Premises of this group, in order to avoid disturbing the peace of vacationers, are usually located at a considerable distance from living rooms and are often allocated in an isolated block connected to the main building or completely autonomous and included in the public building.

In complexes of recreational institutions, the composition of the premises for cultural services is approximately the same as in a separate institution. However, the large capacity of the complexes makes it possible to create large, well-equipped kursaals, which include two or three auditoriums, spacious foyers, and a special one. a dance hall, a large library, numerous auditoriums, large swimming pools and gyms.

Ensuring an optimal leisure regime involves organizing not only cultural leisure for vacationers, but also creating conditions for their physical recovery. For this purpose, recreational, tourism and sanatorium establishments may provide sports and recreational facilities, structures and playgrounds. These include outdoor and indoor swimming pools, saunas or Russian baths, in some cases, gyms and, as a rule, various grounds and facilities for sports and recreational purposes located on the territory of the institution (volleyball, tennis, badminton courts, beaches, etc.). P.). As a rule, swimming pools are provided in institutional complexes, for example, in complexes of holiday homes, boarding houses and hotels, where it becomes advisable to organize special gyms.

In some recreational institutions, swimming pools are designed with a capacity of at least 1000 seats, and in tourist hotels - only if they have the highest category and if they are located on sea coasts.

In accordance with the standards, saunas are designed in tourist, resort hotels and motels of the highest-III category; In institutions of the highest and first categories, a swimming pool with a bar is located next to the saunas.

When forming complexes of institutions, sports centers are created in them with a developed composition of premises, structures and sports grounds for various types of sports activities.


The composition of large complexes, as well as individual recreation and tourism institutions, as well as sanatoriums, is created as a result of a comprehensive and maximum study of the features of the local natural environment; the choice of a compositional solution for an individual institution or a complex of them must be determined within the framework of the overall architectural design of the resort or recreational area as a whole. The rational relationship of the premises, taking into account the favorable orientation of the bedrooms and the requirements of modern technology, serves as the functional basis for the final choice of the compositional solution of the building.

In the practice of designing and constructing sanatoriums, holiday homes, resort hotels, and other institutions, the following composition techniques are usually used:

centralized reception, when all groups of premises are located within a single building;

block technique, in which separate groups of rooms located in separate buildings adjoin each other or form a complex spatial composition, being connected to each other by warm transitions;

pavilion reception, characterized by the location of separate groups of premises in unrelated autonomous buildings.

The centralized reception of the composition makes it possible to obtain the most economical solution, maximizing the preservation of valuable territory due to the compactness of the development. However, it forces the bedrooms to be brought closer to public spaces, including the catering department, as well as medical premises, as a result of which the possibility of sufficient isolation from the noise and smells of the kitchen is impaired.

The use of a centralized composition is appropriate in cases where the territory allocated for the construction of a recreation facility or sanatorium is of limited size. Centralized composition has historically developed in sanatoriums, rest homes and boarding houses of small capacity, where the volume of public premises is not so large as to separate these premises into independent blocks.

The block method of composition has become quite widespread recently due to the consolidation of sanatorium and health institutions. Thanks to this, the prerequisites arose for the allocation of sleeping, medical, club groups of premises, as well as public catering establishments, into separate blocks; connecting the blocks with transitions creates a convenient connection, while maintaining proper isolation of these groups of rooms.

The pavilion composition technique is rarely used in the construction of sanatoriums, resort hotels, holiday homes, boarding houses and motels; it is most typical for summer recreation institutions (recreation centers, campsites, youth and pioneer camps). The advantage of the pavilion composition is the maximum proximity of vacationers living in separate houses to the natural environment. However, this technique requires a significant extension of communication connections and utility networks.

Natural and climatic conditions have a great influence on the choice of compositional technique. The need for cross ventilation, along with the need for optimal orientation in areas with a hot, humid climate, determines the use of one-sided buildings, as well as large loggias and wide openings in dormitory buildings. In hot, dry areas, shaded spaces play an important role: it is advisable to open living quarters into shaded courtyards, separating them from the external environment with blank walls with small openings and creating plastic facades that shade each other with their volumes.

In the northern regions of the country, compact building solutions are justified to reduce heat loss.

The choice of composition in modern conditions of a shortage of recreational areas can be significantly influenced by the topography of the area being built.