"Plus bank" went into the "minus"! Reviews about the plus bank The bank plus exists or has gone bankrupt.

Since 2013, the Bank of Russia has been applying the practice of revoking licenses from unscrupulous commercial banks. Absolutely any bank can get under liquidation if its head conducts a risky credit policy.

If the bank does not have enough liquid assets to fulfill its obligations, it falls into the liquidation risk group and is blacklisted by the Central Bank of Russia.

What is a bank blacklist?

The black list of banks is a kind of list of commercial credit organizations that the Bank of Russia has taken under its supervision. Simply put, the black list includes those whose license the Central Bank can revoke.

Officials claim that there is no official black list, but specialists know of some credit institutions that have big problems. Thus, the black list is not a clear list of banks whose licenses will be revoked 100% by the Central Bank, it is more like a rating of unreliable banks, which is compiled by experts based on the announced warnings from the Bank of Russia.

The Central Bank of Russia will never issue official information about the future liquidation of banks or those on the verge of bankruptcy, as this may lead to a sharp outflow of deposits.

List of banks that may soon have their license revoked

In the near future, about 50 banks may lose their licenses. The following credit institutions were included in the unofficial black list:

  • OOO KB "Agrosoyuz";
  • PJSC Asia-Pacific;
  • PJSC AK AktivKapital;
  • PJSC JSCB "Accent";
  • LLC BCC-Moscow;
  • JSC "Bank Voronezh";
  • FPK "Garant-invest";
  • OOO KB "Kansky";
  • LLC "MBA-Moscow";
  • LLC "Bank Orange";
  • JSC CB Tula Settlement Center;
  • JSC "GreenComBank";
  • OOO KB "European Standard";
  • JSCB "Inkarobank";
  • JSC CB Interprombank;
  • JSC "Interprogressbank";
  • JSC "Kemsotsinbank";
  • LLC CB "Creditinvest";
  • LLC CB "Credit Express";
  • JSC AKB "Krylovsky";
  • LLC CB "Lightbank";
  • JSC "Nefteprombank";
  • ZAO NovakhovKapitalBank;
  • LLC CB Neclix-Bank;
  • Pir Bank LLC;
  • PJSC "Plus Bank";
  • LLC "PromTransBank";
  • PJSC CB PFS-Bank;
  • PJSC NKB "Radiotechbank";
  • JSC "RTS-Bank";
  • JSC "Runetbank";
  • LLC CB "Russian Trade Bank";
  • OOO KB "Sinko";
  • JSC "Solid";
  • PJSC CB "Spurt";
  • PJSC KB Sputnik;
  • PJSC ICB "Stavropolpromstroybank";
  • PJSC "Taganrogbank";
  • JSCB "Teksbank";
  • JSCB "Tender-bank";
  • JSC "Tembr-bank";
  • PJSC "Uraltransbank";
  • JSC "Export-Import".

This list is not a list of banks subject to liquidation, however, the Central Bank conducts special monitoring of these organizations.

Main reasons for license revocation

Only the Central Bank of the Russian Federation can revoke a license from a credit institution. The main organization that manages all the banking activities of our country analyzes the suspicious activity of an unreliable bank and makes a decision based on the facts obtained during the inspection.

If the decision to revoke the license is based on sufficiently strong evidence, then the situation cannot be corrected - the bank will be liquidated.

The main reasons for license revocation are as follows:

  • Violation of the laws of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the Central Bank;
    Money fraud: fraud, money laundering, financing of terrorism or crime;
  • Gross errors in reporting, providing false information, hiding existing sources of income;
  • Failure to fulfill the required obligations to the bank's customers: both individuals and legal entities (refusal to pay a deposit or repay a loan);
  • Investing in risky assets: shares or bonds of unreliable dubious organizations;
  • Reducing the authorized capital below the level established by the Central Bank;
  • Decline of own funds of a banking organization due to any reasons.

If at least one of the reasons is revealed during the audit of the Central Bank, the financial institution may lose its license to carry out activities.

Find out also the latest data on inflation in Russia. This is extremely important for those who are planning long-term cooperation with the bank (opening a deposit, obtaining a mortgage).

Information about the possible revocation of the license of Plus Bank was not confirmed by representatives of the banking institution. Rumors that the Central Bank revoked the license from this bank appeared primarily in connection with the dismissal of the managing director of the enterprise, Alexei Parfyonov. The reason for this decision was the loss of shareholders' confidence and violation of labor discipline.

Clients of Plus Bank can be calm, because the dismissal of the director will not affect the likelihood of revocation of the license. Information about her recall is not true, and the bank successfully continues its work. The Central Bank of Russia reported that today there are no grounds for revoking the license from Plus Bank.

"Plus Bank" is a small metropolitan enterprise and has been operating in the financial services market for more than 25 years. Now this institution occupies 118th place in terms of assets in Russia. Also, the bank's achievement is the presence of Plus Bank in the TOP-50 in terms of lending to individuals and seventh place in car loans. At the moment, this institution continues to develop, and its branches are represented in 6 regions of the country, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg.

Some experts argue that there will still be a revocation of the Plus Bank license. The first reason for this conclusion was that a violation of the Central Bank's standard was discovered in October last year, which concerned the insufficiency of basic capital. Also in 2016, negative trends in the organization were found that could affect sustainability. About a year ago, Plus Bank experienced technical difficulties, and the basic capital insufficiency ratio again fell below the minimum allowed value. However, despite all these difficulties, Plus Bank managed to update the line of deposits in the summer of this year, and a few months later, the bank's clients got the opportunity to invest at a favorable interest rate under the terms of the Seasonal Plus deposit.

Plus Bank took away the license: development of the bank

Until July 2014, Plus Bank PJSC was located in Omsk, where most of its divisions are located. The key activities of the bank were lending to private and corporate clients, attracting deposits from the population. The main source of funding for the bank is the deposits of individuals (56.9%). The owner of the bank is the Kazakh bank Tsesnabank JSC (100%).

This bank was one of the first to be included in the register of banks - participants in the compulsory deposit insurance system - on October 1, 2004 under number 42. The main impact on the work of the credit institution was provided in 2005, when Bank TuranAlem JSC (Kazakhstan ) and related structures. In 2010, the bank's owners changed, and currently the main shareholders of the bank are: Tsesnabank Joint Stock Company (Kazakhstan), Linex Global SEZ (UAE), Mavlit Akhtyamov, Yuri Yablonsky, Alexei Parfyonov. The share of non-residents in the authorized capital of PJSC Plus Bank is about 28%.

Due to the unstable economic situation in the country, the Central Bank of Russia regularly takes measures to improve the domestic banking sector. To this end, weaker financial structures are liquidated or their license is revoked. About what circumstances may serve as a reason for revoking a banking permit, what to do if the organization goes bankrupt, and the client has a loan agreement with it, which banks entered the risk zone in 2018, and what will happen to deposits in the event of the company's bankruptcy You will find the answers in the article.

Reasons for revoking a license from a bank

Revocation of a license from a bank occurs only if there are sufficient good reasons for this. The Central Bank has identified the following reasons for depriving a company of a certificate for activity:

  • In the event that a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation was committed.
  • In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the Central Bank of Russia.
  • If illegal activities such as fraud, aiding terrorist structures, money laundering, and so on have been identified.
  • Incorrect reporting, entering false information into it.
  • If the authorized capital of the organization has decreased below the mark set by the Central Bank.
  • Violation of contractual obligations to clients (non-payment of interest on deposits, deduction from the borrower of a larger percentage than that specified in the agreement).
  • Investment of own capital funds in dubious enterprises.
  • Identification during the audit of one of the above violations may serve as a reason for the liquidation of the license of this company.

It should be understood that the Central Bank of Russia does not revoke a license from a bank overnight. This is a rather lengthy procedure, which is preceded by a series of warnings. As a rule, the management of a financial institution receives a formal notice with a requirement to review certain aspects of its activities. If the question is about suspicious transactions, then a warning is issued. The Central Bank also sets a deadline for the elimination of violations. And only if the bank does not correct the situation, its license is revoked.

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not invest in an unreliable bank, you should first familiarize yourself with the latest news about its activities, study the line of offers. Too low interest on loans, high on deposits (against the background of proposals from large financial institutions of the country) should alert. You should also not trust creditors who have not offered new products for a long time in order to attract customers, have significantly reduced the number of branches in the country, or have disabled the official website.

Black list of banks: where does it come from, who is on it?

The black list of financial organizations is a special list of structures that have come under special control and close supervision of the Central Bank of Russia.

This means that the position of these companies in the banking market is very unstable, and they may lose their license in the near future. The blacklist currently includes:

  • Agrosoyuz;
  • BCC-Moscow;
  • Asia-Pacific";
  • "Voronezh";
  • MBA-Moscow;
  • Tula settlement center;
  • GreenComBank;
  • Interprombank;
  • Bank "European Standard";
  • Creditinvest;
  • JSCB "Krylovsky";
  • PJSC RKB "Moscow";
  • Nefteprombank;
  • PromTransBank;
  • Russian Trade Bank;
  • "Satellite";
  • Taganrogbank;
  • Tender bank;
  • Uraltransbank and other financial companies.

The inclusion of an organization in this list does not yet mean a 100% deprivation of a license. However, this is a serious signal for the bank to improve its financial affairs and eliminate shortcomings.

The position of the bank can change at any time, one has only to fulfill the requirements of the Central Bank

What should depositors do if the bank's license was revoked?

If a bank has been deprived of its license, and you have a cash deposit in its account, do not panic. You need to act as follows:

  • First of all, the depositor must apply to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). It is it that is engaged in the payment of compensation in case of bankruptcy of the company or deprivation of its certificate.
  • Next, you will need to write a statement of a certain form, addressing it to the DIA.
  • Through publications in the media, you need to track information on the procedure for paying compensation for deposits. This information can also be found on the official website of the insurance company.
  • Get your hands on compensation payments directly to the office of insurers or in a responsible bank.
  • As a rule, insurance payments begin to be made 14 days after the declaration of bankruptcy of the organization.

What will happen to the deposits, how much can you get from the DIA?

In case of bankruptcy of a financial company or revocation of its license to operate, deposits of individuals are returned in accordance with the deposit insurance program.

The amount of compensation payments cannot be more than 1,400,000 rubles.

If the user's deposit exceeds this amount, then the process of returning the remaining funds is carried out as follows:

  • First, agent companies are determined who will be responsible for returning the money to the bankrupt structure.
  • Further, the banking organization is declared bankrupt by a court decision.
  • The property of the bank goes under the hammer, and the proceeds from its sale are used to pay off debts to depositors.
  • The entire process of returning deposits is under the control of the DIA insurance agency.

How to pay a loan if the bank's license was revoked?

When the license is revoked from a bank that was engaged in lending to the population, the management of its financial affairs passes to third parties. Information about who transferred the obligations of the bankrupt structure, the user can find out from official sources. Such sources are the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the Deposit Insurance Agency . In addition, companies often notify their customers via email or SMS. For example, on the DIA website, you can find out the details of the agent bank, to which from now on the borrower must make payments on the loan.

Important! In the event of a bank bankruptcy and the transfer of its affairs to another organization, a loan agreement (mortgage, consumer, car loan, etc.) is not subject to revision. The borrower repays the debt according to the original payment schedule. If an individual is not satisfied with the established procedure for repaying a loan debt, he can refinance the loan at another bank (it is important that the agreement contains a clause allowing early repayment of the loan).

Plus Bank has lost 113% of its profits over the past month, and 493% since February last year. This was reported by the correspondent of The Moscow Post. The bank is 100% owned by the Kazakh Tsesnabank. And, probably, will soon leave the Russian market. What will happen to his clients?

Until 2014, Plus Bank's head office was located in Omsk. In Moscow now. In addition to the head office, the network has two branches in Tyumen and Omsk, 13 additional offices, three credit and cash offices and four operational offices. Own network of ATMs has about 70 devices, the number of employees is more than 800 people. Apparently, very soon they may be out of work.

The main owner of the bank is Adilbek Dzhaksybekov, who until recently served as the head of the presidential administration (AP) of Kazakhstan. After resigning from this post, in September 2018 Dzhaksybekov was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tsesna Corporation JSC, which he created in 1995.

Probably, the departure from the civil service was perceived by Dzhaksybekov's ill-wishers as a signal for an "attack". There was information that Tsesnabank could merge with Narodny Bank An indirect confirmation of this was the fact that Dauren Zhaksybek, the son of the ex-head of the Presidential Administration, resigned as chairman of the board of directors of Tsesnabank. Perhaps now there is a purge of all the people whom Dzhaksybekov placed in state administration bodies.

Earlier, Tsesnabank experienced a raid of depositors. To save it, it urgently required $400 million in liquidity from the state, which, as a shareholder, planned to buy bad debts from the bank. Although everything may end up with the fact that Dzhasybekov will simply be taken away from his bank. In this case, the fate of Plus Bank customers is rather vague. Maybe that's why the bank lost its profit during the year?

To date, since February, the bank has lost 493% of its profits, the amount of fixed capital during this time has decreased by 26%, the volume of funds of enterprises and organizations - by 15%. If in terms of assets the bank occupies 125th place in the Russian banking market, then only 464th in terms of profit.

During the year, the bank lost its assets in almost all positions.

Only one of the bank's capital adequacy ratios K4 corresponds to the recommended value, the rest do not, which indicates that the bank needs additional capitalization.

Problems with capital adequacy are also visible when evaluating a bank using the Camel method. Particularly alarming is the C4 indicator - the protection of household deposits, which exceeds the norm by 4 (!) times. Perhaps depositors need to hurry to withdraw their money from the bank. Under the guise of a change in leadership in the parent Tsesnabank, funds from the Russian subsidiary of Plus Bank can be withdrawn.

Inadequate methods of bank employees?

In May last year, Plus Bank got into a huge scandal. The client decided to take out a loan for a Lada Largus car. As a result, after the conclusion of the contract, it turned out that the contract could have been replaced, since the amount that the client allegedly had to pay increased by 9 thousand rubles. per month up to 23 thousand rubles. The client certainly didn’t expect such a trick from Plus Bank, so his reimbursement on the Internet posted on the Internet can be understood. In response to the client's just claims, bank employees threatened to rape his 9-year-old daughter. They didn’t mix up the time with the 90s?

The "divorce" scheme can be very simple. There is some third legal entity that allegedly provides roadside assistance. The amount for these services is included in the loan for the car. The bank nods at the saloon, the saloon at the bank. And the third party is engaged in knocking out money. And, probably, he does not disdain the toughest methods, up to outright threats to bank customers. It is enough to read sometimes not quite censorship reviews under the video to understand that the majority of those who watched the video are shocked by Plus Bank! It is clear that no one would like to be in a similar situation - you lose money, but also threaten family members.

Apparently, the situation with the fact that people signed a contract at one percent, but actually received another, was far from isolated. On the site where the petitions are posted, a request was made to the Central Bank to revoke the license from Plus Bank.

Rumors about the negative work of Plus Bank fly ahead of him. They tell about an elderly woman who, due to threats, ended up in an ambulance with a seizure. About fake accounts - Ali Magomedov and Vasha Katsoev, with the help of which collectors allegedly threatened clients and their loved ones, poured mud on debtors. If this is true, then the methods of the bank can be called inhumane. And it is strange that law enforcement agencies did not respond to them. Some "collectors" obviously would not hurt to cool their ardor in places that are not so remote.

The fish rots from the head?

The boorish attitude towards customers in any business usually has two reasons. Either it was created by former bandits or high-ranking officials. Both those and others for some reason are sure of their impunity. And it is apparently "contagious" as it is transmitted to employees.

Adilbek Dzhasybekov was called the “shadow of the President” of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. In 2017, Dzhasybekov turned 63 years old - the retirement age in Kazakhstan. However, the contract with the official was extended for another 5 years until 2022. And suddenly, in 2018, he resigns.

Rumor has it that the reason for this is the daughter of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Dariga, who promoted her man, Aset Issekeshev, to the post of head of the Presidential Administration. According to rumors, he was financially supported by Dinmukhamet Idrisov, a partner of Dariga's husband Kairat Sharipbaev, who was within the radius of interests of small players in the banking sector. The president's daughter's husband decides to start a big game?

Adilbek Dzhasybekov "left" the political arena?

Over the past two decades, Adilbek Dzhaksybekov has been a confidant of the president, holding various positions in the power system. In 1995 he was elected to the Senate, was twice the mayor of Astana (in 1997-2003 and from 2014 to 2016) He was the Minister of Defense for five years - from 2009 to 2014. In 2003-2004 he headed the Ministry of Industry and trade, and from 2008 to 2009 was the ambassador to Russia. As a confidant of Nazarbayev, Jasybekov could take part in rather “delicate” operations.”

For example, he is allegedly considered the author of the script for the arrest of Nursultan Nazarbayev's grandson Aisultan, who was placed in one of the private European prisons. This was written by the publication "". The president's grandson had previously called Adilbek Dzhasybekov and several other oligarchs "enemies of the state." And this, Aisultan, apparently, could not be forgiven.

At first they tried to plant drugs on him, and then, when it didn’t work, they simply kidnapped him and put him in jail. Can he repeat the fate of his father Rakhat Aliyev, who was killed in 2015 in an Austrian prison? Rumor has it that by order of persons from the closest circle of the President of Kazakhstan. Didn't Adilbek Jasymbekov have anything to do with that story?

Here is what, according to "", the Kazakh opposition leader Ainur Kurmanov says about his role in the story with the president's grandson: "I clearly believe that the story with Aisultan Nazarbayev could be played by Timur Kulibayev (the husband of Nazarbayev's middle daughter) with the participation of Adilbek Dzhaksybekov, Bulat Utemuratov, Imangali Tasmagambetov and other oligarchs against Dariga Nazarbayeva. After all, they turn out to be uninterested in her accession as the second president and regent with the young sons of Elbasy (Nazarbayev) from the third marriage.”

Adilbek Dzhaksybekov could become a "victim" of Dariga Nazarbayeva's revenge. That is why there is an assumption that he may lose his Tsesnabank, and therefore Plus Bank. For some reason, the banker is not at all sorry. You can always fall into the hole you dig for someone else.

During the month, the bank lost 113% of its profits. Could she have been withdrawn from the bank before its eventual closure?

Plus Bank has lost 113% of its profits over the past month, and 493% since February last year. This was reported by the correspondent of The Moscow Post. The bank is 100% owned by the Kazakh Tsesnabank. And, probably, will soon leave the Russian market. What will happen to his clients?

Until 2014, Plus Bank's head office was located in Omsk. In Moscow now. In addition to the head office, the network has two branches in Tyumen and Omsk, 13 additional offices, three credit and cash offices and four operational offices. Own network of ATMs has about 70 devices, the number of employees is more than 800 people. Apparently, very soon they may be out of work.

The main owner of the bank is Adilbek Dzhaksybekov, who until recently served as the head of the presidential administration (AP) of Kazakhstan. After resigning from this post, in September 2018, Dzhaksybekov was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tsesna Corporation JSC, which he created in 1995.

Probably, the departure from the civil service was perceived by Dzhaksybekov's ill-wishers as a signal for an "attack". There was information that "Tsesnabank" may merge with the bank "Narodny" An indirect confirmation of this was the fact that Dauren Zhaksybek, the son of the ex-head of the Presidential Administration, resigned as chairman of the board of directors of "Tsesnabank". Perhaps now there is a purge of all the people whom Dzhaksybekov placed in state administration bodies.

Previously, Tsesnabank experienced a raid of depositors. To save it, it urgently required $400 million in liquidity from the state, which, as a shareholder, planned to buy bad debts from the bank. Although everything may end up with the fact that Dzhasybekov will simply be taken away from his bank. In this case, the fate of Plus Bank's clients is rather vague. Maybe that's why the bank lost its profit during the year?

To date, since February, the bank has lost 493% of its profits, the amount of fixed capital during this time has decreased by 26%, the volume of funds of enterprises and organizations - by 15%. If in terms of assets the bank occupies 125th place in the Russian banking market, then only 464th in terms of profit.

During the year, the bank lost its assets in almost all positions.

Only one of the bank's capital adequacy ratios K4 corresponds to the recommended value, the rest do not, which indicates that the bank needs additional capitalization.

Problems with capital adequacy are also visible when evaluating a bank using the Camel method. Particularly alarming is the C4 indicator - the protection of household deposits, which exceeds the norm by 4 (!) times. Perhaps depositors need to hurry to withdraw their money from the bank. Under the guise of a change in leadership in the parent Tsesnabank, funds from the Russian subsidiary of Plus Bank may be withdrawn.

Inadequate methods of bank employees?

In May last year, Plus Bank got into a huge scandal. The client decided to take a loan for a Lada Largus car. As a result, after the conclusion of the contract, it turned out that the contract could have been replaced, since the amount that the client allegedly had to pay increased by 9 thousand rubles. per month up to 23 thousand rubles. The client definitely did not expect such a trick from Plus Bank, so his refund on video posted on the Internet can be understood. In response to the client's just claims, bank employees threatened to rape his 9-year-old daughter. They didn’t mix up the time with the 90s?

The "divorce" scheme can be very simple. There is some third legal entity that allegedly provides roadside assistance. The amount for these services is included in the loan for the car. The bank nods at the saloon, the saloon at the bank. And the third party is engaged in knocking out money. And, probably, he does not disdain the toughest methods, up to outright threats to bank customers. It is enough to read sometimes not quite censorship reviews under the video to understand that the majority of those who watched the video are shocked by Plus Bank! It is clear that no one would like to be in a similar situation - you lose money, but also threaten family members.

Apparently, the situation with the fact that people signed a contract at one percent, but actually received another, was far from isolated. On the site where the petitions are posted, a request was made to the Central Bank to revoke the license from Plus Bank.

Rumors about the negative work of "Plus Bank" fly ahead of him. They tell about an elderly woman who, due to threats, ended up in an ambulance with a seizure. About fake accounts - Ali Magomedov and Vasha Katsoev, with the help of which collectors allegedly threatened clients and their loved ones, poured mud on debtors. If this is true, then the methods of the bank can be called inhumane. And it is strange that law enforcement agencies did not respond to them. Some "collectors" obviously would do well to cool their ardor in places that are not so remote.

The fish rots from the head?

The boorish attitude towards customers in any business usually has two reasons. Either it was created by former bandits or high-ranking officials. Both those and others for some reason are sure of their impunity. And it is apparently "contagious" as it is passed on to employees.

Adilbek Dzhasybekov was called the "shadow of the President" of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. In 2017, Dzhasybekov turned 63 years old - the retirement age in Kazakhstan. However, the contract with the official was extended for another 5 years until 2022. And suddenly, in 2018, he resigns.

Rumor has it that the reason for this is the daughter of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Dariga, who promoted her man, Aset Issekeshev, to the post of head of the Presidential Administration. According to rumors, he was financially supported by Dinmukhamet Idrisov, a partner of Dariga's husband Kairat Sharipbaev, who was within the radius of interests of small players in the banking sector. The president's daughter's husband decides to start a big game?

Adilbek Dzhasybekov "left" the political arena?

Over the past two decades, Adilbek Dzhaksybekov has been a confidant of the president, holding various positions in the power system. In 1995 he was elected to the Senate, was twice the mayor of Astana (in 1997-2003 and from 2014 to 2016) He was the Minister of Defense for five years - from 2009 to 2014. In 2003-2004 he headed the Ministry of Industry and trade, and from 2008 to 2009 was the ambassador to Russia. As a confidant of Nazarbayev, Jasybekov could take part in rather "delicate" operations."

For example, he is allegedly considered the author of the script for the arrest of Nursultan Nazarbayev's grandson Aisultan, who was placed in one of the private European prisons. This was written by the publication "MZK1". Before that, the president's grandson called Adilbek Dzhasybekov and several other oligarchs "enemies of the state." And this, Aisultan, apparently, could not be forgiven.

At first they tried to plant drugs on him, and then, when it didn’t work, they simply kidnapped him and put him in jail. Can he repeat the fate of his father Rakhat Aliyev, who was killed in 2015 in an Austrian prison? Rumor has it that by order of persons from the closest circle of the President of Kazakhstan. Didn't Adilbek Jasymbekov have anything to do with that story?