What is the MSS code for the contact. What is an mss code and how does it affect cashback on a bank card

August 28, 2018 5886

Banks often offer their customers various loyalty programs and cashback cards. For which an increased percentage is usually returned for payments for certain categories of goods and services, for example, for paying for groceries or gas stations.

How do banks understand which operation needs to accrue cashback, and which one does not?

What is an MCC code and why is it needed?

The MCC code is a four-digit code that indicates the category of purchase. In simple words, this code allows you to distinguish between a payment in a hypermarket for a kilogram of tomatoes and a money transfer.

The MCC code is automatically assigned by the acquiring bank through which payments are accepted at points of sale of goods and services. The code depends on the type of trading activity: it is one for pharmacies, another for gas stations, and a third for pet stores.

If an organization is engaged in several lines of business, for example, when an electronics store (5732 - sale of electrical equipment) repairs computers (7379 - repair of computers), then the code is assigned to the main line of business. And this should be remembered!

What are MCC codes for?

Why should we, ordinary bank customers, be interested in MCC codes? Many of us use cashback cards. Recall that cashback is a return of some percentage of the amount you paid for the purchase. At the same time, some banks charge increased cashback for certain categories of purchases.

Most often, cashback is credited for any payments (as a rule, with the exception of utilities), and ranges from 1 to 1.5%

But the increased cashback for certain categories can reach 3%! And it is accrued due to the fact that any operation, whether it is paying for a communal apartment, transferring funds from card to card, repairing a car, buying clothes or paying for cinema tickets - each payment is assigned a specific code.

As a result, MCC codes are the basis for crediting cashback by banks. Usually banks publish these codes in the description under cashback cards, but most often they only name groups of goods for which increased cashback is charged, without going into details with codes.

What can go wrong?

When you pay for something with a card, the MCC purchase code is stored in the banking information system. It is for him that the bank will determine which payments to accrue cashback, and which not.

And here it is important to remember that the MCC code is assigned in the main line of business. If you have an increased cashback when buying food, and you decide to buy them at the nearest gas station, then it may turn out that its MCC code corresponds to the gas station code.

Rarely, but it also happens that the acquiring bank accidentally assigned the wrong code to the point of sale. For example, instead of "5655 - sportswear" is "5651 - clothing for the family." Then, if cashback is credited to the “Sports” purchase category, then you will not see a refund.

In addition, you can get into a situation where one store uses the services of several acquirers at once (namely, they assign the MCC code to the terminals), in which case transactions at different cash desks can be carried out using different MCC codes!

How to find out the MCC code before and after the purchase?

If you have already paid for the goods, then you will not find the MCC code in the purchase receipt! To find out, you need to call the bank where you are served.

— How can I keep track of which MCC code the operation went through? — we asked several banks. And we got these answers...

By the way, if you need to find out the MCC code before paying for the purchase, then such information can be clarified before paying at the outlet. Although, the cashier does not have to know it!

Little hack! If, for example, you want to make a purchase for a large amount, and the outlet does not know its MCC code, you can go for a little trick - conduct a “zero balance transaction”. But this will take some time.

  • "Empty" the card
  • Try to make a small purchase at a point of sale

In this case, the payment will be refused, but the information about the store will be displayed in the information system of your bank. If this method is too complicated, you can simply purchase a box of matches or the cheapest fishing hook from the store.

You will only need to call the bank and find out if the cashback will be credited according to the MCC code of this purchase.

If yes, then you can safely make a planned large purchase!

Of course, it will take time, but you will be sure that the cashback will return to your card.

As a rule, if the cashback on the card is credited precisely on the basis of MCC codes, then banks publish codes on their website for which cashback will (or will not) be credited.

If, for some reason, the bank serving you forgot to do this, we have prepared for you a table with the most popular MCC codes by category.

Category MCC codes Short description
Automobile 4121, 5013, 5511, 5521, 5531, 5532,
5533, 5541, 5542, 5551, 5561, 5571,
5592, 5598, 5599, 5935, 7511, 7512,
7513, 7519, 7523, 7524, 7531, 7534,
7535, 7538, 7542, 7549, 8675
gas stations, service,
car washes,
auto parts, parking,
purchase of vehicles
House 0763, 0780, 1520, 1711, 1731, 1740,
1750, 1761, 1771, 1799, 5021, 5039,
5051, 5111, 5131, 5169, 5193, 5198,
5200, 5211, 5231, 5251, 5261, 5299,
5712, 5713, 5714, 5718, 5719, 5734,
5817, 5971, 5978, 5992, 5996, 7210,
7211, 7216, 7217, 7342, 7349, 7623,
7641, 7692, 9751, 9753
shops, plumbing,
furniture, garden
shops, goods for
home, pay
Food and products 5199, 5309, 5311, 5331, 5422, 5441,
5451, 5462, 5499, 5811
supermarkets and
the shops,
shops, stores
duty free
Purchases 4813, 5044, 5045, 5046, 5065, 5072,
5074, 5094, 5099, 5137, 5139, 5172,
5310, 5611, 5621, 5631, 5651, 5661,
5681, 5691, 5697, 5698, 5699, 5722,
5732, 5931, 5944, 5948, 5950, 5977,
5997, 5999, 7251, 7278, 7296, 7379,
7394, 7622, 7629
Clothes, shoes, household
technology, computer
and digital technology
cosmetics, watches and
Trips 3000-4000, 4011, 4111, 4112, 4131,
4411, 4457, 4468, 4784, 4789, 4511,
4582, 4722, 4723, 4761, 5962, 6513,
7011, 7012, 7991
Air and railway tickets,
ferries, hotels,
hotels, car rental,
tourist services,
Entertainment 5735, 5812, 5813, 5814, 5815, 5816,
5921, 5932, 5937, 5946, 5947, 5949,
5972, 5973, 5993, 7221, 7332, 7333,
7338, 7395, 7829, 7832, 7841, 7922,
7929, 7993, 7994, 7996
Restaurants, bars, cafes,
cinemas, theaters,
exhibitions, museums, parks

And most importantly, remember that a large cashback for large purchases can not only be calculated, but also received. The main thing is to remember what it is credited with, and to know a few little tricks that we told you about today.

Have a good cashback!

POS type code ( MCC, short for Merchant Category Code) is a four-digit number used in the bank card industry to classify merchants (merchant and service enterprises) according to their type of activity.

MCC code assigns the acquiring bank to the seller when the latter starts accepting plastic for payment. The code is assigned on the basis of the key business area of ​​the seller, it must correctly characterize the essence of the services provided. For example, if the merchant is mainly engaged in the sale of computers, then it can be assigned the code 5732 (electronics stores). When it carries out their maintenance and repair, then the code is 7379 (computer repair, maintenance).

The most commonly used are about 600 MCC codes denoting various types of services. The list can be viewed.

Why does the client need to know these codes

MSS is very important when conducting transactions with bank cards, especially credit cards. This is the foundation of the basics. It determines the nature of the operation being carried out (purchase, cash withdrawal, money transfer), after which the bank or financial institution determines whether you will keep it, whether a commission will be charged, whether buns will be accrued. All in all, The MCC code is the most important indicator in the "plus" business.

You should pay attention to the MCC code of a particular point of sale if you are making a payment. Often, bonuses are awarded to plastic owners only when paying with a card in certain merchants according to the list MCC approved by the bank that issued the card. When making an expense transaction, the code is recorded in the information system of the financial institution. According to it, the bank will determine transactions, for which cashback will be credited, and for which not.

“In such and such a period, under such and such a program, increased cash-back will be credited for paying for purchases in the following categories:

1. Pharmacies;
2. Air tickets;
3. Supermarkets (grocery mini-markets and supermarkets, as well as small food stores).

Cashback amount:

For VisaClassic/MasterCardStandard cards: 1% of the amount of transactions (purchases) in the "Air tickets" block; 2% of the value of transactions (purchases) in the block "Supermarkets"; 3% of the amount of purchases (operations) in the "Pharmacy" block.
For VisaGold/MasterCardGold/ cards: 1% of the amount of transactions (purchases) in the "Air tickets" block; 3% of the amount of purchases (transactions) in the "Supermarkets" block; 5% of the size of transactions (purchases) in the "Pharmacy" block.
MSS "Supermarkets": 5298, 5412, 5441, 5462, 5715.
MSS "Pharmacy": 5122, 5292, 5295.
MSS "Air tickets": 4304, 4415, 4511, 4582.

When the acquirer accidentally or intentionally assigned the wrong code to the store (for example, the Department Store is indicated when the Supermarket is needed), then if the credit institution conducts a sales promotion campaign in supermarkets through cashback, the cardholder will not receive bonuses.

In addition, there are situations when one merchant may have several acquirers and, therefore, different MCCs (for example, in large online stores or retail chains). Simply put, some cash desks can conduct a transaction with one MCC, while others will assign a completely different code.

How to find out the MCC code

Oddly enough, banks very rarely show MCC to their customers in statements and transaction reports, because commissions, grace, cashback and other goodies when making transactions directly depend on this most important indicator. You can try to find out the code by calling "Marinka" to the bank's hotline, but unfortunately in most cases your question will confuse the consultant, the qualifications of call center operators are usually low. Nevertheless, there are still some "decent" financial institutions, in whose Internet banks you can fish out codes. Such cards called "flagmen".

Aimanibank, section Cards, card statement

Avangard Bank, section Card accounts, Account statement

SMP Bank (now under sanctions, card functionality is limited), section My accounts, cards, Statement

Yandex.Money card, Payments section

You can also determine the MCC code in the personal account of the Interactive Bank. If there is more information about any methods for determining MCC, write in the comments.

All of the above methods have one big drawback: we learn the MCC of the operation only AFTER the operation is completed, and in most cases after the operation is processed. And if the code turns out to be not the one “which we need”, then there is a chance to get a commission or a departure from grace, or not get buns. But there is one great way that allows determine the MCC even BEFORE the operation itself. This allows us to do the most popular flag meter is the Avangard bank card.

The fact is that in the Avangard IB you can see MCC codes even for those operations that did not go through for some reason. Therefore, to determine the outlet code, it is enough have an empty debit card or credit card with a zero limit. The procedure is as follows: we perform the operation, an SMS message arrives about the refusal due to lack of funds, then we go to the IB, the section "Statements and Reports", "SMS history", find the operation we need and look at the MCC code. As easy as pie!

I got myself a regular Visa Classic debit card, SMS notification is free, for some reason my service is also free for some reason, apparently I fell under some kind of promotion, according to the tariffs, the card costs 600 rubles a year. I use the flag meter all the time: I walk past some ATM or terminal and check for replenishment of electronic wallets or transfers, or when making transactions on the Internet in unknown situations, first I make an unsuccessful purchase using the ava card, and then the real transaction. I recommend everyone to have a flag meter from Vanguard, it will save you a lot of money!

Such different MSS

Based on the conditions of a particular card transaction, MCC can be:

  • “Good, tasty, kosher, plush” (bonus points and cashback are awarded, no commission is charged, grace is preserved);
  • "Neutral" (there are no buns, but there is no departure from grace);
  • “Bad” (a commission is charged, the interest-free period is not valid).

In addition, different banks have different attitudes towards the same MCC codes: one can accrue bonuses, while the other, on the contrary, fine and throw it out of grace. Moreover, sometimes the MCC codes at the same payment point may differ depending on the amount of the transaction, and different MCCs for Visa and Mastercard cards are also possible, for example, when transferring funds using a Visa Transfer and Mastercard Moneysend card number. And sometimes even the same MCC code can be interpreted by the same bank in different ways depending on the description of the transaction.

Below I will try to briefly describe a few significant MCCs.

Plush MSS

By plush, we mean MCC, for which the bank will definitely not fine you and will not knock you out of the grace period. The accrual of cashback, miles and other goodies depends on the specific bank card, that is, they may not be charged. all regular offline outlets: shops, restaurants, pharmacies and more. That is, all payment points that are not directly related to financial services, casinos, lotteries and other “muddy” things in the eyes of banks. However, some especially greedy banks (for example, Avangard) do not give bonuses even for many honest purchases: hypermarkets, fast food, tickets. "It's kind of..a shame." Sometimes car dealerships cheat: when buying a new car with a card, the operation is carried out not through the payment terminal of the car dealership, but through the terminal of a bank branch located in the same car dealership, and it goes like a cash withdrawal. Sometimes online stores cheat in the same way: in order not to pay commission to banks for card transactions, purchases are made as cash withdrawals. Be careful, use a flag meter.

MSS 4814, Telecommunication Services, Telecommunication Services

One of the most common MCC codes used for payment transactions at bank terminals for payment for services and ATMs. Judging by the description, it should be used when paying for communication services. But very often this MCC is used for all operations carried out through ATMs and terminals, including replenishment of electronic wallets, and money transfers, and repayment of loans. Finding such an ATM, which also accepts payments from cards of any banks, is a great success. For 4814 no one will definitely throw you out of grace and will not fine, but with a high probability they may not give goodies. Cashback for MCC 4814 almost no one has been giving for a long time, bonuses are given, for example, by Citibank, Corn (max 7500 bonuses per month). Alfabank, for example, but does not charge miles on Aeroflot cards.

Sometimes, in order to stop especially greedy bun lovers, financial organizations impose restrictions on 4814, depending on the location of the operation. So, after Beeline added the following term to the list of exceptions from extrabonuses:

"4.4 For transactions with types Professional services (8999) and Telecommunication services (4814), passed through the payment gateways DENGI MAIL RU and MONEY MAIL RU"

And one of the most popular “pads” for lovers of buns, the soap service (Dengi.MailRu), recently wrote in transactions equivalent to cash withdrawals and, accordingly, subject to commission:

"4. Payment for any services (cellular communications, Internet providers, online shopping services) that went through another electronic wallet or bank account.

And after that he began to fine for paying for purchases on MSS 4814, in the description of which the names of EPS appeared in one way or another. Let's be careful in the future.

МСС 4812, TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT & TELEPHONE SALES, Telecommunication equipment, including sales of telephones

This code is assigned to cell phone stores: cell phone stores, Svyaznoy, Euroset and the like. Like 4814, some especially greedy banks do not bonus it either, since in the salons, in addition to purchases, you can top up your phone account, electronic wallets and other “suspicious” frauds. One of the plush schemes with MSS 4812: prepaid cards of the Rapida payment system were bought in Svyaznoy stores, then the money was withdrawn back to a bank card. Or, through the same Svyaznoy, Megafon was replenished, from Megafon to qiwi (there was a promotion with a withdrawal at 0%), then to a bank account.

MCC 8999, PROFESSIONAL SEVICES (NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED), Professional Services - not previously classified anywhere

Another of the most beloved "plus" MCCs is assigned to those points whose nature of activity is difficult to determine. This MCC is issued, in particular, when replenishing from a “soapy” wallet card in their personal account, when making transactions through Paypal, when replenishing Yandex.Money (for transactions for small amounts), when (for example, Alpari), when. In general, judging by the name, this MCC code can be found anywhere. Operations take place in grace, buns for MSS 8999 give not all, but many. Once I was fined for 8999 when I paid with a Yandex.Money card in an exchanger.

МСС 4900, UTILITIES-ELECTRIC, GAS, WATER, SANITARY, Utilities - electricity, gas, sanitation, water

As the name suggests, MSS 4900 issued when paying with a communal card, therefore it is sometimes found in various payment terminals and ATMs. For example, there was information that at Gazprombank ATMs it was possible to replenish qiwi by MSS 4900. For a communal apartment, many banks also do not give buns, but there will always be grace. For example, RNKO Kukuruza and Beeline cards for MSS 4900 do not give promotional bonuses, but they charge basic ones.

MCC 6211, SECURITY BROKERS / DEALERS, Securities - Brokers / Dealers

Found with bank cards, such as Alpari, BCS and others. Bonused by almost all banks, even the most greedy Tinkov bank gives credit card bonuses for him, grace is also preserved. The only time I was fined for 6211 was when topping up Pantheon's account from a Qiwi plastic card ( it turned out that the fine was taken not for MSS 6211, but for a cross-border operation).

MCC codes that can be perceived by banks as both neutral and bad

This section describes the MCC codes that most likely will not give buns, and can sometimes cause commissions and loss. They belong to the “Quasi Cash” or “Unique” category: the money spent from the card in one way or another turns or can turn into cash.

MCC 6051, NON-FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - FOREIGN CURRENCY, MONEY ORDERS, & TRAVELERS CHEQUES, Non-Financial Institutions - Foreign Exchange, Money Orders (Non-Transferable), Travelers Checks

This MCC code is very often used when making deposits to accounts of various payment systems and electronic wallets: Qiwi, RBCMoney, Web Wallet, Tinkov (for amounts less than 500 rubles). In general, when carrying out some financial transactions that are not related to the purchase of goods or payment for services and are not carried out in banks. One of the most popular cash-in schemes has been associated with MSS 6051: a Qiwi wallet was replenished from a credit card, and from there money was withdrawn without commission to Tinkov's debit card (now the commission is 1.6%). Since this is not a purchase, then buns for MSS 6051 almost no one will give (according to unverified information, this MSS is given or given by Vanguard and Renaissance). As for fines, banks treat 6051 differently: for example, Citibank, Sberbank, Yandex.Money, “soap” cards are fined, and AlfaBank, Tinkov, Russian Standard and Qiwi plastic are loyal. Some banks simply block transactions with 6051.

МСС 6012, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MERCHANDISE & SERVICES, Financial institutions - trade and services

This code is often found when making transfers, replenishing wallets and accounts in various systems. 6012 is the most unusual MCC. The fact is that under this code two completely different operations take place. The first is the transfer of money by card number for VISA cards, called VISA MONEY TRANSFER (VMT). Such an operation is 100% “bad”, leads to fines and the loss of a grace period. The second is just some kind of financial transaction, which in many banks takes place in grace and sometimes even with goodies. That is, the same code on the same card can lead to completely different consequences. For example, when replenishing a UBRD bank card from a card of another bank in IB, during the binding operation, “good” is issued MSS 6012, and in the translation itself it is already “bad”. You can distinguish a good purchased 6012 from a bad one by the description or the place of the operation in the "flag meter" statement: if there is VISA TRANSFER, VMT, C2C, P2P, then most likely the operation will go as "bad".

If these letter combinations are not present, then there is a chance for "Purchased" MSS 6012.

Here is such an ambiguous code.

MCC 6540, POI Funding Transactions, Excluding MasterCard MoneySend

MSS 6540 also, like the two previous codes, it occurs when carrying out some financial transactions, but only if these are not transfers using the MASTERCARD MONEYSEND card number (analogous to VISA TRANSFER). The reaction of banks to MSS 6540 also ambiguous, but still more positive: in general, grace will remain. Not so long ago, Money.MailRu cards began to be fined for this MCC. By 6540, replenishment of Rapida and Eleksnet from Mastercard cards.


Here is a list of MCC codes that are likely to be penalized for credit card transactions:

МСС 6538, 6537, 6536, money transfers MasterCard MoneySend

It occurs during transfer operations from a Mastercard card to another card by its number, the technology is called MasterCard MoneySend. Basically, banks equate these operations with cash withdrawals and fine, but some banks (MDM, Russian Standard, Gazprombank, Credit Moscow) still allow you to keep grace even for these operations. MSS 6538 occurs when replenishing RNKO cards (Corn, Beeline and others) in your account from Mastercard cards, when replenishing Tinkov cards in IB, in general, wherever MasterCard MoneySend is used.


Before the advent of MasterCard MoneySend and VISA MONEY TRANSFER technologies MSS 4829 used in money transfer transactions. Now it is not very common, for example, when transferring by card number in Alfaclik and VTB-24 Telebank. Basically, it is regarded by banks in the same way as the previous "Manisend" MSS.

MCC 6010, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - MANUAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS, Financial institutions - manual cash withdrawals;

Description MSS 6010 leaves no room for imagination: cash withdrawal without using ATMs in financial institutions. It is sewn into terminals at cashiers in banks. During credit card transactions, departure from the grace and commission, although some banks even retain a grace period for this (for example, AlfaBank), and sometimes they carry out promotions for commission-free withdrawal. Attraction of unheard of generosity!

МСС 6011, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AUTOMATED CASH DISBURSEMENTS, Financial institutions - automatic cash withdrawal;

Cash withdrawal at ATMs. No comments.


As you know, MCC code is the most important (but not the only) indicator how your bank treats a credit card transaction. Knowing the MCC of a particular place of payment and how your bank reacts to this code, you can save a lot of money on commissions and fines and get many, many goodies, as well as defend your rights in case of illegal debits by the bank. Knowing MCC codes is useful not only for credit card transactions, but also for debits. Some banks withdraw fees for money transfer operations even from debit cards(for example, Aimani by Avtokopilka, RNKO cards), and sometimes even for incoming transfers(eg Vanguard).

Also, don't forget about cash withdrawal limits, because in most banks, transfers also reduce these limits, and one day you will be unpleasantly surprised by commissions that are incomprehensible at first glance. For example, if you transfer an amount less than 3,000 rubles from a Tinkov debit card through a moneysend, then it will be commission as for cash withdrawal for less than 3,000 although there was no physical cash withdrawal.

Be sure to get a flag card to check payments, in case of doubt, try to carry out transactions for small amounts to minimize fines, follow the new information in specialized blogs and forums, because banks tend to periodically change their attitude towards MCC codes in the direction of increasing sanctions.

All profit and goodies!

At the moment, every self-respecting bank has a loyalty program for bank cards. This can be the accrual of miles, bonuses or cash back for transactions. And, if you actively use card products and are a member of one of the bonus programs, then you have probably already come across the concept of the MCC code. After all, banks accrue the promised bonuses / cash only for non-cash transactions with a certain MCC code.

MSS -MerchantCategory Code - a code that reflects the main activity of the outlet, consisting of 4 digits. For example, 5977 - cosmetics stores, or 5411 - a supermarket.

So, as soon as you make a card transaction (in a store, ATM, or Internet banking), it is carried out with a certain code corresponding to the activity of the outlet. If the outlet has several types of activities, then the MCC code of the outlet will correspond to its main type of activity. The MCC code is assigned by a credit institution when installing a payment terminal at a point of sale based on an analysis of the type of activity of the enterprise according to the classification of Visa and MasterCard payment systems.

Why might you need an MCC code?

In most cases, there is no special need to know the MCC code of the trade enterprise.

But it may be required for participants of bonus programs. It is according to the MCC code of operations that banks accrue bonuses / cash back.

For example, the Renaissance Credit card in June accrues increased bonuses of 5% for purchases in the "Sports Goods" category and 3% in the "Garden and Garden" category. The belonging of the enterprise to the category "Sporting Goods" will be determined by MCC codes, in accordance with the classification of international payment systems:

  • 7941 Commercial Sports (Sports Fields, Commercial Sports, Professional Sports Clubs, Sports Promoters)
  • 5941 Sporting Goods Stores,
  • 5655 Sports Apparel,riding App.s

The situation is similar with the category "Garden and vegetable garden". You pay for the purchase, the bank performs the operation, and if the MCC code matches those on the list, then you will receive an increased bonus. And, accordingly, if the code does not match, then you will not receive bonuses.

How to find outMCC code?

The problem is that, although the MCC code is assigned at the stage of installing the payment terminal, you will not be able to find it out from the seller of the outlet. This information is not included in SMS messages sent by the bank when making a purchase. Moreover, this information is not always available at the bank's call center.

You can find out the MCC code of the outlet upon completion of the transaction. Those. after the operation is completed, you can call the bank and clarify with which MCC code the operation was completed.

Some banks provide information on transactions indicated by the MCC code in monthly account statements. And in others, for example, Tinkoff Bank and Touch Bank, the code can be viewed directly in the Internet bank. On the Corn card, you can find out the MCC in the "History of bonus operations".

But, if you need to know the MCC in advance (before making a transaction), for example, in order to make sure that you receive the bonuses / cashback that are due to you, you can use the site http://mcc-code.ru. On this site, bank card users share information about MCC codes in different stores across the country. And, you can, using the filter, find out the code of the outlet you are interested in.

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